
The Magic Kings War

Gods and their Angel servants have been terrorising the mortal race for millennia ..... Until 4000 years ago the Magic King at the time who could no longer watch the tyranny and suffering caused by Angels and Gods. He gathred the armies of every race And challenged the Gods. He died for the sake of freedom. Now the magic kings throne is empty. The world needs a new Magic King. More powerful than the previous Magic King and even more powerful than the Gods .....

Velocity10 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Magic Duel Arc: Chapter 15. Change of fate Part 1.

Magic Duel Arc: Chapter 15. Changes of Fates Part 1.

Demonlise and Valoran prepare to go back in time to save Demonlise's mother.

"How do we go about it?"-Demonlise asks Valoran nervously.

Valoran faces Demonlise and begins to explain what is about to occur.

" I'll start casting the spell ridim (time manipulation magic). From there a portal will appear that breaks the principles of space-time."-Valoran explains calmly.

"And from there we run into the portal moving so fast that it makes the idea of time irrelevant?" -Demonlise asks.

"Yes, our velocity has to be so fast that we transcend the idea of space-time, our speed must also transcend the idea of distances in order to travel back in time using our raw speed"-Valoran explains clearly.

"I understand. But why do we need to use this method to travel through time? Can't we just reverse time on a universal scale?" -Demonlise asks curiosity filling his voice.

"We cannot do that. Yes, we have that ability however doing so will get us unwanted attention from the gods, the method that I use will be much safer"-Valoran explains.

"Please let me accompany you, as a goddess, I must rewrite the God's wrongdoings starting with saving Demonlise's mother"-Artemsia pleads to Valoran.

"Artemsia my apologies you will not be joining the both of us. Doing so will reveal you to the Gods we need to continue to hide your existence for now. Don't worry your time will come when you can write the God's wrongdoing. You have my word."-Valoran promises Artemsia.

" All right make sure that you stay safe, both of you"-Artemsia says with concern.

Valoran chuckles a little...Demonlise and Artemsia face Valoran with confusion.

"No one except my mother has shown any worry for me. It's unexpected and kind of pleasant."-Valoran says while simultaneously laughing.

"Please don't trouble yourself Artemsia about our safety. If Hiliam shall stand in our way I'll destroy him. Just as I will destroy Demonlise's mother's fate." -Valoran says full of confidence and strength.

Artemsia is convinced and lets Valoran and Demonlise handle the rest.

"It's time to go"-Valoran expresses firmly.

" I understand I am ready."-Demonlise explains.

Valoran smirks to see Demonlise being unafraid, he stretches out his right hand and a magic circle appears on the hands surface the size of his opened up stretched out hand.

He casts ridim (time manipulation magic).

A portal in space-time appears in front of Valoran and Demonlise.

"You must go ahead and I will follow you. Think of the time and place where you want to go."-Valoran instructs Demonlise.

" Understood"-Demonlise firmly replies.

"Artemsia you also won't be affected by the time paradox since you gods also transcend the idea of time"-Valoran confirms with Artemsia.

" Correct."- Artemsia confirms Valoran assumption.

"I am glad we are taking our leave now"-Valoran utters and prepares to leave.

" Are you ready?"-Valoran asks.

"Let's go" - Demonlise replies without hesitation.

"Go!"-Valoran shouts.

Demonlise runs into the portal with Valoran closely following behind him.

Running into the portal with Demonlise in front and Valoran closely behind him, Demonlise thinks of the moment when he wants to arrive in the timeline.

Demonlise and Valoran can clearly see where they want to arrive and in a single moment...a giant flash of light appears at the end of the time tunnel.


[19 Years in the past.]

Demonlise and Valoran exit the space-time tunnel.

They arrive a short distance away from Demonlise's house in the middle of the night, the stars are shining bright and the wind has gone silent.

In the distance, Demonlise's home can be seen in the distance by the both of them.

The home is brightly lit from the inside.

They make their way to the home where after a few steps they see Demonlise's mother (a beautiful human with long black hair) holding a three-month-year-old Demonlise.

Demonlise starts to smile seeing his mother alive and caring for him.

" That's her my mother you died on this very day"-Demonlise says filled with sad emotions.

"That fate will be eradicated on this day"-Valoran firmly replies.

"It will happen soon, we need to hurry before he arrives"-Demonlise warns Valoran with a hint of fright in his voice.

"Alright"-Valoran replies.

With that, both of them make their way to Demonlise's home.

" Let me do the talking, you are currently too emotionally caught up in the situation"-Valoran says to Demonlise.

"Your right, I'll let you handle this"- Demonlise replies realising that he was correct.

They arrive after 2 minutes of a walk and are standing in front of the door:

[Knock Knock Knock] -Valoran knocks on the wooden door 3 times.

After a few seconds, a frightened female tone begins to speak behind the closed door.

