
The Mafia Lord and His Auburn Beauty

Heavy is the head that wears the crown. The throne of Londons Mafia King could only be sustained with guns and the blood of the enemies. Even an angel will transit to a devil if he sat on the throne for so long. Ralph Zander Wesley is an unpredictable and ruthless man The unexpected death of his uncle brings him back to London, making him the new head and Don of the Wesley Family. Ralph is on a mission to seek revenge for his uncle's death, and also protect his family. However, his plans are set into disarray when Ralph discovers the unexpected path his uncle had chosen for him. A marriage to the stubborn and strong-headed “Elle DeAngelis”. Reluctant to accept this fate, Ralph finds himself falling in love with this oddball, but love wasn't a leisure he could afford in the world he comes from. This book tells of Ralph's struggle to exert his revenge and keep his family safe while navigating the turbulent waters of Elle's love. This book tells a story of how love will either make you stronger or weaker. A lot of mysteries will be unraveled. What those mysteries would be. Would their love truly conquer all?

Edict_Ben · Urban
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134 Chs

Black Cloak

She said a story.

Of the mystery being.

When she fell, he lifted her.

When she jumped, he caught her.

When she was weak, he gave her strength.

Her Guardian Angel.

She was frightened, she could hear her heart beating faster than usual.

'How the hell did she fucking end up in this situation?'

Here she was at knifepoint with her life basically in the hands of two human-looking demons whose intention was written over their faces "to devour her."

"Get your fucking hands off my hair". Elle screamed at Scott, One of the men, but got slapped before the words could drop off her mouth.

"Shut the fuck up". Scott replied laughing wickedly.

"Please let me go". Elle begged with tears in her eyes.

Scott merely mimicked what she said mockingly and he and Pablo continued to laugh as he continues to drag her hair. This time she didn't protest, she knew what might follow if she did. Fear overtook Elle. It became clear this man won't leave her untouched.

'Was she gonna die?'

'Or get raped?'

'Shit! If only she had known, she would have just stayed home. She thought

She wasn't gonna let this bastard take advantage of her, she tried to pull herself away from Scott's grip, but he didn't let go rather he lifted his hand to hit her again.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you". She heard someone say. She recognized the voice immediately. "Get your filthy hands off her"

"Who the fuck are you guys," Pablo asked. Focusing on the two men who showed up in the dark alley, It seemed as though the devil's advocates had appeared on the scene, they both wore black cloaks with black hats to match.

They ignored Pablo's question. As they got closer, Pablo moved towards them and swings his knife towards the first guy who had dashed out to meet him. He missed, he tried swinging it again but he was too slow, the man sent him down on his knees with three punches to his fat stomach before sending him flat with a kick to the head. Pablo was no match for him, Pablo tried standing up but the man gave him no chance as he followed up with a series of kicks to Pablo's head, it was obvious at this point that Pablo's head will be one hell of a bloody show.

"I believe you are next". The man said looking at Scott who was already trembling in fear. He possibly had lost his confidence seeing how the man took Pablo down without breaking a sweat.

"Shit!" That was all Scott said as he pushed Elle to the ground and ran off, she felt a sharp pain as she fell and hits her head against the ground. The other man who was with the man who whooped Pablo's ass chased after him.

She was safe. The man who had taken Pablo down walked over to her.

"Hello, Miss Elle. I didn't expect to see you here". He said stretching his hand to lift her up

She recognized him, she had once again been saved by the king of West London. "Ralph Zander Wesley".

She immediately pulled herself up and hugged him. Ralph held her firmly, she was crying, and he could hear her sob. The men must have frightened his Elle.

"It's okay. You're safe now." He said as he pats her auburn hair.  It smelt nice and looked beautiful too. They stayed still for a while before she pulled herself off. He ran his hands through her hair to put it in place. He glared as he notice a light handprint on her face. One of the men must have hit her.

"Did the men do this?" He asked to confirm.

She said nothing.

"Why are you in west London?" He asked as he picked up her bag and handed it over to her.

She remained silent.

"Where are you headed?"

"Sloane Square". He heard her whisper under her breath.

"It's okay, I'll walk you there". He said as he grabbed her hand gently.

"Jack," he called out.

"Yes, Don". Jack who was lurking in the darkness replied. Elle didn't notice when he returned from chasing Scott.

"Did you get him?" Ralph asked.

"No, Don."

"That's okay. Take care of that bastard". He ordered referring to Pablo who unconsciously lay on the floor.

"Yes, Don". Jack replied as Ralph walked off.

Her hands were small and cold. As they stepped out of the dark alley to the open lightened square, he could see her more clearly now.

Damn, she was beautiful, her beauty enchanted him like a spell, deep into his soul. Her sapphire blue eyes like that of the azure skyline, like a gateway, opened her heart to him. He saw fear in them and at that moment, he knew he could never walk away from her. She was his to protect at all times. The last time he saw her was at his mansion when he was ill. He had promised to call her but he has been busy since then, unraveling the mystery behind his uncle's death and handling the family business that he didn't get the chance to call. He wondered if she waited for his call.

