

Sarah, who was 19 years old, gentle and had a soul as beautiful as a golden butterfly at night, faced life with a smile. But one night changed everything. The night that marked the beginning of her sufferings The night Xavier Adrian murdered Sarah's parents and abducted her for the sins of her father. Xavier Adrian, the biggest and most feared Mafias leader had everything—good looks, wealth, and fame—yet his heart was consumed by a relentless desire to see others suffer. Cold, self-centered, and indifferent, he valued power over compassion, until he abducted and vowed to make her pay for her parents sin… But what happens when love comes knocking at the devil's door?? ************************** ••••AN EXCERT FROM THE BOOK••••• She watched in horror as the heartless yet good looking human placed a gun on her Father's skull. She felt miserable because she couldn't do anything. Even if his wicked gunmen were not holding her vulnerable self down what would she had done? Who can start up a fight with the devil and win?? All she could do was tear up unstoppably She wondered what her parents could have done to deserve an awful death from the devil? He shot her mother first and her lifeless body dropped on the hard cemented floor. It was her father's turn to face his own awful death “Parker, don't worry about your princess. She's mine now " The devil said coldly before aiming at his head directly. "No!!!!!!!!" She screamed out suddenly struggling from their grip as she stared at her lifeless parents on the floor. Painful tears dropped down from her eyes "Mom!!!! Dad!!!!" The devil stood up as he stared at the two dead bodies. She couldn't see his face. He had a mask on but she could tell he is a devil and he doesn't deserve to live As he walked closer, her heart skipped in several beats. He said she belongs to him, Is he crazy?!. Maybe he meant the opposite because she could see pure darkness and hatred in those eyes as he stared at her. As she stared into his eyes,her tears didn't stop but his eyes were as dark as his heart. She only wanted to ask him a question “ Why did he do this?” She thought and she suddenly felt determined to bring the devil down "Bring her out" He ordered and walked away She was dragged up like she weighed nothing "Let go of me!!!!" She screamed That was all she knew before she blacked out completely. At that moment, Sarah Parker swore not to allow Xavier Adrian win

Abby_Baby_3222 · Teen
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•••••••CHAPTER FOUR••••••




Sarah sat motionless on the bed, her swollen lips a constant reminder of the brutal beating and torture she endured yesterday.

 The humiliation she suffered in front of everyone still lingered, and tears streamed down her face uncontrollably. She felt exposed and vulnerable, like the whole world was staring at her.

As the door creaked open, Sarah's heart skipped a beat. She trembled, thinking Xavier had come for her again.

 But to her surprise, Madam Tessa entered with a tray of food, which she placed on the bed. 

"You must eat, Sarah, to regain your strength. The maid will collect the plates in thirty minutes," she said, her voice soft and gentle.

As Madam Tessa turned to leave, she paused and added, 

"Remember, don't leave this room unless you're summoned, and stay away from Xavier. He won't hesitate to kill you next time." 

Sarah nodded, grateful for the warning and the kindness Madam Tessa showed her. She wondered why Madam Tessa was being so nice, but she appreciated it nonetheless.

As Madam Tessa flashed her a small smile and left, Sarah felt a sigh of relief wash over her. 

"You're alive, Sarah," she whispered to herself

 "the devil didn't kill you." But as she gazed down at the food, memories of the previous day's horrors flooded her mind. 

The flashback was so vivid that she could almost smell the fear and taste the pain.



Sarah cowered, her heart racing with fear. She couldn't fathom how someone so handsome could be so cruel. 

Was he going to kill her on a whim?

 Tears streamed down her face as she begged silently for mercy. If only she had the power to defeat this monster and escape this hellhole!

Xavier's hand moved swiftly, producing a gun from nowhere. Sarah's eyes snapped shut, bracing for the worst. She steeled herself for death, hoping to reunite with her father and demand answers. Xavier's sinister whisper sent chills down her spine.

"It's time you join your parents in hell." The gun fired, and Sarah's world went dark.

There was silence for about 10 seconds

She opened her eyes and realized that she didn't hear any gun shout.

Xavier released a chuckle and bent down to her level but she couldn't look into his eyes.

"Do you think I will give you an easy death, huh" He whispered into her ears and she could swore she felt some cold chills in her system.

"Get out of my sight before I change my mind" he said before standing up.

She hurriedly stood up and ran to God knows where until she bumped into another person.

She closed her eyes tightly hoping it's not another person who hates and wanted her dead.

"oh, she's here. Welcome dear" She heard a woman voice and slowly opened her eyes. She looked confused.

"oh myy, you're very much welcome here. You're Parker's daughter, right??" said Madam Tessa

Sarah only nodded and didn't say anything else

"Come with me dear. Let me show you your room" Sarah exhaled as she followed the old aged woman to wherever she was taking her to. 


"You will survive this Sarah" she muttered to herself before closing eyes and welcoming darkness.



The hall was already full when Savage came in, he started searching for Jericho with his eyes as he stood by the door.

Savage rubbed his tattoo, adjusting his cap at the same time as he continued his search.

"Searching for Jericho ?, He's on the terrace smoking as usual " Gigi said beside him.

He turned around to see her walking in with Valerie 

Valerie has a cold look as usual.

