

Sarah, who was 19 years old, gentle and had a soul as beautiful as a golden butterfly at night, faced life with a smile. But one night changed everything. The night that marked the beginning of her sufferings The night Xavier Adrian murdered Sarah's parents and abducted her for the sins of her father. Xavier Adrian, the biggest and most feared Mafias leader had everything—good looks, wealth, and fame—yet his heart was consumed by a relentless desire to see others suffer. Cold, self-centered, and indifferent, he valued power over compassion, until he abducted and vowed to make her pay for her parents sin… But what happens when love comes knocking at the devil's door?? ************************** ••••AN EXCERT FROM THE BOOK••••• She watched in horror as the heartless yet good looking human placed a gun on her Father's skull. She felt miserable because she couldn't do anything. Even if his wicked gunmen were not holding her vulnerable self down what would she had done? Who can start up a fight with the devil and win?? All she could do was tear up unstoppably She wondered what her parents could have done to deserve an awful death from the devil? He shot her mother first and her lifeless body dropped on the hard cemented floor. It was her father's turn to face his own awful death “Parker, don't worry about your princess. She's mine now " The devil said coldly before aiming at his head directly. "No!!!!!!!!" She screamed out suddenly struggling from their grip as she stared at her lifeless parents on the floor. Painful tears dropped down from her eyes "Mom!!!! Dad!!!!" The devil stood up as he stared at the two dead bodies. She couldn't see his face. He had a mask on but she could tell he is a devil and he doesn't deserve to live As he walked closer, her heart skipped in several beats. He said she belongs to him, Is he crazy?!. Maybe he meant the opposite because she could see pure darkness and hatred in those eyes as he stared at her. As she stared into his eyes,her tears didn't stop but his eyes were as dark as his heart. She only wanted to ask him a question “ Why did he do this?” She thought and she suddenly felt determined to bring the devil down "Bring her out" He ordered and walked away She was dragged up like she weighed nothing "Let go of me!!!!" She screamed That was all she knew before she blacked out completely. At that moment, Sarah Parker swore not to allow Xavier Adrian win

Abby_Baby_3222 · Teen
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5 Chs





Sarah's blue eyes gazed downward, her vision blurry from the tears that refused to cease. The guards dragged her back to the cell, her legs numb and heavy, as if weighed down by the shame and humiliation she'd endured. The vibrator's invasion still burned within her, a constant reminder of the brutal violation which the evil lady did to her.

As they approached the cell, Sarah's anger and bitterness boiled over. She struggled against the guards, but they held firm, their grip unyielding. They tossed her onto the cold, dark floor, the metallic clang of the cell door echoing through the corridor as they locked her in.

Sarah curled up, her arms wrapping around her knees, trying to shield herself from the agony and despair that threatened to consume her. Her mind raced with thoughts of revenge, of making Eva and Xavier pay for their cruelty. But for now, she was trapped, broken, and utterly alone.

The darkness of the cell seemed to closing in around her, a physical manifestation of the despair that had taken residence within her soul. Sarah's sobs echoed off the walls, a mournful cry that seemed to shake the very foundations of her being.



"Yes come on.....f**k

Eva moaned as Xavier rode her faster and roughly.

Eva is one of the female lead in SIN-NATION empire. Her closeness to Xavier had earned her a lot of respect even though she is a b*tch.

He moved his d**k back before inserting it back into her in an aggressive manner

 She moaned out lustfully.

He gave her ass a spank and she hissed out in pleasure

"Oh my gad this feels so.....Good!!"

Xavier grunted before releasing into her.

She leaned forward before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Xavier stood up and left for the bathroom leaving her with her thoughts.

She wore her clothes and walked out of his suite arranging her already scattered hair. A satisfactory smile playing on her lips.

Damian strode into the room almost immediately, his confident stride a testament to his unwavering loyalty to Xavier. As Xavier's second-in-command and best friend, he had earned the right to enter without knocking. He made his way to Xavier's apartment, his shirtless torso glistening with water droplets from his recent bath.

