
Chapter five:

**The night of remembrance**

"Mom?" "Yes?" "What is a Lunar Maiden?" "What are you talking about?" "I pulled a page out of your diary a couple of weeks ago and it said I will fill full the prophecy... and that I am this Lunar Maiden." "Shhhhh!....come here. Where is Jeremiah!" "At home why?" "Call him now!" "Why" "Just do it!" I knew my mom knew something very vital so I did her demands. I called him and Jeremiah came over as quick as possible. My mother shut the curtains and locked the doors. She poured salt around windows and doors. She dragged us into the living room. "Jeremiah, I need you to finish the ceremony.... I fully consent." He pulled out a ring. A small single diamond ring. He kneeled on one knee. He slowly asked and looked into my eyes and asked "Athena Moore will you marry me?" I looked in his eyes to find a answer I knew I loved him, but what would my father think of this or Eddie. I know that I love Jeremiah and we have been dating for about a year. Of course I had to say yes, it felt right to say yes. There is a connection. He put the ring on my finger and told me he loved me and he will protect me. My mother smiled and told me everything will be okay.

There was a knock at the door. The knocking continued and didn't stop til my mother answered it. It was Eddie, I was scared I thought it would of been a evil person, because I felt that the evil was coming. He walked confused and looked me for comfort. He ran over and hugged me and started to cry. "Mm..mm..molly dii...died...this morning" he said crying and sobbing pulling me closer. Molly was his aunt who was fighting cancer and the Doctors said she was doing fine last week. I started to cry remembering all the memories we had growing with his aunt at the movies and hospital and even vacations.

"I can't take it..I..jus...just...don't...understand" he said breathing heavily. We sat on the couch and I rubbed his hair and let him lay on me. He seen the ring on my finger and sat up. "You're engaged?" Jeremiah walked in and said "yes, I had her mother's blessing". His faced looked like I betrayed him. "He's a monster Lena!...he ruined our friendship....he isn't human! Don't you see his compelling eyes pale skin...and he doesn't like the sun.!" "Say what I am then!" "You're a vampire!" "SHUT UP!" My mother interrupted them two. I walked to my room and overheard their conversation.

•mom "why are you two fighting?"

•Eddie "He is a monster...a vampire!"

•mom "shut up with that nonsense! You are just mad because at the end of the day Athena picked Jeremiah! You guys are basically brother and sister!"

I walked down after hearing that and said "she's right Eddie, yea I love you, but we've been over this conversation many times. I love you you're a brother to me...and I don't want a relationship we went into to ruin things. My love life should be me talking to you after at Starbucks with Isabelle. You're my best friend and I don't want to hurt you and lose you. No matter what I will always choose you first. I am never going to leave Eddie, yes I've been distant, but I have been helping with the baby and everything." It hurt to see the agony on his face. I have told him multiple times that I only thought of his as a friend. But something seemed different about Eddie today, he didn't feel like himself. My mom walked out to grab the clothes on the line.

He walked over and hugged me tightly so I invited him in for tea and said "that's sweet, but I am not Eddie I'll be sure to rely the message darling" and he grabbed me by the throat. Nearly choking to death. He slammed on to the coffee table pinning me to it. He pulled out a silver dagger with blue gems embedded in it. "I killed my own mother with this dagger. You do not deserve to rule both paranormal paths. You do not even known who you are!" He got closer to my neck, and slightly sliced my upper neck. Jeremiah came rushing into the house. He charged after him, and threw him against the wall. The imposter eyes turned an emerald golden yellow like that wolf many years ago. He looked at me with rage and smirked when he heard Luca cry upstairs. Then the man ran out the door, and my mom came running in like she was a bat running out of hell.

"What...just...happened?" I asked and Jeremiah came over as I covered up my neck to try to stop the bleeding. I looked at Jeremiah now my fiancé and asked kindly asked for him to explain everything. He looked me in the eyes and said "listen long ago since the begging of time. There were witches, werewolves, and normal humans. Long ago my father murdered my aunt because she became pregnant with his baby. Instead of us finding out he murdered her. My mother who was a powerful witch in her time, made him tell the truth. In punishment she gave him a curse to me immortal pain and shall walk the earth till the end of time. That was when the vampires were born. My father hated the curse, and decides to turn all of us and made my mother watch. Then he turned her. She was 'reborn' but with a new mark upon her skin. This mark was the Lunar Maiden's mark. Earth made a ruler between both paranormal realms. This individual is so power. This individual is a witch but both vampire and wolf. When a Lunar Maiden is born the same day to repeat the cycle of balance between the three paranormal realms. On your shoulder you have a birthmark of an arrow pointing up and a circle around it with lines pushing out of the circle symbolizing the sun. That is the mark of the Lunar Maiden. You were born on May 17th 2001 at 4:15pm, same time and date my mother died. I have been searching for you, threw many witch family heritages. Then I found your mother in Salem in High School. She could tell the future and knew you were the Lunar Maiden before your birth was ever planned. I always played as your 'older cousin' to protect you from Shandor and other enemies that can sense you. Your father never knew about this world. Since I was the first prince of the past Lunar Maiden I must find her which is you and bring you to rule the realms, and I can be king again. You can only be king when a Lunar Maiden is assigned you as one. You can either be a wolf, witch, vampire. When the king is left with on Lunar Maiden there is no balance or order." I looked at him in shocked, because my mother knew about this and never told me. "So...Is there any other ritual parts to complete it?" "I would need to ask for your hand and turn you, only when you're ready." I looked at him and I couldn't be mad or frustrated at him, because I love Jeremiah. He was always there for me. He never hurt me like my past boyfriends. My mother approved of him. I felt safe with him. Everything about him always invited me in. Even the day we met, I felt a connection as if it was the universe made us to come together. I didn't feel the pain I had around him. I was always happy around him.

"Hey guys?" My mom said interrupting my thinking process. She had two suitcases in her hand. She looked at me and said "Athena I know school is important and all, but you need to be safe with your little brother...." "What are you talking about?" She walked closer to me and handed me the suitcases and handed me them. "It isn't safe here anymore for you and your brother. You and your brother are going to go to Jeremiah's safe house and there is only one week left of school so will be okay." "What about you?" "She has been eating wolf-bane ever since she was pregnant with you." Jeremiah said picking up Luka. Luka smiled and hugged Jeremiah tight. My mother smile and hugged us all. We drove for six hours. Luka cried for mom for about a hour. I climbed in the back and cuddled him to sleep. We stopped at a gas station and Jeremiah bought Luka's favorite chips for when he woke up.

We finally arrived to a wood cabin it was beautiful and huge. The car ride there was stressful and exhausting. I and Luka feel asleep in the master bedroom, and Jeremiah slept with was as well.

I woke up in the bed alone. Luka missing and Jeremiah. I stretched out and slowly got out of bed. Walking down to the kitchen with them dancing in the kitchen making breakfast together. Luka smiled so big, and took a picture and video to capture the moment, and I didn't want this to end.