
The Mage and I

Eternia is a princess born to the royal family of Crystalia and Sapphire. She’s the only surviving child of Queen Marcella and King Aurelius’ marriage. Her life is in constant danger given that she’s the only daughter and heir to the Sapphire Throne and the eldest of the Crystalian Empire. On her journey, she meets an ancient warlock named Adrian who’s trapped in a child’s body and forced to “grow up” again. They grow up together. Adrian is sworn to become her protector. Together, they fight off obstacles and solve mysteries as she readies herself to become Queen.

SunnyBae13 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 14: A Failed Attempt At Courtship

Endurance… it's more than just holding on, isn't it? It's about standing tall even when everything around you crumbles. The strength to keep going even when every step forward feels like I'm marching to my inevitable death… Eternia reflected, her gaze fixated on her reflection in the mirror. Adrian's betrayal angered her, but she understood why he did it. He's been a loyal friend and companion since they met. He couldn't bear to stand and watch her go through hell for simply existing. 

Everything happened so fast. With the king now privy to the truth, the impending downfall of the queen seemed inevitable, a fate she unwittingly orchestrated. Eternia endured countless trials for the freedom she so craved, however, the swiftness of its arrival and the manner in which it unfolded caught her off guard. Her father's determination to erase any trace of the queen's affliction on her brought up the possibility of returning to Crystalia, the place she once called her home. The prospect of returning to Crystalia, though promising, stirred a turbulent mix of emotions within her, leaving her with a sense of apprehension about what lay ahead. 

Eternia gingerly reached towards her left shoulder, her fingertips delicately tracing the jagged lines of scars left behind by Alexa's brutal outbursts. The magic-infused whip concealed the marks from the eyes of most, but not from those who endured its agony. Eternia could see and feel everything—the lingering pain etched her skin, a constant reminder of her suffering. Some, like Adrian and her father, possessed an extraordinary affinity for mana, allowing them to perceive the scars that marred her body, a testament to the cruelty she endured. 

"How ugly," she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper, as she gently traced her fingertips over the open wounds on her back, just below her nape. "How could any of this be erased? My father is reaching for something impossible." 

A soft knock on her door heralded Lady Evangeline's entrance. As always, her face was a picture of warmth. "The Duke of Solaris had just arrived with his son, Young Master Alexander," she informed, "The King sent him to the drawing room to wait for your arrival."

"I see," Eternia nodded, rising to adjust her dress. "How do I look?" She was adorned in a simple Crystalian blue dress, embellished with delicate trims of lace and ribbons. The fabric boasted intricate embroidery of flowers in the color of sapphire. Her attire resembled both facets of who she was—Sapphirian and Crystalian, reflecting the very essence of her parents. Her long locks of beautiful black hair cascaded freely down her back, with two dainty braids framing her face, tied at the back of her head with a lace ribbon.

"Beautiful as always, Princess," Evangeline beamed with admiration, her eyes unable to discern the scars on Eternia's body, making her compliments genuine. "You're the very epitome of beauty!"

"Thank you, Lady Evangeline. You're too kind!" Eternia accepted her compliments happily. Although, I do wonder if you'd still feel the same way if you could see the real me, she thought sadly, a convincing smile still gracing her face. "Let us go to the drawing room then. We mustn't keep the Young Master waiting for too long," she said, prompting them to depart from her chambers. As they made their way to the drawing room, the memory of their last encounter loomed over her, along with the weight of the letter he had written her. 

"The Princess has arrived," the pager announced, its echo reverberating through the drawing room as guards ceremoniously opened the doors to herald her entrance. With every step she took, grace and serenity emanated from her, painting a portrait of regal elegance.  

Alexander's cold ember eyes fixated on her entrance, prompting him to rise from his seat with a composed demeanor. Their gaze locked in a silent exchange; his eyes remained stoic, while Eternia's sapphire eyes shimmered with the radiance of anticipation. Moving with calculated elegance, he approached, acknowledging her noble status with a reverent bow, met by her graceful curtsy in acknowledgment. With a delicate touch, he took her hand in his own, bestowing upon it a tender kiss, an emblem of chivalrous respect. 

"Young Master Alexander," Eternia greeted, her tone poised yet respectful, mindful of the boundaries that remained between them. 

"Princess Eternia," he greeted back, his frigid gaze momentarily enveloped by her warmth. In that fleeting instant, silence descended upon them, time suspended in a tranquil embrace, the only audible rhythm the gentle cadence of their breaths.

With a sheepish smile, she teased, "You seem to have developed a habit of holding my hand, Young Master." Her laughter danced in the air as she reminisced about the other occasions when it had happened. Her words marked a subtle shift, crossing the boundary between them, finally addressing him as she would their other friends. 

