
The Mage and I

Eternia is a princess born to the royal family of Crystalia and Sapphire. She’s the only surviving child of Queen Marcella and King Aurelius’ marriage. Her life is in constant danger given that she’s the only daughter and heir to the Sapphire Throne and the eldest of the Crystalian Empire. On her journey, she meets an ancient warlock named Adrian who’s trapped in a child’s body and forced to “grow up” again. They grow up together. Adrian is sworn to become her protector. Together, they fight off obstacles and solve mysteries as she readies herself to become Queen.

SunnyBae13 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 12: A Letter From Home

It's been a week since the attack transpired. As a formality, a trial was held, and both the witness and the culprit were sentenced to death. All went according to Gareth's plan, of course. House Sapphirpeak is safe and the innocent paid for his sins. As an act of mercy, Theodore slipped a numbing potion into the prisoners' cells to help with the pain. 

In the aftermath of the ogre attack, Alexa's manner grew more rigid and demanding. Eternia resumed her studies under the queen's guidance, suffering in silence. With every flaw Alexa relentlessly scoured, hunted, and sought, Eternia received a painful blow from the whip. The only true difference she had with the slaves was the title she possessed. A princess by birth and an oppressed child by chance. 

"Straighten your back!" the queen instructed, her tone dripping with tyranny. Eternia's poor posture earned her another sharp strike on her calves. Alexa hovered around her like a vulture, scrutinizing every step she took during her dance lessons. You either become the perfect weapon or perish, Alexa thought ruthlessly, I will do this as many times as necessary without remorse if it means erasing the resemblance of your wretched mother. 

Eternia straightened her back obediently, daring not to flinch despite the pain shooting through her calves. Though young, she possessed a wisdom beyond her years, understanding that true power requires patience and perseverance. At the tender age of seven, obedience is her only recourse. She endured the queen's rigorous and oppressive training, knowing that every lesson, every ounce of knowledge gained, will serve her in the future. With determination burning through her heart, Eternia promised herself that when the time was right, she would seize her freedom and forge her own destiny. 

"Announcing the arrival of the King!" the pager declared, disrupting their lesson. 

Father, Eternia sighed in relief. 

Alexa's face turned pale, startled at the King's unannounced visit. Without a second wasted, she instructed her staff to conceal the whip, hiding every evidence there was of her abusive nature. She composed herself, her face expressing sweetness and tenderness towards the princess. 

Aurelius entered the chamber with a menacing aura enveloping him. His eyes bore into the room with chilling intensity—the same emotionless gaze Alexa had grown accustomed to before Eternia's arrival in the palace. 

"Your majesty," they all greeted him. 

Did he find out? Alexa pondered, trembling in fear. No… It's impossible. No one would dare to defy me. 

"My daughter is excused for the day," he declared firmly, taking Eternia's hand. As they were making their exit, he paused momentarily, turning his head to meet the queen's gaze. "You look pale, Alexa. Are you unwell?"

"No, Your Majesty," Alexa almost stuttered, "I thank you for your concern." 

Aurelius only shrugged, leaving with Eternia to the main palace. 

Alexa watched as their image faded in the distance, her heart finally beating at a calmer pace. "That was close," she muttered, "I didn't expect His Majesty's visit. What could have possibly soured his mood?"

Aurelius brought Eternia to his private study, sitting her down on the special chaise lounge he had purchased for her. The entire walk from the Queen's palace to his study was in utter silence. She was awfully quiet. Did I frighten her? he reflected, Perhaps she's just exhausted. 

"Father," Eternia finally broke her silence, meeting his concerned gaze with joyful eyes and sweetness. It was as though the torment she endured earlier never happened. "Is something wrong?" I'm happy to see my father, but the queen will surely punish me for that unannounced visit, she thought woefully. 

Aurelius hesitantly retrieved two envelopes from his desk. The elegant stationery, the Royal Crystalian seal, and the familiar scent… They were letters from the Queen. 

"Those are," Eternia gasped, covering her mouth with her hands. 

Aurelius nodded, handing her the letter her mother had written to her. Curiosity, worry, and anticipation surged through him. What could Marcella possibly want? It's been two years since they last saw each other and not once had she written. 

