
The Lycan Evolver

feelnlucky · Fantasy
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37 Chs

That could've been bad

All Tristan had to do at this point was get the creature to attack with its tongue again and then he would hopefully be able to finish the fight. He was thankful for the many hours Green had had him and Crim practice on their own to get proficient with some sort of ranged attack, while it wasn't the most lethal, in situations like this it could sure save him from a great deal of worry and danger.

Tristan decided to stand and wait to see if that would draw it to attack. He waited in one position; he gave it what felt like an eternity, but it was more like 10 minutes and nothing. He tried running to see if the movement would entice it to act, but it still wouldn't budge. He knew it was smart, it hadn't got to where it was by being dumb, he knew it was waiting till he was off guard, but no matter what he did he couldn't trick it into thinking he was off guard, and he wasn't about to actually let his guard down. He decided he would do one last thing before trying something completely different, he would draw his sword and charge toward it, see if that would force it to attack with its tongue leaving it open, and if it didn't, he had spent enough time at this point he was going to kill the thing, he would just take his chances fighting it up close.

The readied both his sword and his last remaining throwing knife and began to run towards the chameleon. He closed the distance to where it would be very difficult to dodge and quickly focused as much as he possibly could.

Just as he thought he had finally got the creature to attack him, it launched its tongue out at him and he quickly aimed for the soft pallet of the roof of its mouth hoping that the knife would hit true and go deep and pierce its brain.

The knife was out of his hands now he had the difficult situation to dodge the tongue, he had less than a split second and he quickly jumped to the side and swung his sword out. His timing was perfect, the tongue missed him by less than an inch due to the sword hitting it and cutting deep and altering its path just the perfect amount, meanwhile the knife had hit its mark and sank deep into its skull.

The blow was fatal however he now had to deal with a half-ton venomous lizard thrashing about as it took its last breaths. It was convulsing and thrashing its tongue about, he quickly cut off a long chunk of it as it swung towards him, giving himself some breathing room, he was now quite close to the body of the beast and its long clawed legs were also a worry but he just kept his distance and waited, hoping the noise wouldn't draw any other predators, while he was confident in his skills he much preferred the option of being able to analyze his prey and not just be on the defensive reacting.

He started to gather up the throwing knives while he waited for the beast to stop convulsing, the had bounced off quite far, and he found almost all of them, which was fine, Crim had brought a lot more, and they were cheap and made of just normal material. This was fine for hunting creatures on planets like this but at some point, he would have to upgrade to higher quality materials, he shuddered at the price that would probably be. Even though he was now quite strong he still hadn't ever experienced wealth of any kind and had no clue if he would be able to afford such things in the future.

The thrashing finally stopped, and he got a notification *Calculation most compatible Evo trait from apex predator*

-Chameleon tongue...not compatible

-Rot venom... not compatible

-Metal scales... partial compatibility

*Evo trait being added*

Tristan was then forcefully transformed into his wolf form he felt all the hair on his body burning. It brought him great pain as he watched his red fur all fall out and then immediately it re-grew as a shiny red metallic fur. The process left him rolling on the ground in pain until it had finally finished.

*Evo trait completed*

-Metal fur... Small difference from the predator it came from, it can't turn impenetrable, but it does add great defense and always stays metal if host chooses to use it.

Tristan was ecstatic about his new trait, he knew that it wouldn't stop most attacks from ability users it would certainly stop him from most projectiles such as guns and greatly defend against some blunt attacks. The fact that he could keep his fur that way as long as he wanted was very nice as well, he wondered why that was, but he wasn't going to complain. He quickly turned his fur from metal back to normal a couple of times, while metal it was a little bit noisier and had a nice shine to it, he liked the look but was glad he could go back to normal for stealth purposes.

"I am so glad I didn't end up with a chameleon tongue... that could've been really bad, Crim would never let me hear the end of how ridiculous that would be." Just as Tristan thought that to himself, he got another notification. *Share the meat of the chameleon with your pack to increase all members resistance to venom and toxins*

Tristan shuddered at the thought of eating the meat with how it smelled but he knew he couldn't let an opportunity like this pass up so he grabbed the leg of the body and began dragging it back, although disgusting the chameleon had many parts that could be useful, if the scales could be taken off they could make a great set of armor and could be sold for quite a sum.