
Chapter 14 : Coffee and a Breakdown

A few days had passed since my date with Luke, and I couldn’t hold out any longer. I needed to talk to someone about what was going on in my mind. The first person I thought to call was River.

We set up a time to chat the next day and I was anxious. When I saw her enter the café and she sat down, I immediately jumped to it.

“I have a problem!”

“Hi to you too, Anais,” River said with a smirk.

Right, manners.

“Sorry,” I replied, quickly, shaking my head. “Hi, it’s good to see you, we really have to go out more often! Now—I have a problem.”

Not quite the greeting I wanted to give River, who was giving me an amused look across the café table, but it was too late to rescind it and I already screwed it up too much to really fix it.

Still, it showed my current mental state well, which was not good.