
The Mafia Lord and His Auburn Beauty

Heavy is the head that wears the crown. The throne of Londons Mafia King could only be sustained with guns and the blood of the enemies. Even an angel will transit to a devil if he sat on the throne for so long. Ralph Zander Wesley is an unpredictable and ruthless man The unexpected death of his uncle brings him back to London, making him the new head and Don of the Wesley Family. Ralph is on a mission to seek revenge for his uncle's death, and also protect his family. However, his plans are set into disarray when Ralph discovers the unexpected path his uncle had chosen for him. A marriage to the stubborn and strong-headed “Elle DeAngelis”. Reluctant to accept this fate, Ralph finds himself falling in love with this oddball, but love wasn't a leisure he could afford in the world he comes from. This book tells of Ralph's struggle to exert his revenge and keep his family safe while navigating the turbulent waters of Elle's love. This book tells a story of how love will either make you stronger or weaker. A lot of mysteries will be unraveled. What those mysteries would be. Would their love truly conquer all?

Edict_Ben · Urban
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134 Chs

Sloane Alley

Several times I asked

What makes her so beautiful?

Is it the way that she looked?

Or the way that we see her?

Either way.

I could tell that whether it was the way she looked

Or how I saw her.

She was beautiful.

Mona Lisa

"What if Blade finds out or Uncle Caleb? You know we're gonna be in big trouble right?" Elle heard Elena say from above. She was holding the sheet which Elle had transformed into a rope to jump down her window outside.

"Relax. They won't". She struggled to reply as she lands using the rope and try to catch her breath before she continues. "I'll be back before midnight, just make sure no one finds out ok?". She said whispering.

Elena could barely hear her but shakes her head in acceptance. There was nothing she would say to convince Elle. Elle was a stubborn lady and once she made up her mind to do something, nothing would stop her or stand in her way.

"Take care". Elena whispered back before dragging the sheet back inside and locking the windows.

' I am going to escape today' Elle thought as she sneaked into the food lorry parked at the side of the building close to the direction she had landed, she made some sounds settling inside the lorry but the guards close by seemed not to have seen her or pay any attention to the sound.

Security at the DeAngelis mansion has been annoyingly tight since the fire incident, Her uncle Caleb had ensured to double the guards at the front of her room and made sure she didn't go out alone or even go out at all. It made life unnecessarily uncomfortable and suffocative and today she was going to sneak out like she usually does when the house becomes uncomfortable, catch a bit of fresh air like a normal person without huge men in black shades following her, be free and return before anyone notices.

Her Father "Don Phillip DeAngelis" had gone to Russia to meet some of his business partners and her Cousin Caleb was the one in charge at the moment, He was a man who worked with a pattern. At 6 p.m every day he stays locked up in the library and doesn't step out till 11 p.m, unless on special occasions and so she was sure sneaking out now that it was 6 p.m was the best. She will be back before anyone notices. She wondered why Mickey had not returned to the lorry yet. Mickey was the food lorry driver. He and Elle have been good friends, more like the only friend she had aside from her sisters and uncles and she had always used him as her way out of the mansion if need be. All he had to do was inform her when he was going to get supplies and park his lorry where she could easily get in. She sneaks in and hides inside, he then takes her out and brings her back in before anyone notices, a plan that has always worked.

"Miss Elle". Mickey's whispered as he stepped into the car.

"Shut the fuck up Mickey. Just drive".

The young man stayed quiet as he drove the lorry out of the DeAngelis mansion.

"You can come out now miss Elle". Mickey said.

"Thanks, Mickey," she said with a big lopsided grin on her face as she comes out from the footboard of the lorry sit.

"You have to stop sneaking out of the mansion like this, your father will have my head if he finds out".

"My dad isn't around, so you don't have to worry that small head of yours". Elle replied laughing as she rubs her hand on Mickey's hair.

He laughs while trying to shake her hands off. "The Don took off two of Leo's fingers for not protecting you at the ball, I wonder what he'll do to me if he finds out am the one sneaking his daughter out of his mansion"

Elle turned her face away without replying. Sadness clouded her features. She'd heard the rumor that when she was unconscious her father had plucked off two of her bodyguard's "Leo's" fingers. Leo wasn't working in the mansion anymore by the time she recovered, so she wasn't sure whether or not it was true, but from how much she knew her father, she knew it was true. Leo was a good guy and it made her sad that her father blamed him and made him pay for her ordeal.

"I'm sorry Elle". Mickey said. He noticed how sad she looked

"Am ok Mickey. I just need a few minutes".

They were headed to Chelsea. Whenever she sneaks out, she always went to cities outside her father's control, where no one would recognize her. Chelsea was one of those cities. The Wesleys ran that city.

