
The Mage and I

Eternia is a princess born to the royal family of Crystalia and Sapphire. She’s the only surviving child of Queen Marcella and King Aurelius’ marriage. Her life is in constant danger given that she’s the only daughter and heir to the Sapphire Throne and the eldest of the Crystalian Empire. On her journey, she meets an ancient warlock named Adrian who’s trapped in a child’s body and forced to “grow up” again. They grow up together. Adrian is sworn to become her protector. Together, they fight off obstacles and solve mysteries as she readies herself to become Queen.

SunnyBae13 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 15: The Queen’s Fall

In the hushed confines of Aurelius' study, Magnus, Theodore, and Maximilian gathered, their expressions tense with anticipation. Adrian, already privy to the impending revelation, waited silently as the King's unreadable expression hinted at the weighty news he was about to deliver. 

Aurelius broke his silence with a chilling tone. "First," he addressed Magnus, his voice carrying a weight of authority. "Are you aware of the Queen's disciplinary methods?" His eyes bore into Magnus with a cold, deadly intensity, hinting at the gravity of the situation ahead. 

Cautiously, Magnus asked, "Regarding managing her household? I believe that falls beyond my purview, Your Majesty." His response was laced with a tinge of uncertainty, a testament to the weight of the situation at hand. Magnus deeply contemplated the circumstances leading to this moment. His interactions with the queen had been limited, confined primarily to Eternia's training sessions. Beyond those fleeting encounters, he had scarcely crossed paths with her.

"If I may, Your Majesty," Adrian interjected respectfully, awaiting the King's approval to speak further. 

The King nodded, allowing him to continue. 

"The Queen's household operates under Her Grace's jurisdiction. Every member, from maids to knights, is bound by oath to her service. They are loyal to her and obedient to her command. However, they also feared her wrath. The halls of her palace hold many secrets. Sir Magnus, Sir Theodore, Sir Nathaniel, and Lady Evangeline, however, remain oblivious to the queen's methods, as they seldom tread within her domain," Adrian explained. 

"Your Majesty, may I inquire as to the purpose of this discussion?" Theodore interjected, his voice tinged with curiosity and concern. What has the Queen done to make Aurelius so enraged?

Maximilian nodded, chiming, "I too would like to inquire."

"The purpose of this meeting," Aurelius declared, his voice heavy with solemnity, "is to strategize the removal of Alexa Everdeen from her position." His gaze bore into each member of the assembly, conveying the gravity of the situation. "Not only do I wish to divorce her, but to eliminate her along with House Everdeen for the crimes they've committed against the crown."

The revelation left them all stunned, their minds reeling with shock and disbelief. 

What crimes could the queen have committed? Maximilian's brows furrowed as he pondered what the issue was. "What transgressions has the Queen committed, Your Majesty?" he inquired, his tone edged with a mix of concern and apprehension. 

Aurelius's response pierced the silence like a blade, each word heavy with accusation and resolve. "Harming the heir to the throne," he declared, his gaze cold and unforgiving, casting a pall of dread over the gathered assembly.

Adrian took on the responsibility of elucidating the gravity of the situation, painting a vivid picture of the princess' suffering and the excruciating methods employed by the queen. With meticulous detail, he spared no aspect of Eternia's torment, ensuring that everyone understood the depths of anguish and the severity of the queen's transgressions. 

Maximilian's voice trembled with restrained fury as he reached his conclusion. "So all of this was merely a facade," he declared, his gaze ablaze with indignation. "The so-called 'Queen's Delight' was nothing more but a cruel deception." How dare she lay a finger on Aurelius' daughter? "That fucking woman will pay, I swear it to you, Aurelius."

What she did was unforgivable and I deeply regret not knowing anything. For the agony our young princess has endured, I'll do everything I can to end the Evergreens. "But we cannot let any of this get out," said Theodore, "It doesn't matter how we proceed as long as the image of the Imperial Family is protected."

"I agree with Theodore," said Magnus, his aura darkening with a storm of indignation. "The very notion of that wretched woman inflicting such abuse without the king's knowledge—it would tarnish Aurelius's reputation irreparably. Moreover, it would forever brand the princess as a girl subjected to such cruelty, casting a shadow over the future of the crown."

"Aurelius," Maximilian addressed, his eyes brimming with concern. "I recall the last time I mentioned her name, it sparked a fit of rage from you... However, this time, we may need her support. Marcella could be our strongest card if we aim to swiftly bring an end to the Evergreens."

"I'm aware," the King concurred, his tone serene and features relaxing. "I've already sent a message to her concerning this issue prior to summoning you."

