

Sarah, who was 19 years old, gentle and had a soul as beautiful as a golden butterfly at night, faced life with a smile. But one night changed everything. The night that marked the beginning of her sufferings The night Xavier Adrian murdered Sarah's parents and abducted her for the sins of her father. Xavier Adrian, the biggest and most feared Mafias leader had everything—good looks, wealth, and fame—yet his heart was consumed by a relentless desire to see others suffer. Cold, self-centered, and indifferent, he valued power over compassion, until he abducted and vowed to make her pay for her parents sin… But what happens when love comes knocking at the devil's door?? ************************** ••••AN EXCERT FROM THE BOOK••••• She watched in horror as the heartless yet good looking human placed a gun on her Father's skull. She felt miserable because she couldn't do anything. Even if his wicked gunmen were not holding her vulnerable self down what would she had done? Who can start up a fight with the devil and win?? All she could do was tear up unstoppably She wondered what her parents could have done to deserve an awful death from the devil? He shot her mother first and her lifeless body dropped on the hard cemented floor. It was her father's turn to face his own awful death “Parker, don't worry about your princess. She's mine now " The devil said coldly before aiming at his head directly. "No!!!!!!!!" She screamed out suddenly struggling from their grip as she stared at her lifeless parents on the floor. Painful tears dropped down from her eyes "Mom!!!! Dad!!!!" The devil stood up as he stared at the two dead bodies. She couldn't see his face. He had a mask on but she could tell he is a devil and he doesn't deserve to live As he walked closer, her heart skipped in several beats. He said she belongs to him, Is he crazy?!. Maybe he meant the opposite because she could see pure darkness and hatred in those eyes as he stared at her. As she stared into his eyes,her tears didn't stop but his eyes were as dark as his heart. She only wanted to ask him a question “ Why did he do this?” She thought and she suddenly felt determined to bring the devil down "Bring her out" He ordered and walked away She was dragged up like she weighed nothing "Let go of me!!!!" She screamed That was all she knew before she blacked out completely. At that moment, Sarah Parker swore not to allow Xavier Adrian win

Abby_Baby_3222 · Teen
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~Xavier's Suite ~


"Do you know how to suck a man's dick?" He asked and it jingled twice in Sarah's ears. 

"What sort of question is that?" She almost retorted.

Sarah brought out her lips not knowing exactly what to say,but how does he expect her to know how? Maybe he's not aware that she was a virgin before she was brought here

"I.....I....I don't....I don't know how" Sarah said in a shaking voice trying not to look at him. Not because she was scared of looking at him but she hates the way his eyes intimidates her.

"On your knees" Xavier said and her heart skipped a beat

will he punish her because she doesn't know what he's talking about? Maybe she should have said yes but how?

Sarah knelt down like he ordered and he began unbuckling his belt,oh no. She immediately shut her eyes,she could hear Xavier's scoff when she did that. 

"Open your eyes" Xavier said coldly and Sarah slowly opened her eyes,her mouth opened in a silent gasp seeing his c**k right in her face. 

She swallowed nervously,this is probably her first time seeing this,or maybe she have seen some on TVs or phone?? 

But this is a real one,he was so huge there,is this what she's going to take in her mouth? 

"What are you waiting for?" He asked and Sarah looked at him

Didn't she just said she doesn't know how? Or maybe he doesn't believe her? Or what?

'You can do this Sarah just touch and s**k' she said inwardly and raised her hand slowly and got hold of it

Xavier inhaled, the way her small hand wrapped around him was something to write about,she felt so tender but that doesn't change the fact that he only bought her here to make her life miserable.

No woman has ever made him feel like this, not even Eva.

Sarah kept on stroking the d**k wondering what she have to do next,she took up the courage to ask

"What..am I supposed to do next?" She asked and Xavier looked at her,is she serious right now? 

"You really don't know?" He asked and Sarah shook her head

"Your mouth,put it in your mouth" Xavier said and Sarah nodded shakily.

She didn't wait for another order before inserting the c**k in her small mouth gaining a light groan from him,maybe she did it right and that gave her more confidence to do more.

She began s**king like the word said, pushing it into her mouth and then bringing it out in a slow manner,

she didn't hear his groan so she added more pressure and increased the pace.