After they walked for a short while, she halted.

"He's not here yet". Elle said while moving her head left and right as though she was looking for someone.

"Are we waiting for someone?" he asked.

"Yes, my ride". she replied.

"Oh! I could get someone to come to pick you up and take you home instead". He said

"No. There is no need".

"It's okay. Let's sit over there as we wait". He said pointing at the street furniture positioned under the street light on the other side of the square.

The square seemed quiet, there were just very few people around it. As they sat quietly, Ralph kept wondering why she came to Chelsea.

'Does she perhaps have a secret lover here at Chelsea?'

Seeing how she refused to answer when he asked, it must be for a reason she didn't want him to know. She seemed to have gotten over the shock but could not stop her hands from shaking. He reached out and held her hands. They were small and soft. They seemed smaller to him than when he held them at the ball during the dance.

"When did you start following me?" She asked.

"Why do you think I was following you?" He asked rather than respond.

She gave him a nasty look. She probably didn't like that he replied with a question rather than an answer.

"It's hard to believe that you will just show up in a dark alley to save me just when I was in trouble. When did you start following me?" She asked again.

"From the Art Gallary. Jack noticed you at the art gallery during your fall out with those men and drew my attention. You looked badass when you stood up for yourself and gave that man a good punch". He said as he laughed a little, and she laughed as well. She looked beautiful laughing.

"Was that why you followed me?" She asked.

"Yes, I didn't see any guard with you and felt those guys might want a payback, I also felt you looked too beautiful to be alone, so I wanted to keep watch a little longer". He said and she smiled. 'She looked prettier with a smile.  He thought. He couldn't help but wonder how come someone could look so beautiful.

"Does it hurt?" He asked.

"No". She replied.

"Did the men hit you?" He asked touching the imprinted mark on her face. She closed her eyes in pain.

"Be rest assured, they will not go unscathed for laying a finger on you". He said as he tightened his jaw in anger.

The wind blew a little moving a stray of her hair over her face. He moved his finger to set it aside and placed them behind her ears. She stayed still. Without noticing he moved closer to her. Her eyes were still closed. The moment was perfect. They both seemed to be thinking of the same thing. He was going to kiss her. He moved to kiss her. Just as their lips were about to touch a bright light radiated on them, and he heard a loud car horn, his mind skipped immediately, and he moved quickly to touch his gun.

"He's here". He heard her say as she stood up. She looked at him, she could tell that his hand behind his back was touching his gun. "It's my ride, she continued" to assure him that there was no reason to be on guard.

He smiled and then stood up. "Your ride is a lorry?"  he asked.

"Yes, It's the kitchen lorry". She said with a laugh.

Ralph laughed as well, he could see that she seemed more relaxed now. "So the DeAngelis Auburn Angel came to west London in a kitchen lorry?" He asked.

"Yes". She replied.

"Thanks, for tonight". she said through the Lorry window after climbing into the lorry.

"It's okay. I'm sure your father would have painted the street of Chelsea red if any harm had come to you".  He said smiling, "When next will I see you?" He asked.

"When you ask politely, like a gentleman". She replied smiling.

Her smile could put the Archaic smile of the popular Greek sculptures to shame. It was simply beautiful and full of life. If he could, he would frame her face the way she looked with her smile and look at it forever.

"How about the first week of November?" He asked. She kept smiling without responding. He quickly realized what he had to do. "Sorry. will you love to go out with me the first week of next month? There's a place I'll love to take you".He rephrased

"Come closer". She requested.

He felt she was commanding him. He hated being commanded but found himself moving closer before the words could completely leave her mouth.

She pulled out from the window and pressed her lips against his cheeks. He stood still with his eyes widened. He was dazed. Having her Red cherry lips peck him was quite lovely. He had least expected her action.

"Yes I would love that, and thanks for saving me today, Ralph". She said with a smile before pulling back in and the lorry drove off. He immediately felt her absence and wished she had stayed a bit longer. He was not yet ready to part ways with her today. He found himself yearning for more. He wanted an actual deep kiss with her and not just a peck. He wanted everything, she had to give. He wanted her heart.

Almost immediately Jack rode towards him.

"Follow them". He said as he stepped into the car.  Jack followed quietly from a distance from Chelsea till they had gotten back to the DeAngelis mansion at Stratford before heading back. As they head back Ralph kept thinking about Elle and the peck she'd given him. It made his heart fluster.

"Jack?". He called.

"Yes, Don".

"Where is the unfortunate fellow?"He asked.

"Inside the boot Unconscious".Jack replied, he knew his boss was referring to the man, he had beaten up earlier.

"Take him to the basement and hand him over to Fox. I need the name of the bastard who hit Elle DeAngelis". He said clutching his fist in anger

"Yes, Don".