
The Luckiest Mage Should Have a Harem

Warren Luck is just like any other high school kid, except he has been stuck paying back his Father's immense debt. Due to this, Warren has had an obsession on betting, gambling, and leaving things up to luck itself. And when he could win big, things go south and Warren is killed for his actions, his luck finally running dry. Now in the afterlife, it seems that all of it was for not. But then, a god appears before him. It is the God of Luck Karma, who is thoroughly impressed with Warren's attitude. Warren being who he is, has asked for a second chance at life and challenges Karma to a simple match of pure luck and skill. In an "epic" battle, Warren wins and is reincarnated into a world of magic and fantasy, a single goal in mind. To gain what only the luckiest of men could unearth... A successful Harem while becoming powerful.

savvypenguin · Fantasy
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26 Chs

The Crown Part 2

Warren grabbed his forehead as pain and vertigo came crashing down on him. He wanted to puke, badly, but through will alone he managed to swallow.


Warren exhaled heavily and fell to the floor in a heap, an overwhelming sense of sleep falling over him. For a moment he drifted, and his eyelids beginning to close.

"Hey Master, maybe now isn't the best time to be sleeping."

A black paw smacked Warren between the eyes, the small jolt making the boy come to his senses. For a few moments he was speechless, remembering exactly what had happened.

He was with Reya, they were um... doing things, and suddenly they saw their seals glow and bam, they had been teleported. Warren glanced to his side, Lucy waiting patiently for him to gain traction.

The cat face palmed, "I think we got bamboozled."

Warren took her words and then took in his surroundings. He was sitting on a cobblestone road, one that led to a fountain and circled around it. The fountain was quite simple, a small trickle of water pouring into its base. Around the circle, large houses sat silently in the night.

However, most had been overtaken by plant life and roofs no longer blocking out the moonlight. Even the walls of a few had toppled over.

Where were they?

Lucy yawned loudly, "I was about to get some good sleep toooooo."

Warren finally spoke, "Is this..." he slowly stood up, his whole body aching. "the First Year hunt?"

Lucy stretched, "Maybe, but for the moment I don-" she stopped and hurried to Warren's side.

'I sense four souls.' She said within their minds. Warren still felt lost, as if he was still dreaming. He needed to focus, or something bad could happen.

"Warren Alister, oh how I have been waiting for you."

Lucy and Warren swirled around, they scanned the street, only to find their gazes settling on the roof of an old church. Atop it, three dark figures cast great shadows.

One sat with the ominous glow of grey eyes, and Warren suddenly felt the urge to run.

"Who are you, what's going on?" Warren questioned, he also reached for his side, only to realize he had no sword. He frowned, just thinking about fighting without one was troublesome.

The three figures slowly shifted, and then one finally stood. It was the one who had spoke before hand. Warren bit his lip and gestured for Lucy to get ready to fight.

Then the moonlight shone bright, and a set of perfect white teeth came into view. The devilish smile was accompanied by a familiar face.

Leo, Leo Armice.

Warren hesitated, his memory kicking into overdrive as he saw his face. It was the guy he had seen when he got his seal from Sara, the one who had eyes filled with resentment.

So why? Why was he here before him?

Warren let his worry die, "You are Leo Armice correct?"

Leo lost his smile, "Seems you know of me, how?"

Warren shrugged, "Word gets around pretty quickly, also I heard you are a big shot too."

Leo smirked, happy that his superiority was getting around High Castle. He planned to fight for the throne eventually, so the more people that believed in his strength, the better.

But first, he had only one goal that was stained in his mind, and itch he could never quite scratch. Leo still wanted Citrus, to make her his queen when he put his plan into action. In Azura, any Noble Mage can challenge for the throne on the Prince's coronation day, but the people of the kingdom must approve. He must take her hand, but time and time again his love had been thwarted. All because of one small bug before him.

Leo slowly walked toward the cross that had tipped over, the stone threatening to fall at any moment. With a thud, his foot was planted on it, his eyes casting down upon Warren.

"I am flattered you think of me so highly...Warren, it makes this so much easier."

Warren cocked his head, "Excuse me?"

Leo put his hands up as if to grab the moon, "Isn't it simple, I want you to give up, no" he slightly chuckled , "No I want you to beg, beg for the chance to end this quickly."

Warren winced, as if the words spoken to him had flipped a switch inside his brain, "I really don't understand what you mean, but I will warn you..."

He cracked his knuckles, "I don't play nice."

Leo snapped his fingers, and the two figures who had been silently waiting sauntered forward. One belonged to a lengthy skinny boy who had long black hair that ran down both his shoulders. He also was slouched over, a weird sense of urgency plastered on his face. Though, his green eyes glowed fiercely. On the other side, almost the complete opposite appeared, a large boy with crazy looking muscles smirked, his red mangled hair flowing in the wind.

Leo pointed to his right, "This is Zo, a man of honor, he will be your first opponent."

Warren scoffed, "Opponent?! I still don't know what you want Leo. Is this the First Year Hunt, or are you out to get rid of competition." He sighed, "And I was really busy too, so you better make this worth while."