 Strangely she really wanted to please him and make him feel good maybe she would find favor in his sight and ask for freedom.

"F**k" grunt and got hold of her hair,pulling her more closer and shoving his d**k right inside her mouth,hitting her throat

Sarah coughed and removed the d**k,she breathe in and out before she continued. She looked up to see his expression,he seems to be enjoying every bit of it and and she suddenly felt proud of herself not knowing exactly why. 

She kept on stroking with her hand,s**king with her mouth and rolling with her tongue in the most perfect way to her hoping to hear that sound from Andrew again,

the way he grabbed her hair earlier was like the sweetest thing even though it was kinda rough but she wanted him to moan again, if possible call her name but maybe that will never be possible. 

She really want to hear how her name sounds in his mouth

"Right...f**k it..." Xavier grabbed her hair again and began f**king her throat almost choking her, he stopped the throat f**king and released a loud groan as he reach his climax. He released his cum right inside her mouth and Sarah didn't think twice before swallowing everything,or what Is she supposed to do with it?

Xavier buckled up again and left her side Sarah bite her lips sadly. 

That's it,it's all over,that's the only thing she's useful for. 

After that,she's nothing to him.

"Leave" Xavier said and Sarah looked up,their eyes met but looked away immediately and went out of the room



Valerie loaded her gun with precision, her fingers trembling slightly as she inserted the rounds. She donned her ear protection, took a deep breath, and aimed at the target. Her eyes narrowed, focusing on the bullseye. She wasn't a natural with guns; her true love was archery and sword fighting. But she was determined to master this new skill.

"Head...Neck...Chest..." she whispered, squeezing the trigger. The gunshots echoed through the range, and she removed her ear protection, approaching the target with a critical eye. "What the hell?" she muttered, scrutinizing her points. Five in the head, four in the neck, and two in the chest. Not bad, but not perfect.

Just as she was about to try again, a voice pierced the air, "You're so bad at this." Valerie spun around, her heart racing, and locked eyes with Damian. Her jaw dropped, and she forgot to greet him, her gaze fixed on his chiseled features.

"What's the staring about?" Damian asked, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. Valerie snapped back to reality, her cheeks flushing. "I'm sorry," she muttered, bowing her head in respect.

Damian chuckled, took the gun from her, and demonstrated his expertise. Ten perfect points, each one a bullseye. "That's how it's done," he said, handing the gun back to her. Valerie's eyes widened in awe.

"I need a trainer," she said, her voice laced with determination. "I want to be perfect." Damian raised an eyebrow. 

"Arrow shooting is enough, Valerie. You can't master everything."

"But you're the best at everything," she replied, her eyes locked on his. Damian smiled, and for a moment, they shared a connection that went beyond words.

Just then, his phone rang, shattering the moment. He answered, his expression turning serious, and after hanging up, he turned to her but said nothing before walking away. Valerie smiled, biting her lip, and kissed the gun in her hand. She continued practicing, her determination fueled by the encounter with Damian.



"Hey, Xavier, you've been quiet all night. Everything okay?" Damian asked, concern etched on his face.

Xavier downed his beer in one gulp, slammed the glass on the table, and glared at Damian. "Do I look ugly to you?" he snarled.

Damian chuckled, cupping Xavier's cheeks with a playful squint. "Let me check." Xavier frowned, trying to brush his hands away. "What are you doing, man?"

"Checking for ugly levels," Damian said with a cheeky grin.

Xavier shook him off. "Get off me!"

Damian's expression turned serious. "You don't look ugly, Xavier. But you do look troubled. Still having those nightmares?"

Xavier nodded, his eyes clouding over. "They're getting worse."

Damian's gaze intensified. "I know you're after Blade, but—"

Xavier's grip on his glass tightened. "I'll kill his entire generation when I find him."

Damian leaned in, his voice low. "You don't even know the girl's name, do you?"

Xavier's irritation was palpable. "Do I have to?"

Damian smiled. "Just her name, Xavier. That won't hurt, will it?"

Xavier rolled his eyes. "Telling me her name will only put her in danger."

Damian raised his hands. "Fine, I'll keep it to myself."