Alexander's cheeks flushed a deep crimson upon realizing his hand had lingered longer than intended. He withdrew it quickly, averting his gaze to conceal his embarrassment 

His ears are so red, she marveled, Was he that embarrassed? I didn't mean to make him uncomfortable. Tentatively, she reached out, gently tugging at the sleeve of his crisp white shirt. "I was only teasing, Young Master Alexander," she reassured him, her tone calm and soothing. "Please don't feel embarrassed." 

For a moment, you appear to be the epitome of serenity and grace; a daring person in the next, he thought in frustration and embarrassment, I can't seem to read you at all. "You're so annoying," his inner thoughts suddenly escaped his lips. 

His words only made her laugh even more, her eyes sparkling in genuine amusement. "Forgive me, Young Master Alexander," she managed to say between laughs, "I can't seem to contain myself."

He sighed, his pride wounded by the perplexing enigma that was Princess Eternia. As the brightest and most promising student in the royal academy, he had always prided himself on his ability to unravel even the most complex of problems. But this seven-year-old princess seemed to defy all logic and reason. "I just called you annoying and you found it amusing?" he questioned with a mixture of frustration and disbelief.

"You were honest with me," she clarified, composing herself. "I know that you do not like me, Young Master. Yet, despite your feelings, you're always so polite and proper, upholding the virtues expected of the heir of House Solaris. So when you said what you did, I found it refreshing." Her words bore no resentment but rather served as encouragement. "In other words, I like your honesty."

He nodded, accepting her sincerity, though she seemed mistaken. "You're wrong, Princess," he said, gently taking her hand. "Let's take a stroll in the gardens. The weather is cool, and the sky is full of clouds." With that, he led her out of the drawing room and toward the gardens, the weight of their unspoken words hanging in the air between them. 

"W-wait!" she exclaimed, struggling to keep up with his brisk pace. "What was I wrong about?" Curiosity consumed her, mingled with a touch of confusion. I don't understand him at all, she thought silently, feeling perplexed. One minute he's cold, the next he's taking my hand. 

"I never said that I disliked you, Princess," he replied, finally halting in his tracks. His gaze drifted upwards towards the sky, inhaling the delicate fragrance of the garden flowers. "Ah, your father, the King, mentioned having the maids prepare some tea and snacks in the garden. He requested me to inform you."

"Is that why you wanted to take a stroll?" she asked. Her thoughts still pondered on what he said, I never said I disliked you. 

Alexander nodded in response, his countenance softening as he released her hand from his grasp, signaling the start of their stroll. He relished the opportunity to be outdoors, where he could unwind and savor the refreshing coolness of the breeze. However, Eternia's sudden silence cast a shadow over the tranquility. Puzzled, he glanced at her, curious to discern the thoughts that troubled her. "Is something troubling you?" he inquired, his voice gentle and concerned. 

"There is actually," she replied, mustering the courage to ask, "So how do you feel about me? Are we considered friends now?" She always considered him a friend, however, she was certain he didn't view her as one. 

"Let me ask you the same thing, Princess," he countered, "Do you consider me your friend? From my knowledge, friends respond to letters written to them by their friends." 

That caught her off guard, her face flushing with embarrassment. She hadn't expected him to bring up the letter, let alone use it to question their friendship. "I-I'm sorry," she stammered, "I didn't mean to not respond. I just didn't know how to respond to that." Looking back, there was nothing he asked. So, how could she respond? Did he expect her to thank him for expressing his apology? 

Alexander decided to change the topic, saying, "Anyway, I'm certain you're wondering why I came."

"I was," she nodded, "Why are you here, Young Master?" Certainly, there's a reason for his visit. They met only twice before, and this would be their third. The first time they crossed paths, he didn't show interest in her. They danced, but he expressed it as his duty to welcome her. Their second encounter was intense, ending with an ogre attack. 

"To get to know you," he replied sternly, "You appreciate honesty, right, Princess?"

"Yes," she nodded, her heart racing in anticipation. 

"Then I won't hold back," he declared, placing his hands gently over her shoulders, making her cheeks blush. "As you know, nobles and royals have duties to fulfill when they come of age. So, I came here to get to know you under the instruction of my father."

Eternia blinked, puzzled. What? 

Alexander let out an exasperated sigh and brought his hand up to his face, pressing his palm firmly against his forehead—a gesture of frustration and disbelief at the situation unfolding before him. Does she really not know? "My father wants me to pursue you and win your hand in marriage by the time you come of age for the glory of House Solaris and the solidarity of his friendship with the King," he explained. His gaze happened upon her shoulder, his eyes darting at the jagged lines. Was that there before?