" Who are you? What do you want in the middle of the night?"-Demonlise's mother asks in fear.

"Ma'am we are not here to harm you, our intentions are opposite in fact."-Valoran calmly replies.

Demonlise looks saddened to see his mother in a state of fear.

"Define "opposite". What do you want at this hour?"- Demonlise's mother asks again with a louder voice this time.

Demonlise taps Valoran's shoulder and names a name. "Victoria''.

Valoran faces Demonlise.

"Her name wa- no is Victoria ''- Demonlise says filled with mixed emotions.

Demonlise faces the door and tries again.

"Victoria"-Valoran addresses her to ease her worry.

" How do you know who I am?"-Victoria asks puzzled.

"I don't have time to explain please listen to what I have to say. I know your child is a demi-god. What you must understand is that for a god to have children is extremely rare and forbidden. His father, a god of magic, Hiliam is moments away from coming here to destroy you and your son"-Valoran explains clearly to make sure that she understands.

"I didn't plan on having this child, he abused me against my will"-Victoria reveals crying.

Demonlise is angered at the fact that his father has committed such an act.

"Now that I have given birth to him I can't imagine a life without him"-Victoria says with a bright smile replacing the tears.

The wooden door opens (Victoria unlocks the door and lets them both inside).

Inside the house, Victoria holds Demonlise's (baby Demonlise) in her arms.

"Please I do not care what happens to me, please take him far from here" - Victoria asks the both of them to save her child stretching out her arms to give the child to Valoran to run away from Hiliam.

"We are here to save not just your son, but you too"-Valoran discloses gently pushing back her arms to gesture to Victoria to hold onto Demonlise.

" You can't be serious, he's a god you can't save the both of us if my fate is to be killed here today then so be it but please save my son"-Victoria pleads with Valoran and Demonlise (19-Year-old Demonlise).

Demonlise looks at his mother holding back tears.

"Don't worry about your fate today, I'll annihilate it completely. " -Valoran confidently replies.

"You can-"-Victoria gets interrupted.

"He's coming"-Valoran says looking outside the window.

Victoria and Demonlise also look out the window to see a divine light appear in the night sky.

A being ascends to the ground approximately 10 metres away (33 feet) away from Victoria's home.

" What do we do?"-Demonlise asks in shock and fear.

"Stay calm. I'll confront him, you stay here and protect her, you never know what tricks he's got up his sleeves"-Valoran explains.

Hiliam makes his way to the home.

Valoran opens the door and steps outside to meet with Hiliam.

"State your business here"-Valoran says.

"I don't have time for an insect like you"-Hiliam responds.

Valoran smirks at Hiliam as a response and begins to speak again.

"I won't let you kill them. I won't let you kill your son and his mother"-Valoran very firmly states toward Hiliam.

Hiliam begins to chuckle and raises his left arm aiming it toward the home.

A sphere of fire starts to build on the palm of his stretched-out hand.

"Casting Nova helio (most advanced fire elemental magic), you really want to kill your son and the mother of your child."-Valoran questions with disgust.

"An insect such as yourself will not understand."-Hiliam replies furiously and with spite.

Then the sphere of flames that has the appearance of a star leaves his hand surface and makes its way toward the home just barely passing Valoran as his hair begins to wave, the sphere begins to multiply its size every second by a factor of two.

Valoran bright crimson eyes begin to glow his eyes are the colour of bright crimson blood.

A giant barrier appears around the home which blocks Nova helios (most powerful fire spell) .

Hiliam is visible in rage.

"YOU DISGUSTING PARASITE!"-He yells at Valoran with fury.

"You must be slow. I have told you I will not let you harm your child and her mother."-Valoran spells out.

"Haha, an insect with a little talent thinks he can stand in my way. I have to admit being able to cast a powerful barrier without looking at the target and without any gestures and incarnations, only using your magic eyes is not so bad. For an insect."-Hiliam mockingly utters toward Valoran.

"The god of magic praising my magic I do not know if I should be honoured that a god thinks that way or, ashamed that a weakling such as yourself praises my magic"-Valoran replies with sarcasm.

"Alright insect this is your last warning. Stand out my way" -Hiliam warns Valoran one last time.

Valoran is unphased by the warning and begins to speak.

"To destroy today's fate I will stand against you" -Valoran replies with confidence.

{Inside the home.}

Victoria is holding young Demonlise in her arms.

Demonlise (from the future) smiles and reassures Victoria that everything will be alright.

"Don't worry, my friend has more than enough power to protect you and your child." -Demonlise calmly states.


A bright light appears followed by the entire house shaking violently.

"Ahhh!"-Victoria screams in fear of her and her son being hurt

It was the attack which Valoran stopped with his magic barrier.

Demonlises rushes over to Victoria and holds her to keep her safe.

[Back outside]

"Then so be it"-Hiliam replies.

Valoran and Hiliam are ready to battle each other...