"What took you so long?" Xavier's cold gaze met Damian's, his voice devoid of warmth.

Damian flashed a brief smile. "Busy, but I'm here now." He took a seat, his nonchalant attitude a stark contrast to Xavier's intensity.

Xavier's smirk hinted at his sinister thoughts. "You know exactly what I'm thinking, Damian?"

" You killed him already, right?"

Damian's laughter echoed through the room, a stark contrast to Xavier's solemn demeanor. 

"That bastard had a daughter, you know." Xavier's anger simmered beneath the surface, his words laced with venom.

"A daughter?" Damian asked flashing Xavier a bright smile

"Is she pretty?" He asked.

Xavier's glare intensified. "I don't care. She'll die anyway."

Damian shocked his head and sipped his wine, his carefree attitude a facade for the slow poison that lurked beneath.

"Hopefully, I get to meet her before she dies"


The sounds of gunshots, sword fighting, and arrow shooting filled the training ground. Valerie, a skilled fighter, focused on sword fighting, her unpredictable skills making her a force to be reckoned with. Eva, her arch-nemesis, entered, clapping her palms to gather attention. Valerie ignored her, her eyes fixed on her target.

"Everyone!!" Eva entered and clapped her palms

Valerie rolled her eyes and ignored the call,that's right,her greatest enemy is Galaxy.

They hate each other guts

Valerie focused on shooting more as Eva called everyone's attention.

Eva frowned after seeing that Valerie ignored her completely. She walked towards her.

"I wonder what Eva is up to" Joe sighed talking to Rose.

~Another trouble loading

"Hey fool" Eva called when she got to Valerie.

Valerie ignored her totally and continued her sword fighting without sparing Eva a glance

"Hey I'm talking to you" Eva tapped her shoulder angrily. Valerie has always been the one who has never given Eva the respect she ever wants in the clan.

"Stop touching me,I'm not really nice" Valerie muttered moving away from Eva before walking out of the training ground.

"Eva is seriously annoying. Always acting as if she's the boss" Rose said to Joe rolling her eyes.

"Thats their problem best, Lets go" Joe said dragging Rose alongside with him outside the training ground.

Joe and Rose are the two inseperable friends in the clan. They are both skilled fighters too.

Valerie walked into the mansion with uncontrollable annoyance in her. She so much hates Eva guts and she's still annoyed that she has so much power in the clan.

She moved past Damian's room but stopped when she heard some moans coming from the room.

"Oh f***k Damian!

"F**k me harder please " She could hear Monica loud screams coming from the room.

She started walking towards the door but turned and walked away angrily.

 ~XAVIER'S SUITE ~ ~6pm~

Madam Tessa, the cook, knocked on Xavier's gold door. "Come in." Xavier's cold voice greeted her.

"How are you, Xavier?" she asked, arranging plates on the dining table. Madam Tessa has been the Clan's chef ever since Xavier's was born. She knows him too well. It was just a thing of sadness to her whenever she remembers that his parents were gone. If they were alive , he might not have been this Devil he has become 

"I'm good, what about you?" His reply was curt, his eyes fixed on the distance.

"I am okay," she said, dishing out food. 

"What about Parker's daughter?" she asked, her mind racing with concern.

"Kill her" he said with no emotions

"Xavier!, I don't think she knows anything about this. Her father was the one who offended you and you've killed him already!. You even went ahead to kill his innocent wife. What else do you want?" Tessa asked while shaking her head slowly at the boy who changed overnight to someone who she no longer recognize.

Xavier's hand slammed on the table, shattering plates and spilling the food. 

"I don't care! Parker made my life unbearable, and I'll make his daughter's life unbearable too!" His words dripped with venom, his anger and hatred palpable.

 "She'll beg for death every day, and I'll make sure she has no happiness

until she dies! I hate her!!" 

With that, he stormed out of the living room, leaving Madam Tessa in shock.