Unbeknownst to them, Razor's men lurked in the shadows, watching their every move. Ten of them, dressed in black, sat in the dimly lit corner of the bar, their eyes fixed on Xavier and Damian.

"Call the boss," one of them whispered.

Another excused himself, made the call, and returned with instructions. "Follow them when they leave. The boss wants to know their every move."

As Xavier and Damian stood up to leave, the men swiftly followed, tailing them into the night.


"Those guys are as dumb as Razor himself,they think we won't find out?" Damian chuckled 

Xavier kept quiet

"So what should we do? We can't possibly let them know the clan" Damian said

"Pass some crazy route,a tight and silent one" Xavier muttered and Damian nodded 

He kept on driving and the cars kept following until they got to a dusty highway and he immediately crossed the car,the two cars hit theirs at once.

Xavier and Damian grabbed their guns and came out of the car at the same time,

Razor's men didn't take any step to come out of their cars.

Xavier climbed on the car and sat down

"What are you waiting for? I thought you have a business with us,come down" He said with a smile

Slowly the two cars opened but as soon as they began coming out, Xavier started shooting them one after the other

"Hey,we should share them,you're cheating already" Damian said

"I have no time for that" Xavier replied,not taking his eyes from the two cars

Six dead bodies are on the ground already

But then,all of a sudden the two cars started at a time trying to escape,maybe they are not fast enough because Xavier and Damian shot the tyres together at once and the cars stopped

Damian got down from the car and walked to the first car,get dragged the two men out and Xavier dragged the other two out

"You're so cute,so unfortunate you're dying so soon" Damian smiled at the first one before shooting straight at his head

Xavier already killed the other two and they are left with one

He walked closer

"Bring out your phone" He ordered and the man immediately brought it out while shaking in fear

"Please spare my life,I'm only following orders" He said in a pleading tone

"Dial your boss's number!" Xavier snapped angrily holding his gun to the man's head 

"Okay" the man immediately dialed Razor's phone number,soon, Razor answered the call and Xavier took the phone from him

"Hello?" Razor's voice came through

"Long time" Xavier said in his usual deep cold voice

"Who's this?" Razor asked

"Who do you think?" Xavier smirked


"You guessed right,but don't you think this child's play is enough? Just f**king show your damn self and come to me on your own" Xavier said 

"How did you get this phone?" Razor asked and Andrew cracked

"I hate silly pranks like this" He muttered and shot the last man down

"Love the sound? But don't worry,I won't use this on you...you're becoming boring,bring it on,loser" Xavier hanged up the call and dropped it on the ground

He turned to Damian and they both entered their car,and then drove off



Sarah struggled to carry the heavy loads in her hands, her back still throbbing in agony. Despite her discomfort, she was denied rest, a constant reminder of her enslavement. Her tight skirt only added to her misery, making every move a painful reminder of her situation. As she navigated the crowded hallway, she accidentally bumped into someone, and everything in her hands crashed to the floor. She fell heavily, her eyes widening in terror as she looked up to meet Eva's gaze.

The moment their eyes locked, Sarah's heart sank. Eva, Andrew's woman, was notorious for her cruelty, and the maids whispered horrors about her. The same woman who had ordered Sarah's brutal assault! Eva's smirk sent chills down Sarah's spine as she bent down, gripping Sarah's hair tightly. The trainers and maids gathered around, eager to witness Eva's next victim.

Sarah whimpered in pain, her ocean-blue eyes streaming with tears. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry," she repeated, pleading for mercy. Eva's anger was palpable, fueled by a deep-seated hatred. News of Sarah's presence in Andrew's room the previous night had ignited Eva's fury.

"Are you insane?" Eva screamed, slapping Sarah across the face. The force of the blow left Sarah reeling. Eva's anger was interrupted by the opening of the front door, and Venom walked in, commanding immediate attention. Everyone bowed, except Sarah, who remained on the floor, her eyes locked on Venom for a fleeting moment.

Andrew rolled his eyes and walked away, leaving Eva triumphant. She felt relieved that he didn't care about Sarah's well-being. Sarah's glossy eyes followed Andrew's retreating figure, her heart heavy with despair. "Guards! Take her to the punishment room!" Eva shouted, reveling in her power.

"No, please!" Sarah begged as she was dragged away, her cries echoing through the hallway.