Eternia stepped back, delicately adjusting the neckline of her dress as Alexander's gaze fixated on her shoulder. Despite her graceful movements, a subtle tension lingered in her demeanor, betraying the calm facade. "Is something amiss?" she inquired, her voice tinged with confusion as she attempted to decipher his intent.

Alexander stepped forward, drawing Eternia closer, his touch both gentle and reassuring. She stood transfixed, her eyes widening in confusion as his hands delicately brushed her long locks away from her shoulder. His gaze, initially cold, shifted, tracing the jagged lines etched into her skin, his expression tightening with concern. With a solemn focus, he directed his attention to the fresher wounds behind her neck, his heart sinking at the sight. A heavy silence between them, each moment filled with unspoken emotion, before their eyes met once more, conveying a depth of understanding.

Eternia's heart sank as she struggled to meet his gaze, her mind spinning with confusion and despair. How had he seen the scars that she thought were hidden from the world? Did this mean that everyone could now see my ugliness? Her once vibrant eyes dulled in despair, losing all life within them. Her trembling lip betrayed the turmoil raging within, threatening to unleash a torrent of tears. Yet, with a fierce resolve, she fought to contain her emotions, refusing to display any sign of weakness. She was still Aurelius' daughter, after all. No matter what the situation is—whether she understood it or not—she can't show an ounce of weakness or vulnerability. 

"Princess," was all that came out of Alexander's lips. For the first time in his life, he found himself speechless. How had he not noticed them before? He was certain that she had perfect features—porcelain skin and a face with beauty that seemed to be unmatched. I could've sworn she was flawless, he contemplated, recalling every moment since this morning. Scars like that would've caught anyone's eye in an instant. 

Eternia took a step back, her icy, lifeless gaze piercing through his soul like a sword. Holding back tears, she asked, voice cold and hoarse from the pain, "You can see them, can't you?"

He nodded, his expression grave. 

She stepped closer, her delicate fingertips tracing the corner of his eye, examining them with a keen intensity. A spark of energy caught her eye, confirming her theory. Young Master Alexander possesses a remarkable affinity to mana just like my father, she concluded silently, her mind racing to a newfound understanding. 

"Princess," he said, his voice strained with emotion as he struggled to find the right words. For the first time in his life, he felt a burning desire for revenge, a fierce protectiveness swelling within him. "Who did this to you?" he demanded, his tone deadly and filled with righteous anger. All this time, I thought she was hiding something. She was. It's just not what I suspected. He wrapped his arms around her, hoping to shield her from the pain she endured. 

His sudden display of concern caught her off guard. In all their encounters during the brief time they'd known each other, this was the warmest gesture he had ever shown her. As much as she wanted to reciprocate the gesture and bask in the warmth of his comfort, she refused to be pitied. "Release me, Young Master Alexander," she commanded, her voice cold. 

"Is His Majesty aware?" Alexander inquired softly, releasing her from his grasp. He was careful not to cause any further discomfort to the delicate figure before him. The last thing he wanted was to hurt the little girl in front of him. 

"Whatever you think you saw, forget it," Eternia commanded, her voice laced with a potent mixture of authority and menace. "And don't look at me with those eyes."

"What eyes?" he pressed, his curiosity piqued by her cryptic warning. 

"With pity," her response was chilling. As she spoke, her eyes seemed to darken, radiating an ominous allure that hinted at concealed violence. The sweet innocence that characterized her demeanor mere moments ago dissolved, leaving behind a stranger in her place. Her eyes, her voice, and even the curve of her lips, all seemed transformed, rendering her unrecognizable to Alexander. "Listen closely, Solaris," she continued, her voice above a whisper as she drew closer. "To express my gratitude for your genuine honesty earlier, I feel compelled to reciprocate," she tiptoed, drawing closer to his ear, her soft breaths brushing against his skin. "Should anyone get word of this, I will hold you accountable, and I will make your existence a living nightmare once I choose you as my betrothed."

Alexander couldn't shake the unease that washed over him. 

With those ominous words hanging in the air, Eternia stepped back, a cold smile pressing on her lips.

At that moment, Alexander felt as though he were staring into the eyes of a stranger, a feeling that left him questioning everything he thought he knew about the girl before him. You're the devil.

"As you said, we have a duty to our House," Eternia expressed, her gaze unwavering. "So, I'm certain you'd understand, right?" I am the daughter of the Imperial Family Sapphiria and Crystalia. None of this must ever come out… even if it means you'll end up resenting me. 

History repeats itself with a girl and a boy.

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