

Sarah, who was 19 years old, gentle and had a soul as beautiful as a golden butterfly at night, faced life with a smile. But one night changed everything. The night that marked the beginning of her sufferings The night Xavier Adrian murdered Sarah's parents and abducted her for the sins of her father. Xavier Adrian, the biggest and most feared Mafias leader had everything—good looks, wealth, and fame—yet his heart was consumed by a relentless desire to see others suffer. Cold, self-centered, and indifferent, he valued power over compassion, until he abducted and vowed to make her pay for her parents sin… But what happens when love comes knocking at the devil's door?? ************************** ••••AN EXCERT FROM THE BOOK••••• She watched in horror as the heartless yet good looking human placed a gun on her Father's skull. She felt miserable because she couldn't do anything. Even if his wicked gunmen were not holding her vulnerable self down what would she had done? Who can start up a fight with the devil and win?? All she could do was tear up unstoppably She wondered what her parents could have done to deserve an awful death from the devil? He shot her mother first and her lifeless body dropped on the hard cemented floor. It was her father's turn to face his own awful death “Parker, don't worry about your princess. She's mine now " The devil said coldly before aiming at his head directly. "No!!!!!!!!" She screamed out suddenly struggling from their grip as she stared at her lifeless parents on the floor. Painful tears dropped down from her eyes "Mom!!!! Dad!!!!" The devil stood up as he stared at the two dead bodies. She couldn't see his face. He had a mask on but she could tell he is a devil and he doesn't deserve to live As he walked closer, her heart skipped in several beats. He said she belongs to him, Is he crazy?!. Maybe he meant the opposite because she could see pure darkness and hatred in those eyes as he stared at her. As she stared into his eyes,her tears didn't stop but his eyes were as dark as his heart. She only wanted to ask him a question “ Why did he do this?” She thought and she suddenly felt determined to bring the devil down "Bring her out" He ordered and walked away She was dragged up like she weighed nothing "Let go of me!!!!" She screamed That was all she knew before she blacked out completely. At that moment, Sarah Parker swore not to allow Xavier Adrian win

Abby_Baby_3222 · Teen
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5 Chs


~~~~~~CHAPTER ONE~~~~~~~

Sarah's world shattered as she watched her father's execution. The heartless man, masked and menacing, aimed his gun at her father's skull. She felt helpless, pinned down by his henchmen. The sound of her mother's fatal shot still echoed in her mind.

Even if his wicked gunmen were not holding her vulnerable self down

what would she had done?

Who can start up a fight with the devil and win??

All she could do was tear up unstoppably

She wondered what her parents could have done to deserve an awful death from the devil?

He shot her mother first and her lifeless body dropped on the hard cemented floor.

It was her father's turn to face his own awful death

"Parker, don't worry about your princess. She's mine now " The devil said coldly before aiming at his head directly.

Sarah screamed as he aimed at her father, her tears unstoppable.

 "No!!!!" she wailed, struggling against her restraints.

Painful tears dropped down from her eyes 

"Mom!!!! Dad!!!!" 

The devil stood up as he stared at the two dead bodies. She couldn't see his face. He had a mask on but she could tell he was a devil and he doesn't deserve to live 

As he walked closer, her heart skipped in several beats. He said she belongs to him, Is he crazy?!. Maybe he meant the opposite because she could see pure darkness and hatred in those eyes as he stared at her.

As she stared into his eyes,her tears didn't stop but his eyes were as dark as his heart. She only wanted to ask him a question

" Why did he do this?" She thought and she suddenly felt determined to bring the devil down.

The devil's eyes, dark and malevolent, locked onto hers. She saw pure hatred and a hint of madness. He spoke with an air of confidence, his voice dripping with malice. 

"Bring her out." 

The men dragged her away, leaving her parents' lifeless bodies behind.

"Let go of me!!!!" She screamed

That was all she knew before she blacked out completely.

At that moment, Sarah Parker swore not to allow Xavier Adrian win




Everywhere was so silent as the Devil walked in. You could see the visible fear on the faces of the new trainees as their heads remained down as the DEVIL boot was slapping the face of the floor.

The aura and confidence moving around him were sending shivers down the trainees spine. In fact, each of them could hear their heart slamming against their chest. 

He suddenly shot his gun into the air.

Mary, one of the new trainees screamed out of fear since she was more closer to where he stood.

He looked up and faced her instantly.

She shivered fearfully knowing that she had made a grave mistake.

"Bo..Boss,.. plea..

Her words were cut short as he shot her twice on her forehead. Her lifeless body dropped on the hard cemented floor.

That's what the Devil does.

Xavier Andrew.

The man who wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone for power and money.

He owned the bigggest mafia clan in the whole of Italy.

He was greatly respected and feared in the underground world and this had attracted so many enemies to his clan.

However, no one had been able to bring the devil down.

"Now! Listen everybody, I hate weaklings, one single mistake from you I will kill you effortlessly" His voice boomed as he talked. 

"Dismiss!" He ordered.

The trainees walked hastily out of the field trying not to be the second scape goat of the day.

"Geeez, I am so terrified" One of the trainees, Gigi said as she laid her hand on her chest. 

