
The Magic Kings War

Gods and their Angel servants have been terrorising the mortal race for millennia ..... Until 4000 years ago the Magic King at the time who could no longer watch the tyranny and suffering caused by Angels and Gods. He gathred the armies of every race And challenged the Gods. He died for the sake of freedom. Now the magic kings throne is empty. The world needs a new Magic King. More powerful than the previous Magic King and even more powerful than the Gods .....

Velocity10 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Magic Duel Arc:Chapter 14. Who is Demonlise?

Magic Duel Arc: Chapter 14. Who is Demonlise?

Artemsia and Demonlise shake hands with each other out of respect for one another when suddenly...

"She's a Goddess?"-{Demonlise thinks to himself in disbelief and rage}

"He is a..." -{Artemsia thinks to herself and is interrupted by Demonlise rage getting more and more visible.

Demonlise summons his Magic sword Ziel and a black magic sword appears.

"What's this sword?"-The audience asks themselves in confusion.

" What is going on?"-Merial asks not knowing what is happening.

"Why is he so enraged?"-Selina asks with uncertainty.

Biatrix is getting ready to support Biatrix by getting her magic sword ready.

Atticus looks concerned for Artemsia.

Demonlise rage becomes so overwhelming that his eyes are glowing with blue hatred and death consuming his mind.

"DIE. YOU GODDESS SCUM!"-Demonlise yells in rage at Artemsia.

Artemsia prepares for the clash by holding her own sword in position to block the first strike.

Demonlise holds his sword over the shoulder to strike when...

Everything is stopped, and the audience is frozen in time. In fact everything in the whole world was frozen in time.

Demonlise is confused as to what is going on.

"Did time just stop?"-Demonlise asks.

Then a deep voice is grabbing the attention of both Artemsia and Demonlise.

"Indeed the principles of time are momentarily disabled thus stopping time. Based on your aura I knew that this level of a time stop would not stop you"-Valoran says walking up to the both of them.

" It's you Valoran Silver"-Demonlise says in surprise.

"Never mind the details. Now then why are you so angered toward Artemsia? Is it because you hate the gods?''-Valoran asks directly.

Demonlise refuses to answer and gives Valoran an angry stare.

" Don't think I know your secret ''-Valoran says, hoping to get a reaction out of Demonlise.

Demonlise pretends to not have a secret.

"What secret? Is hating Gods a crime?"-Demonlise asks with a cold voice.

"You are not fooling me, you are a...

..Demi-God"-Valoran says with a cold expression on his face.

"How?"-Demonlise asks, suddenly confused.

" Your concealment magic is not bad, it's quite good, however, my magic eyes broke through your concealment magic. This only showed me a little of your already great power, throughout the match the more power you used the more of your aura was exposed to me. Having fought angels and slain a god it wasn't hard to see that your fragment contains powers from the divine" -Valoran explains.

"I felt it immediately after shaking your hand. You are a demi-god"-Artemsia says.

Demonlise face is filled with hate and anger when looking toward Artemsia.

" Don't involve me in a conversation. Divine scum"-Demonlise says with disgust.

Valoran faces Artemsia who looks upset and a little offended by the comment.

"Why is it that you hate the Divine?"-Valoran asks with a smirk.

"Don't pry into my life, you have no right to"-Demonlise voices out.

Valoran tries to determine the root of Demonlise's hatred for the Divine.

" Hmm. I also despise the divine, 20 years ago my village was attacked by two rogue angels who killed many of the villagers and almost my mother. It was thanks to my power and for some unknown reason the gods that my village and mother had survived the assault."-Valoran explains.

Artemsia looks further upset than just previously as she had no idea that her own race would do such a terrible thing.

"Why should I care about your problems?"-Demonlise asks with a disrespectful tone.

" Perhaps I wasn't clear. My hatred for the divine stems from the God's abusing their power which caused many deaths in the past, as well as the attack on my village which deepened my hatred further. My question is who did the gods or angels kill that caused your hatred?"-Valoran asks.

"Stop it"-Demonlise asks.

" Perhaps your brother? I don't sense similar magic like yours anywhere."-Valoran asks.

"Stop it!"-Demonlise warns Valoran to stop asking questions.

" No. Perhaps your father was killed by someone from the divine realm?''-Valoran asks Demonlise again.

"STOP!"-Demonlise yells at Valoran.

" No. It's your mother who has been killed"-Valoran says directly with a blank expression.

Demonlise charges toward Valoran with his black magic sword.

"DIE!!!"-Demonlise yells at Valoran while charging toward him.

Valoran is not threatened when the blade hits Valoran.

An explosion occurs which is immediately frozen in time and the blade itself is shattered into thousands of pieces.

"What my magic sword is destroyed by striking you?"-Demonlise asks who cannot fathom what just happened.

" My bad. Sometimes I forget just how robust my body is"-Valoran says with a mocking tone.

Demonlise starts to calm himself as he now realises that Valoran is too powerful.

"Forgive me. I was so in rage for you talking about my mother that I should have not allowed my rage to consume me." -Demonlise says in a sincere tone.

"It's fine, I should be the one offering an apology for talking about your past ''-Valoran says, shaking hands with Demonlise.

"You know what it is like to have the power to save someone who you hold dear and ye you cannot?" -Demonlise asks Valoran with a sorrowful tone and one tear sliding down his face.

"No. I never had to experience that"-Valoran replies with a tone of relief.

Demonlise chuckles.

"I am glad it's pain far worse than death."-Demonlise explains.

" Will you explain where your tremendous power originates?"-Valoran asks.

"As an apology, I will share my deepest secret with you."-Demonlise says.

Artemsia and Valoran then pay close attention.

"My father is a god. A god of Magic his name is Hiliam."-Demonlise explains.

