
The Lycan Evolver

feelnlucky · Fantasy
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37 Chs


Tristan was ready with his throwing knives, he hoped that the creature had a hardening ability for his scales and that they weren't just that sturdy, because that would make the fight very troublesome, he knew his own body was sturdy, but he didn't want to test out his ability to fight off venom. He also knew that he needed to be on high alert, because if he let the creature out of his sight it would surely disappear and then the game of cat and mouse would just begin again with Tristan being unsure which role he would play in that game.

Tristan decided that his best course of attack would be to use the shadows to his advantage and see if he could catch the beast off guard with a throwing knife. He quickly moved and disappeared into the shadows making sure that he didn't take his eyes off of the chameleon. He moved a bit away from his previous position and readied three throwing knives, he threw one, and quickly moved to a different angle and threw the second one, he hopefully watched as the first knife sailed right towards the creature, at the last second the creature turned its head and Tristan saw a faint shimmer go throw its scales as the first knife hit and bounced off, while it did that he moved just enough that the second knife missed it completely.

The catching Tristan off guard its tongue shot out of its mouth right towards where Tristan was hiding in the shadows. "Apparently it wasn't fooled by me hiding in the shadows, this is going to be a pain." Tristan rolled to the side dodging the tongue that he could smell the venom on. He had only seen one bright side to this entire fight, and that was the creature dodged the second knife, meaning that it did have some sort of hardening ability and it wasn't indefinite.

Tristan took note of how far the tongue had shot out, and quickly moved back out of what he figured its range would be, he prepared another two throwing knives bringing himself to having three out again. He threw all three in quick succession with the first going directly at it as well as the second and the third was where Tristan predicted the creature would move when it dodged the second.

The chameleon hardened its scales and the first knife bounced off just as Tristan predicted and it dodged the second one just like last time, he had predicted where it would go correctly and the third one looked like it was about to pierce into it...*Clang* the scales hardened back just in time and the knife bounced off. Tristan was getting irritated; he was starting to consider just going after the creature head on and trusting his agility to dodge the creature and hoping he didn't get hit by any of the venom. However, judging by how the creature was when it dodged it might not be the best idea, while Tristan was indeed far faster than the creature its reaction time might have been even quicker that his so it would end up evening out and that wasn't good odds against something that would likely kill Tristan in one blow. Both the venom and the giant size of the creature made it a bad matchup, not to mention the tongue that is unpredictable and extremely useful. The hardening ability of the scales wouldn't be too much of an issue sense it appeared to not last forever, quick attacks up close wouldn't be a problem to get through however landing a blow that would kill the creature before it could counter would be almost impossible. Despite all the bad odds Tristan had only a limited amount of throwing knives and if he didn't try something else, they would run out leaving him with no choice but to fight up close. He checked his knives and found that he only had four left, he decided to move closer and try throwing four in succession and hoping one would strike home and injure it enough to level the odds before he went in close. He was wary of the tongue, but if he wasn't caught off guard, he knew he should be able to dodge it.

He sprinted up to where he had thrown out the first set of knives, and readied himself to throw all four again, he launched the first two and just in the middle of his third throw he saw the tongue going straight for him. An idea hit him, and he quickly changed his target mid throw, instead of trying to hit its body he threw the knife right at the tongue that was shooting towards him.

He quickly rolled to dodge and watched as the knife grazed down one side of the tongue putting a deep cut into, as the chameleon pulled its tongue back it grimaced and let out a loud roar. Tristan smiled, it wasn't a lethal wound at all, but it did hurt, and enrage the beast. He realized if it was the scales that were the problem he should just bypass them all together and go for the soft part in its mouth, it was a long shot, but with the enraged creature he was sure it would give him a chance, while its tongue might hurt its reign as the apex predator in the area had made it grow complacent and lazy, it would rather get a quick hit in with its tongue and pull its prey to it or at least get some venom on them and wait for it to do its job, it had grown fat and lazy and likely hadn't used its own body to fight anything in a long time. Now that Tristan had a plan, he just needed the creature to shoot out its tongue at him one more time.