A vein bulged on Zo's forehead, "Your words have no manners or etiquette. Scum like you should watch their tongue."

Warren countered, "Well this Scum is tired so."

He turned to walk away, "I won't play your little game."

Leo growled, "What, am I not worth your time?!"

Warren nodded, "More or less, I'm tired, slightly horny, and I need to find a friend. To be blunt, you are the least of my worries."

Zo had disappeared from the roof, the Mage closing the distance in almost a single second. He was enraged that someone could be so rude to the future king.

Zo stretched out his hand and yelled his Spell in anger, "<Iron Slash>!"

Warren grinned, "<Divine Judgement>"


The entire area erupted in a wave of power. The roof that Leo stood on almsot thrown to the side. Leo's eyes widened, unsure of what had just happened.

"You idiot Zo! What if you killed him, why did you use an S Ranked Spell?!?!?" Leo said in haste.

But as he gazed onto the scene, his friend was not standing victorious, instead, Zo had been thrown backwards, implanting himself into the wall of a shop face. A pile of ruble falling down.

Leo's mouth fell open, seeing as how one of the most talented Mages had just been blown away with one Spell. Leo even sensed that very little Fey was used by Warren, but Zo had used almost triple the amount.

What happened? What was his Magic?

The giant teenager beside him laughed aloud, "Haha, look at ya Zo, you big idiot." It was Jackev, the muscle head who was Leo's other ally.

Leo hopped to the floor in a flash, his finger pointing toward Warren, "YOU! What was that?"

Warren exhaled heavily, "My Magic, what else could it have been?"

Leo stomped his foot, "Lies, you didn't even build up Fey."

"Leo stand back...." Zo stood up slowly, powdered stone dust falling from his shoulders. "His Magic is abnormal, you mustn't get close."

Zo shook himself straight, "Whatever spell he just used did not even hurt me."

Leo rose an eyebrow, seeing as how a small trickle of blood dripped down Zo's nose. He had definitely taken a huge hit.

"What do you mean?" Leo demanded.

Zo sighed and slowly started his way toward Warren, "He amplified my own Magic three fold and reversed its flow."

Leo stood in disbelief.

Warren yawned, "Hey Lucy, wanna head back and get some shut eye?"

Lucy nodded, "Yeah I really don't want to be awake right now." The cat turned toward the trio. "So can you kindly fuck off."

Leo suddenly had a wave of anger, "What are you? How can you be so calm? How did you just send someone so powerful flying in an instant? How can you have such arrogance?"

Leo's features went dark, "You truly are a Prince."

Warren stopped, "Oh? Thanks but I don't swing that way. Sorry if I sound like an asshole but you teleported me here and threatened me AND you attacked me. So can we just call it quits and do this another time."

There was a long drawn out silence as the night fell darker. Leo could not believe it. He was stupid, to think that he could easily overcome his obstacle and take Citrus for his own. He made it sound to simple, of course it was going to be hard. He face palmed,

"Citrus would probably call me and idiot right about now..."

Warren stood awkwardly, his only thought was what Reya was up to, if she had been put in a similar situation. Was this truly the First Year Hunt?

Leo put his hand out, "Hey Warren, let's make a wager."

He glared at Leo, the words sparking a fire from his soul, "Oh?" Lucy rolled over in defeat, knowing that what Leo just said was possibly the worst thing he could've done. She could feel it, Warren suddenly being interested. Before, he had just wanted to sleep, and when he gets like that he usually is blunt and straightforward, hence his weird behavior.

But because of Leo, he had reverted back to himself.

"If you can fend off one of us for ten minutes, I will give you our ties and you can pass to the Mage trials."

Warren rose an eyebrow, "Why would I need your ties to do that?"

Leo sighed, "All candidates must successfully take three ties from second years in order to pass, fail to to do so by morning and you don't."

Warren whistled and bent over to touch his toes, "So that's why we were teleported, I was skeptical at first but Looks like I have to fight no matter what."

Warren did a slight hop in the air, "Let's make things interesting Leo, how about if I fend all three of you off for ten minutes I get those ties. I mean, lets not hold back right?"

Jackev stepped forward, "Are you insane, you would have to live by sheer luck going against three second years with training."

Zo coughed and chimed in, "You are a nobody, you are merely Citrus' brother."

Warren was stunned. No one was supposed to know about them being siblings. How had they figured out? Did he slip up somewhere? However the case, he shook the question away and gave them a thumbs up.

"I could care less, I just want to test my luck, and if I want to surpass my sister than I need to catch some big fish."

Leo scoffed, "Surpass Citrus, no one could possibly overtake the Lone Princess. Impossible."

Warren noted the name, 'Lone Princess'

Zo stepped in front of Leo, a few feet between him and Warren, "You only got lucky Alister, I won't allow you to do it again."

Warren grinned ear to ear, "Thanks, but I plan on getting a hell of a lot luckier." He motioned toward Zo, "So come and try me."