" Ahh yes I remember him, his knowledge and skill with magic made him one of the stronger magic gods as well as one of the strongest gods against the war with titans billions of years ago. I can't imagine how much power he has gained since then"-Artemsia explains stroking the chin.

"Yes, 19 years ago my father impregnated a woman, a human magic professor for younger children, this is rare and forbidden due to gods fearing beings that defy the laws because they cannot be controlled by the gods"-Demonlise explains.

" That I knew, which makes me wonder how you are still alive?"-Valoran asks with curiosity filling his mind.

"When my father eventually found out about my existence I was just 3 months of age. 19 years ago he paid us a visit. His objective was my death."-Demonlise reveals with another tear building up.

Valoran who normally rarely shows any kind of reaction and expression looks sorrowful.

Artemsia looks disgusted as to what the Gods have become.

"When my father broke into our home my mother did everything she could to protect me. Her magic was no match for a god of magic, she grabbed me and used her body as a shield when he used fire elemental magic to burn down our home and froze my mother in place with me still in her arms and then he took his leave. Being the son of a god, especially a powerful god of magic, increased my intelligence significantly times greater compared to the smartest mortal and I remembered the whole scene just like it was yesterday. My mother couldn't break free of the spell that he used to freeze her and she was burnt alive"-Demonlise explains.

Valoran looks angered at what Hiliam has done and was more angered toward the Gods.

Artemisa drops to her knees due to the shock at what she is hearing.

"What have we become?"-Artemsia asks herself in shock and shame.

"My mother's screams were loud and painful, yet she continued to protect me with her body making sure the flames won't reach me. My father made sure that magic could not be used by her, at least that is what he thought."-Demonlise explains with his tears multiplying.

" Then what happened? How did you survive?"-Valoran asks with a saddened tone of voice

"My mother's will to protect me as well as the pain she was exposed to must have amplified her magic just enough to break the spell and she cast illiam (water elemental magic) to extinguish the flames."-Demonlise shares with more pain in his voice.

"But the cost was due to her injuries as well as all the magic she previously used to break the spell, leaving her completely drained causing her fragment to no longer contain magic power. Is that an accurate description?" -Valoran asks.

"No, not quite. After casting illiam she dropped to the floor with me still in her arms in a protective position. She used the remainder of her magic to cast vita (healing magic) which she did since despite her best efforts to shield me I was still burnt and I breathed in hot fumes which hurt my inner body."-Demonlise explains now more tears dropping to the ground.

"What she perhaps didn't know was that I inherited my father's powers and that wasn't enough to kill me. She should have used vita on herself that would have saved her life"-Demonlise says now crying and wiping the tears.

" After my mother died I was found hours later by adventurers and was placed in an orphanage where I vowed to destroy all divine beings and especially my father"-Demonlise says while clinging his right hand into a fist and his eyes turning bright blue.

"I have read hundreds of books on magic and trained every day in secret until I was 12 and fled the orphanage and lived by myself for the last 7 years training and gathering more and more knowledge on magic "-Demonlise explains.

" I even learned the ability to travel back in time, however with my mother's last words she told... "Never endanger your life son...live for me"-Demonlise reveals with the tears slowly becoming less and less.

"I can save her but I'll run the risk of facing off against my father which would break my mother's last wish. I would also create a time paradox since saving her could change certain events, and perhaps draw the attention of a time god. I am a coward who can't do anything despite my power "-Demonlise explains as he hits the floor so hard that ripples start to form and stop immediately due to the time-stop effect.

Valoran then reaches out his right arm to help Demonlise back on his feet.

" You are not a coward. You honour your mother's wish and become more powerful than she could have ever imagined. I am sure wherever she is watching you from that she is relieved to see that you became a man who can face any danger and destroy it.''-Valoran says smiling and pulling Demonlise's arm to help him back on his feet.

"Now I know why you conceal your magic and try to stay hidden in the shadows. It was strange that Merial who has a wide variety of connections at your academy had no idea who you are, now it makes sense you wanted to hide your powers from everyone including the gods especially your father" -Valoran explains.

"Indeed"-Demonlise replies getting pulled up by Valoran.

" What a terrible fate you had to endure. Your mother was a hero protecting you with her very life right till the end.

Shows just how much she cared for you despite her not planning to give birth to you. This reminds me of my Mother."-Valoran says with a smile.

"Your mother?" -Demonlise asks with a questionable tone.

"I shall reveal my secret. A secret only Artemsia and my mother know to the full extent"-Valoran says.

Demonlise anxiously waits for Valoran to reveal his secret.

"I have no father. I was born from power itself and I have slain Raizel a death god. This is why my power and intelligence infinity exceeds that of any mortal and even the divine at least the ones I have met other than Artemsia we're pretty underwhelming"-Valoran reveals.

Demonlise is shocked at first but chooses to believe him seeing his power up close.

"Why would you reveal this to me?"-Demonlise asks in confusion.

"I believe that you should know what I am capable of when we go back and save your mother"-Valoran answers.

Demonlise is shocked by what he is hearing.

" What? It's impossible I made her a pro-"-Demonlise is being interrupted.

"You have but I did not. Don't worry about the time paradox. Time paradoxes don't have any effect on me, and will not happen if I am the one who will be doing the saving and casting the spell ridim (time manipulation magic)"-Valoran explains.

" What about my father?"-Demonlise asks with hesitation.

"I'll handle him if he faces us"-Valoran replies with confidence.

"Have faith in me Demonlise, your mother's fate will be destroyed and she will live. It will be like nothing has changed, the only one that knows what happened is the three of us"-Valoran reassures Demonlise.

Demonlise thought for a moment and he concludes...

"Alright I will trust you. Please save my mother and lend me your strength."-Demonlise asks.

"Alright let's go and save her"...