Magnus, Theodore, and Maximilian's eyes widened in disbelief, their mouths opening into a perfect 'V' shape. Beads of sweat dotted down their foreheads as they stared at Aurelius, their eyebrows shooting up to their hairlines. Their shocked expressions mirrored their disbelief at Aurelius's calm demeanor and unexpected revelation. 

Really? You? Maximilian thought, blinking. You sent Marcella a message? This has got to be a joke, right?

Magnus's eyes remained wide as he questioned the King's honesty. Is he dying? Aurelius, my best friend, have you been keeping a secret illness from us this whole time?

And here I thought the world would burn before he'd ever write to her again. Theodore sighed, resting his cheek against his palm. "You're not lying, are you, Aurelius?" he asked daringly. 

Aurelius's calm expression soon vanished, replaced by a deadly glare. His eyes seemed to smolder an inner fire, and his voice carried the weight of the storm. "What's wrong with you? How could you even think that!" He sounded like a teenage boy arguing with his friends from the Royal Academy. 

Theodore chuckled nervously, his expression sheepish as he raised his hands in a defensive gesture. "I was just making sure this isn't like the last time you said you would write to her," he said, his smile slightly forced as he tried to diffuse the tension.

Aurelius closed his eyes briefly, his expression tightening with frustration. "She wrote to me," he explained, his voice tinged with irritation. "Demanded that I uphold my duties and obligations, insisting on direct reports about Eternia's well-being. It's not worth fussing over." Opening his eyes, he refocused on the task at hand. "Let's get back on track, shall we? We need a list of charges to arrest Alexa and plant the necessary evidence."

Theodore meticulously compiled a list of charges and grounds for divorce against Queen Alexa, presenting a damning case:

High Treason: Conspiring against the Crown, a betrayal of the highest order.

Endangering The Royal Family: Plotting to Assassinate Princess Eternia, a direct threat to the royal lineage.

Violation of Royal Duties: Failing to produce an heir, neglecting a fundamental responsibility of her position.

Corruption: Exploiting children in the countryside for harsh labor, a grave abuse of power and authority.

Abuse of Power: Utilizing royal authority to oppress subjects, a flagrant disregard for the welfare of the kingdom.

Adultery: Engaging in extramarital affairs with multiple men, a breach of trust and marital fidelity.

Mental Incapacity: Demonstrating an inability to comprehend the nature and consequences of marriage, rendering the union untenable.

Incest: Committing incestuous acts with her brothers, a violation of societal norms and moral decency.

Each charge painted a damning portrait of Queen Alexa's conduct, providing compelling grounds for her removal from the throne and dissolution of the marriage.

The King nodded in solemn agreement. While the charges laid against Queen Alexa were severe, he understood that they might not be sufficient to fully dismantle the power of House Evergreen. It was clear that they needed to uncover further evidence and allegations to ensure the complete downfall of their adversaries.  

Just then, a vortex crackling with blue lightning materialized before them, opening into a portal that revealed a terrifying sight. Emerging from the depths of the portal was a monstrous figure, adorned in an extravagant gown of white and gold, with long brown hair cascading around her and eyes gleaming like crystals. It was none other than Marcella Cyrene Crystalia, Queen of Crystalia, and the King's former wife. Her sudden appearance sent a chill down their spines, signaling the arrival of the King's worst nightmare. 

"Marcella," a gasp escaped Aurelius's lips, beads of cold sweat forming on his forehead. He couldn't believe his eyes. For a moment, he thought it was a nightmare. But the cold and terrifying gaze she bore, coupled with the sadistic smile playing on her lips, were expressions only she could wear. 

A cold and eerie silence enveloped the room, broken only by the fading echoes of the lightning vortex's disappearance and the thunderous thumping of Aurelius's heart within his chest.

"So, he really wasn't lying," Theodore concluded, ending the deafening silence. His comment earned him a hard smack on his head from both Magnus and Maximilian while Adrian sat back and enjoyed the show that was unfolding before him.

"It's good to see you too, Theodore Verdant!" Marcella greeted, her eyes closing as she offered a warm smile. Her voice was sweet and angelic, reminiscent of their youth. Yet, lurking beneath the surface was a pent-up rage, evident in the cold gaze she had displayed upon emerging from the earlier vortex. She shifted her gaze to Aurelius, whose eyes still refused to believe she was real. "What's wrong?" she asked, her initial rage reemerging in her eyes. "I thought you'd be glad to receive my response to your letter."

"I didn't expect this to be your response," Aurelius replied, covering his eyes with his palm in disbelief. With a deep sigh of disbelief, he rose from his seat, extending a hand towards her. With gentle reverence, he clasped her delicate hand, bowing his head to press a tender kiss upon it. This gesture spoke volumes of his respect, gratitude, and recognition of her presence. "I greatly appreciate your support, Queen Marcella."