Eternia felt a sharp pain in her chest and a lump in her throat. Her hands gripped on the envelope tightly as the word "mother" slipped out of her mouth. Tears fell from her eyes, unable to keep the mask she forced on herself. Her father would understand, wouldn't he? He's not cruel like Alexa. 

She's crying. I never once saw her cry since that day in Crystalia, he pondered in dismay. He placed his hand over her shoulder in an attempt to bring her comfort, but tears only fell harder. Frustration consumed him as he struggled to find the right words or actions to comfort his daughter. How could I stop her from crying? He pondered, wishing he could swallow the pain for her. Seeing her like this… Damn it! What could I possibly say to ease her pain? 

Eternia sniffled, wiping the tears from her eyes. Her father is still the King and showing such weakness is unacceptable. "I apologize, Father," she bowed her head regrettably, "You shouldn't have to see your daughter cry like a child."

Aurelius blinked in confusion. "But you are a child," he said, pinching her cheek affectionately. "Cry if you must. Don't hold it in like that."

You're truly kind, Father, she thought happily. Shaking her head with a cheery smile, she says, "I'm too old to cry, Father. A princess doesn't cry."

His eyes widened, her stubbornness reminding him of someone he once knew. A smile cracked on the corner of his lips. He patted her head, a gesture of affection his grandmother used to share with him. "Stubborn like your mother," he says, "Anyway, I brought you here because of that letter. The Queen of Crystalia never writes. That said, she must have an important reason to."

"You wish to read the contents of this letter?" she asked, offering it to him without hesitation. Marcella holds no affection towards her and she's aware of that. 

"No, that's not the reason why," he struggled to articulate, "I simply wanted you to feel at ease… no, comfortable." He scratched his head, searching for the right words. "What I'm trying to convey is that I didn't want you to be alone in case the contents of your mother's letter brought you distress."

She furrowed her eyebrows. "Why?"

"Because I did when I received the envelopes," he admitted, the words slipping out unconsciously. He glanced down at his envelope—the seal still intact. He couldn't find the courage to open it. Whenever he hears her name, thinks of her, or is reminded of her, something inside him stirs, reigniting past anger. To receive something from her—it's driving him to the brink of madness.

"Thank you for your concern, Father," she smiled, touched by his affection. Her small hands squeezed his, a silent reassurance that he wasn't alone. "I hope I don't cause you any pain as my mother did."

His eyes widened, a mixture of shock and bewilderment flooding his senses. "Why would you think that?" he questioned, struggling to comprehend her question. 

"Because I see it when you look at me," she replied, her eyes empty of emotion. "When you see her in me…" It's not so different from the way she used to look at me on the rare occasions we crossed paths, she recalled sorrowfully, I resemble you, Father. Seeing my face broke her heart because it reminded her of you. 

He threw his arms around her, embracing her tightly. The revelation caught him off guard, and he had no idea she harbored such feelings. "My Princess Eternia," his voice was hoarse with emotion, "I apologize if you ever felt that way. When I see her in you, I don't feel resentment towards you. You received the very best of Marcella. Your mother and I, we're not who we used to be. I loved her deeply. When I see her in you, I'm reminded of that love. And I admit that I do feel a tiny sting, but it's not because of you. It's because I miss her terribly."

"You miss her?" she asked, astonished. Father and I rarely talk about these things, she pondered, It was always about my lessons and achievements… the future of the kingdom. To be able to talk about my mother… it's delightful!

Aurelius expressed, "We were friends a long time ago. So, yes, I do miss her." From one of his pockets, Aurelius pulled out a small pendant and secured it around her neck. "This was from Marcella. She gave it to me when we were nine as a token of our friendship. She said it would protect me from harm."

Eternia clutched the pendant. It was a blue Crystalian stone with a protective rune engraved on it. The stone was encased in a simple but sturdy silver wrapping, evidence of Marcella's youthful craftsmanship. Though the setting was not perfect, each twist and turn of the wire held a story of her determination and love for her friend. It was beautiful. 

"It's yours now," He says, reminiscing that day… 

Eternia still couldn't believe it. "Mother was that kind, huh?" she asked curiously. 

"She was," he says, "She was a good friend. She was smart, brave, beautiful, and full of life. You embody that part of her." 