Another girl beside her, Sophie scoffed without looking at Gigi. They are the clan's cat and rat

Gigi rolled her beautiful eyes that you would think they might fall off.

"B*tch" Gigi muttered under her breath as she continued walking.


The men's brutal slaps left Sarah reeling, her mind foggy as she trudged along, her eyes scanning the unfamiliar surroundings in disbelief.

She doesn't even know how long she has been asleep.

She couldn't fathom what her father had done to put her in this agonizing predicament. The memories of that fateful night still haunted her - the devilish men who had slaughtered her parents before her very eyes, leaving her shattered and alone.

As she gazed around, she realized she was in a foreign land, far removed from the comfort and security of her homeland. Her happiness and freedom, once within her grasp, now seemed like distant memories, taunting her with their absence.

Sarah's heart ached with every step, her spirit crushed by the weight of her circumstances. She longed to escape, to flee from this living nightmare and find solace in a place where she could be free once more. Desperation burned within her, fueling her determination to break free from this prison and reclaim her life.

She sighed silently praying and hoping to see if a miracle would happen. Even if she dies trying to escape from here, she would do it.

The place looked so big like a palace on it's own, Sarah could see numbers of boys and girls walking,and staring at them. Some even were pointing at her and whispering

~ Poor girl. She is Parker's daughter 

~ Eww. They look so tiny

~Her father is a devil 

~Just by looking at her,I hate her

~I don't think she will survive a week here

~The boss is definitely gonna kill her

Just by looking at her,I hate her

Someone even threw a stone at her and it landed directly on her forehead 

She wept silently as the blood gushed down her face.

She wept silently as she heard the comments,she was looking so unkept already,her long hair were all over her face ,she had no shoes on and no one had to tell her, she knew that her she was already bleeding from her feet.

However, the pain she was feeling in her heart was nothing compared to any other form of pain in the universe.

She felt betrayed

What had she done to deserve this? 

After losing her parents

What exactly had she done to deserve this?

 Listening to the comments, she didn't want to believe that her father was that evil.

Her father was one of the most respected and diligent men in her their town. She wouldn't believe that her father was part of any clan or even had anything to do with the Devil, himself.

She was still lost in thought when the men tossed her into a cell, and she landed hard on the floor.

 Her heart raced, her thoughts consumed by the looming threat of death. All she wanted was her parents and her happiness back. But that was impossible now.



The sound of the open cell gate woke Sarah up from her sleep,

two guys came into the room and dragged her up

"Where are you taking me to?" She managed to ask but she was totally ignored

'Am I going to be killed?'

'Will their boss kill me now?'

She was lost in thought as they dragged her out,

"Follow us,and don't say a word" One of the boys said and she found herself nodding

They continued walking and she couldn't help but to admire the empire,it look more beautiful and amazing at night,the beautiful lights all over giving it the best looks.

Soon, Sarah began hearing some voice and finally they entered the place looking like a clubroom. 

"Here she comes" Eva, Xavier's Lady said with a smirk and immediately all eyes fell on Sarah, the boys pushed her to the middle and she staggered,almost falling.

She swallowed hard as she tried not to look at anyone,her gaze down,her body shaking in fear.

She could see dangerous glares falling on her from different anger,glares filled with hatred and anger

'What are they going to do to me?' She thought

Eva moves closer to her

"Here's our lovely doll and show for tonight...oh she stinks" Eva made a disgusting face and moved away.

Eva hated the fact that Xavier didn't kill her alongside with her parents. She literally just hate her forthe stress her father had put them through in the clan.

"Who's ready for the show? I always give the best" Eva grinned and they all cheered her

"The good news is....SHE'S A VIRGIN EVERYONE!" Eva announced and half of the people in began laughing

Sarah wondered what's funny as they mocked her

"Don't worry doll,I'm just going to help you to become stronger" Eva said and touched her cheek

"Strip baby doll" She said and Sarah's eyes widened

"What?" She asked and Eva released a heavy slap on her face.

"How dare you try to question me you daughter of a betrayer,strip!" Eva yelled and Sarah broke into tears

How is she suppose to strip in front of the people here?? What's going on?

"Boys" Eva gave some boys a sign and they immediately moved to Sarah and started tearing her clothes

"What are you doing?! Stop!! Please!!!" Sarah cried out as they managed to strip her naked 

"Nooo!!!" She screamed,not knowing exactly what to cover,her hands around her chest as tears rolled down her eyes. She was standing in front of strangers,totally naked,the body and pride she's been keeping is totally useless now

The boys carried her forcefully and dropped her on the table in the middle of the clubroom

All eyes on her

"You can start" Eva smiled wickedly and took a wine from one of the maids,she went to sit down,sipping her wine happily

The room was filled with Sarah's screams but she couldn't move,they are already holding her down,some holding her legs,others holding her hands also. 

"Let me go!! Please!!!" She cried 

They spread her thighs apart,staring directly into her vagina

One of the boys brought out a vibrator toward her opening and without waiting,he shoved it right inside her pussy

"Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!" Sarah screamed out in pain