The sudden display of warmth and reverence from Aurelius caught Marcella off guard, prompting her to take a step back, her eyes widening in surprise. The unexpected gesture also elicited shocked reactions from the others present, their expressions mirroring Marcella's astonishment at the King's uncharacteristic behavior. 

"Queen Marcella of Crystalia," The men finally greeted after regaining their senses. They bowed in deep respect to their former queen and childhood friend. 

"Rise," Marcella commanded, shaking her head in disbelief. Without hesitation, she approached Theodore, Magnus, and Maximilian, and pulled them into a warm embrace. Despite everything that happened, she truly missed them. "And call me Marcella. It's just us here anyway."

Aurelius glared at the men in annoyance as they responded with a nod. Are you seriously going to agree with her?

"How did you get here, by the way?" Maximilian inquired with genuine concern etched in his expression. The question lingered in the minds of everyone present, knowing well Marcella's formidable prowess as a sorceress and the incredible gifts bestowed upon her. Among these talents was her ability to manipulate mana to create portals, often characterized by blue vortexes and accompanied by lightning. However, the toll of childbirth had weakened her considerably, particularly after the tragic loss of their second son, Cassian. It was during this harrowing period that wielding her powers became a perilous risk to her own life. You shouldn't be abusing your power, dear friend.

"How else would I have gotten here if not with my own magic?" Marcella asked, raising her brow. She glanced at the paper resting on Aurelius's desk, reading through the charges listed against her daughter's abuser. Her calm demeanor masked the wrath she felt within, but everyone knew how she truly felt; they'd known her for a lifetime, after all. "I assume these charges are false, all but Endangering The Royal Family and Mental Incapacity…" She couldn't help but mutter, "Who would have the mental capacity to be married to you?"

"I heard that," Aurelius said through gritted teeth, trying his best to mask his annoyance. 

"These charges won't suffice to eliminate House Evergreen," Marcella declared, her mind already racing through countless strategies and contingencies. "We must have House Evergreen framed for conspiring with both our realm's enemies and rebels. Let us paint the picture as though they've been working since before our divorce to replace me as queen and to seize power in your realm. Let us make it seem as though behind their innocent façade, they had been quietly building their forces to invade the palace and usurp the throne." She seized Aurelius's cup, downing the hard liquor she once despised. With a determined glint in her eye, she continued, "I trust the task of planting the evidence wouldn't be too challenging for you."

"Of course," Magnus replied, "We'll do it at once!"

Aurelius glared at them, pouting like a child who had just lost a fight. "I haven't even agreed to it yet!" he whined, his voice petulant and immature. As always, they obey her every command. It's like nothing ever happened. 

"Get over it," Marcella retorted, sticking her tongue out playfully, purposely provoking him. When will he ever grow up? She sighed, shaking her thoughts away. Changing the topic, she asked, "Where is the bitch who has been harming my child?" Not once have I ever laid my hands on Eternia… How dare she? Even death is too easy. I want her to suffer.

"Alexa is still unaware that we've discovered her crimes," explained Adrian, finally receiving the queen's attention. 

Marcella blinked, trying to figure out who the child was. "Who are you?" she asked. She shook her head, saying, "Never mind. It doesn't matter."

"Should we arrest her?" asked Magnus.

Aurelius's tone grew stern and authoritative as he replied, "Not until we have carried out our plans. For the time being, we must act as though none of us knows." He shifted his gaze to Marcella, emphasizing the importance of discretion. "You shouldn't reveal yourself either."

Marcella arched her brow, her defiant nature rising to the surface. "I refuse," she declared firmly, rejecting his suggestion with unwavering authority. "I want that whore to know her place. My unexpected presence here, as the former Queen of Sapphiria, will drive her to madness. Let people see me and let them gossip. I want her to understand that I am here, and I want to push her to the brink of insanity until she longs for death." A sinister smirk played on her lips as she contemplated her next move. "And once she has descended into madness, perhaps she will attempt my murder, adding to the list of charges against her." The gleam in her eyes and the curve of her smile revealed a side of Marcella that Aurelius both feared and, in some twisted way, desired. This was the Marcella he had hoped for when it came to protecting their fallen children—Octavius and Cassian.

"Leave us," Aurelius commanded, his voice dripping with menace and authority. His icy, deathly gaze bore into each of them, leaving no room for hesitation. With silent acquiescence, everyone departed without a word, understanding the gravity of his command. It's just you and I now.

It's just you and I, Aurelius, Marcella thought silently, her smile growing wider. 

Why did she come so abruptly? I don't know too.

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