The way he smiled and his eyes lit up when he talked about her… It's almost as if my father still loves her, Eternia contemplated, Father doesn't talk about her and gets in a bad mood when her name is mentioned. I barely know anything about them. 

"Marcella loves you," Aurelius emphasized, his voice carrying the weight of sincerity. "You should know that. Despite everything that happened, your mother loves you."

"How do you know that?" Eternia's tone turned cold, suspicion lacing in her words. "I remember that night, Father. How she pushed me to you as though she was disposing rubbish… The words she released…"

"I just know," he responded with a gentle smile, ruffling her hair affectionately before making his way back to his desk. Taking a deep breath, he handled the envelope with care, feeling a sense of resolution wash over him. Somehow, talking to Eternia had brought him more comfort than he had expected. It gave him the courage he needed to finally read the contents of the letter.

King Aurelius,

It's been two years since you've taken Eternia, our daughter, with you. Not once have I written personally, so I assume this letter may unsettle you. I am writing to you as word regarding the attack on Eternia has reached me. As the Princess' mother and Queen of Crystalia, I am entitled to receive a report on this matter directly from you, King Aurelius. It is my right as her mother and your duty as her father. When such things happen, I implore you to inform me. 

"What right do you have to demand such things?" That thought crossed your mind, didn't it? I confess my shortcomings. I won't make this long. I failed Eternia as a mother. I abandoned her because I put myself first. I wanted to forget the past. I couldn't look at her without seeing you. Still, that's no excuse for what I did and I can't undo what's already done. I wanted to tell you how sorry I am for failing our child. 

I am not asking to be part of her life. I still believe that she's better off with her father who never once gave up on her. I'd also like to express my gratitude for how well Eternia turned out to be in just a span of two years. 

The purpose of this letter is mainly to remind you to report her well-being to us as she is also the heir to the Crystalian Throne. We both have our duties as rulers of our respective realms. Our daughter inherits a great amount of power. Until she returns to claim what's rightfully hers, protect her. 


Marcella Crystalia 

Aurelius folded the parchment back in the envelope, resting his forehead against his hands. The handwriting was no doubt Marcella's. The manner of how she spoke… I haven't seen this side of Marcella since our second child's death… he contemplated, What is she planning? I don't know what's real and what's not anymore. Is this some sort of trap? "Shit," he cussed, momentarily forgetting his daughter's presence. 

"What is shit?" Eternia asked curiously, eyes wide and innocent. 

"Never mind that," he says, switching the topic, "Your mother acknowledges your talents. She said you turned out well in just a span of two years." Looking down at her hand, her envelope seems to be still unopened. Sitting next to her, he expressed, "You know, the more you wait, the more heavy you feel in here." He pointed at her heart. 

"I know," she nods, "It's just that… I don't know what to expect." 

"Only one way to find out," he encouraged. 

With determination in her eyes, she opened the envelope and unfolded the parchment. 

Princess Eternia, 

Before anything else, I'd like to express my apology. You're seven years old now. For seven years, I've failed you. I wasn't a good mother. I understand the justifiable resentment and anger you must feel towards me. You have every right to feel enraged. I simply wanted you to know that I'm sorry. 

Although there are many things I regret in my life, letting you go with your father, Aurelius, isn't one of them. That's not because I can't bear to look at you. It's because you deserve someone who would never give up on you. Your father loved you from the day you were conceived and he never stopped. He fought for you and protected you. Not once did he show disappointment when when you were born a girl. Although he and I aren't on the best terms, he is a good person; I can't deny that. He is a good father. 

You grew up to be quite an intelligent and brave child. I heard all the stories about you, Eternia. You're a brilliant little girl. A graceful princess. A little warrior who defeated an ogre and saved three young gentlemen. I can't express enough how proud I am of that. 

There are so many things I'd like to say to you, our miracle child. You must grow up and become a person worthy of wearing the crowns of Sapphiria and Crystalia. Take every knowledge you can take and use it to your advantage. Should you need my aid, don't ever hesitate to ask. Always remember who you are. You're the only surviving child between the love of King Aurelius and Queen Marcella. Never let anyone step on you. 

Your Mother,

Marcella Crystalia

Not entirely sure why Marcella wrote.

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