Speaking of Wesley she remembered her last encounter with Don Ralph Zander Wesley. Her mouth curved into a smile from the thought of him, she wiped it off, almost immediately. She has been thinking about him a lot these days, since the day of the fire. How he blocked the piece of wood that wanted to land in her, how firm his hand felt when he carried her, how he dashed out of the fire with her in his arms like a dark knight. Such rugged and dogged courage. It all intrigued her. The last time she met him was at Wesley's mansion. She had a close look at him on that day. They didn't speak much cause he seemed a little sick. But he promised he'll contact her. And the jerk had not called her since that day. She was a fool to believe the promise of a mafia.

"Fucking bastard ". She muttered underneath her voice. She was going to give him a piece of her mind and a bag of insults for making a promise he couldn't honor and making her wait for his calls for a week.

As they drove into the city of Chelsea Elle couldn't help but admire how beautiful the city looked at night.

"We have just 2 hours," Mickey said as he dropped her at Sloane Square. We will meet back here at about 8:30 p.m, so try not to be late okay? 

"Noted". She replied as she alighted from the lorry. It was just 6:30 p.m. She had till 8 pm to have as much fun as possible and have a bit of fresh air.

First, she visited the Gagliardi Gallery. It was the biggest Art Gallery in Chelsea. Elle is not just a lover of art but also an artist. She has a few drawings of her own and planned on opening her art gallery one day.

"What is a beautiful girl like you doing in a place like this, at a time like this?". She heard a voice say from behind her as she stood looking at a drawing. She was indeed held captive by its beauty until the annoying strangers disturbed her.

She turned to see who it was. They were two men who seem to be over forty years, they were dressed in black leather biker vests and tight jeans. One of the men looked familiar, however, she couldn't quite remember where she had met him. Elle laughed a bit seeing how funny the tight jeans looked on them.

"Are you laughing at us, lady?". The other man asked. He was such a huge man.

"Calm down, Pablo. The chick has the right to laugh". The other man said. He was short and bald. He also seemed like the leader of them both. My name is Scott Malo. It's nice to meet you.

As she heard his name Elle immediately recognized him. She had seen him before. He was the Younger brother of the Malo's Don. The Malo gang was one of the gangs of west London, they were ruthless and were known for all kinds of dirty jobs like trafficking, rape, and all of that sort. The Wesleys had whooped their asses in a gang war in the 19's and whittled down their powers and activities but they still carried out some of their dirty work. She didn't want to be involved with them. She ignored Scott Malo and continued looking at the drawing.

"This bitch is looking down on us Scott". Elle heard Pablo says from behind.

Scott laughs annoyingly before walking to face her. He seemed shorter up close. He moved his hand to touch her hair stylishly and she slapped off his hand.

"You have got some guts". He said laughing annoyingly, his breath stank. "You don't seem to be from around here. A young fine girl like you shouldn't talk rudely to strangers". He said laughing as he moves closer and tapped her ass.

She immediately punched him in his face which sent him staggering.

Pablo immediately moves to hit her but Scott signaled him to stop. The place was still a bit crowded and people were already watching.

"That's one hell of a punch ". Scott said adjusting his jaw with his hand. "We'll meet again bitch". He said and walked off with Pablo. It was clear he didn't want to cause a scene. She cared less. He might never meet her again since she didn't stay in Chelsea.

From the Gallary, she visited some stores to get a few things for herself and her sisters. It was past 8 p.m by the time she got done with her shopping and she had to go back to Sloane Square.

As she walked down the Alley leading to the square she noticed two men walking behind her. Her heart skipped a bit. She increased her pace but the men soon caught up with her. She turned to face them. It was Pablo and Scott. Scott was the first to rush towards her, She kicked the bastard right on his balls when he tried to grab her knocking him down before Pablo grabs her and pin her to the Alley wall. He used his other hand to place a knife to her throat to keep her in place, while he waited for Scott who was folding on the floor in pain to recover.

"If you move I swear I'll slit your throat". Pablo threatened as Elle struggled. Her heart was beating hard and fast.

"Don't kill her just yet. Not until we have played with her a little". Scott said angrily as he stands up. He seemed to have recovered from the pain she caused him.

"You're one hell of a nasty bitch" he said grabbing her hair forcefully".

"Get your fucking hands off my hair". Elle screamed but got slapped hard before the words could drop off her mouth.

"Shut the fuck up". Scott replied laughing wickedly.

"Please let me go". Elle begged with tears in her eyes.

Scott merely mimicked what she said mockingly and they both continue to laugh as he continued to drag her hair, this time she didn't protest, she knew what might follow if she did. Fear overtook Elle. It became clear this man won't leave her untouched.

'Was she gonna die?'

'Or get raped?'

'Shit! If only she had known, she would have just stayed home. She thought while closing her eyes in fright.