
Chapter 13 : Hotel Happiness

How do you compare thee to a summer day? How does one compare one date to the other, and quantify the amount of fun that’s been had? Is it possible to tally up the mood or what was done for you during it?

I supposed that one had to judge by what the date itself was and how much joy it brought you, seeing as a dinner date was different from a date to the amusement park.

It didn’t help that I was attracted to both of the men doing such things for me. All three of them, actually.

Luke and I had scheduled a dinner date a few days after my amusement park date with Charles and I had to admit that I was looking forward to it. I was promised ‘some of the best gnocchi around,’ so I was hoping it’d live up to the expectations.

Ah. I suppose that was another thing you had to judge: what you were expecting out of said date. Somehow, they were getting higher and each date was meeting the next very quickly.