"Must he always be Alone ?" He said with a silent sigh.

"Are you still interested in eating?" Valerie said, getting bored.

"Of course, let's get a table" Gigi pulled her away to the crowd of brutes.

"Why is she always cold?" Savage wondered looking at Valerie before shrugging.

He got his phone and dialled Jericho's line.

"Get your ass to the dinning right now!" He said immediately he picked.

"I'm not interested in dinner" Jericho replied and hung up .

"F*ck you Jericho " He said, pocketing his phone as he entered the hall proper.

The most powerful members of the empire eat together on a table, it's the largest table in the hall, secluded from the others too.

Joe, Rose, Valerie and Gigi were already seated when Savage arrived without Jericho.

"Heard the boss didn't kill Mateo" he said, taking his seat beside Gigi

"Yes, I'm not sure he is not coming out anytime soon" Rose replied .

"Can't wait for the trip to California tommorow!" Gigi gushed.

"Hi everyone!" Ria rushed in with Huston. There are also members of the clan. 

"Food Mongers" Gigi Yelled as they both sat on the table.

"What's for dinner?" Ria asked, looking at Valerie 

"You can't possibly be asking me that" Valerie rolled her eyes.

Ria snucked up into her seat with a pout on her pink lips. You can call her dramatic! 

Eva, Monica and Sophie came in at a time.

The fact that Monica and Sophie are bitches made them close to Eva too, they move together.

They sat down and a maid pushed the food table into the hall.

She bowed and started serving their table

"This is too salty" Eva said immediately she tasted the chicken.

For an unknown reason, she loves picking on people in general 

"It's not salty" Rose said after tasting it.

"Same here, it's f*cking ok" Savage added.

"Shut the f*ck up you two!" Eva yelled, throwing the chicken at the maid's face.

It hit the maid's face so hard and she fell hard on the floor 

Eva stood.

She picked another chicken and made to throw it at her again but Valerie held her hand.

She took the chicken from her and slapped her with it.

~ I've been expecting their fight

~ It's been a while!

~ Eva!!!

~Valerie !!!!

"You f*cking slapped me" Eva smirked, walking to Valerie. 

Valerie sat back and Eva grabbed a plate from the table.

She broke it and grabbed a piece before walking to Valerie, she shoved the piece into Valerie 's arm without waiting.

"Eva! " Savage stood.

Gigi pulled him back to his seat.

"If you interfere, I'll kill you" she rolled eyes.

"As if you can" he muttered.

Ria and Huston already eating, without minding the upcoming chaos. They are truly food mongers.. 

"I'm betting on Eva" Monica said.

"Are you kidding?, Valerie is the real deal"Joe smiled, getting his phone.

He started making a video as Valerie stood from her seat with bleeding arm.

She grabbed a plate of rice and poured it on Eva's face first, then she grabbed her arm, twisted it behind and lifted her off the ground.

She threw her backwards, and Eva landed on the long table.

All the meals poured away as Eva stood and threw a kick at Valerie .

Valerie bent backwards, so the kick just passed by, and immediately she stood straight, she grabbed Eva's leg, pulling her down from the table.


She drew out a combat knife from her straps, and shoved in into Eva's arm, twisting it in.

"Aarrgg!!" Eva moaned painfully.

Gigi smiled secretly.

"Valerie or no one" said.

"Are you still betting on Eva?" Joe asked Monica 

"Valerie might win now, but not later" Monica smirked.

"Thanks for the entertainment" Savage said, playing with his spoon.

"The pain of wasted food" Ria licked her lips, looking at the food on the ground.

"I know, right?" Huston replied, licking his lips too.

Valerie stood from Eva and walked out of the hall, leaving the knife in Eva's arm.

Valerie met Damian just as she walked out of the hall. He glanced down at her bleeding arm

"always causing trouble, Huh? " he asked and shook his head before walking out. 

She clenched her fist angrily. 




Sarah struggled to carry the heavy load, her back still throbbing in agony. Despite her pain, she was denied rest, a constant reminder of her captivity. She seethed with anger, feeling like a bird with clipped wings, longing for freedom. The thought of being trapped forever terrified her.

As she continued with the dishes, Madam Tessa's kindness offered a glimmer of hope. The maid's uniform and food provided a small comfort, but the tight skirt chafed against her skin, a constant reminder of her discomfort.

"Sarah!" Madam Tessa's voice pierced the air, her expression laced with worry. "The Master wants you in his room." The words hung like a ominous cloud, filling Sarah with dread. "Oh no," she whispered, her heart sinking.

Madam Tessa's guilt-ridden eyes betrayed her concern. "The guard will take you to his suite. Be fine," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. 

Sarah nodded, her legs trembling as she followed the guard to the master's lair.

In mere minutes, they arrived at a door that led to a beautifully decorated room. But beauty was lost on Sarah, as fear gripped her heart. "You can go in," the guard said, opening the door to her nightmare.

She hesitated, her eyes fixed on the man she despised, lounging comfortably on a couch.

His deep, husky voice sent shivers down her spine. "Get here." She snapped out of her trance, her legs moving involuntarily towards the man who inspired such terror in her.

"Do you know how to suck a man's dick?"


He dropped the bomb!