
The Luckiest Mage Should Have a Harem

Warren Luck is just like any other high school kid, except he has been stuck paying back his Father's immense debt. Due to this, Warren has had an obsession on betting, gambling, and leaving things up to luck itself. And when he could win big, things go south and Warren is killed for his actions, his luck finally running dry. Now in the afterlife, it seems that all of it was for not. But then, a god appears before him. It is the God of Luck Karma, who is thoroughly impressed with Warren's attitude. Warren being who he is, has asked for a second chance at life and challenges Karma to a simple match of pure luck and skill. In an "epic" battle, Warren wins and is reincarnated into a world of magic and fantasy, a single goal in mind. To gain what only the luckiest of men could unearth... A successful Harem while becoming powerful.

savvypenguin · Fantasy
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26 Chs

The Crown Part 1

They both brought their hand up, the seal that had been on the back of their hand was now glowing. It was the Seal Warren had gotten when he met the female knight Sara.

Reya and Warren exchanged looks, knowing full and well what was going to happen. And as they did, a loud warping sound came from their Seals.

In an almost robotic female esc voice, someone spoke,








Reya opened her eyes, a flood of vertigo and nausea rushing over her as she fell face first to the ground. For a few moments, the girl lay sick, groveling in her overwhelming debuffs.

She gritted her teeth and glared upwards. Reya held her breath, the view before her sending chills down her spine. She was in a long open court yard covered by wild grass, towering stone walls closing in on either side.

It was a huge square, the walls stretching toward the clear night sky. Reya bit her lip and managed to push herself up, her expression cold.

She could feel it....

Someone was watching her.

She slowed her mind down and focused, glancing down at her hand, the red circle no longer glowing the ominous red it had before. Upon further thinking, a certain blonde headed idiot appeared in her mind.

Where was Warren?

She shot to her feet, ignoring the fact it felt like she was about to topple over like a broken pillar.

"Well let us see."

Reya froze, her eyes scanning the open courtyard in a fright. It was the female voice she had heard before being teleported.

"Reya Rose, Oh! You must be Professor Rose's daughter, how amusing."

Reya reached for her hood pocket, only to find she no longer had the small silver dagger she always did. Even when she was alseep, she carried it just in case.

"How did-" Reya began to speak, but before she did the voice cut her off.

"Well anyways I must brief you on the matter at hand." There was a slight peek in Fey just ahead of her, Reya locking her eyes on the spot immediately.

"Oh quite impressive you noticed my Magic, but it's not like I am hiding anymore."

There was a shimmer of purple as ginger locks appeared accompanied by the pale face of a woman. More of her figure materialized, a short red dress sewn around an hourglass stature. The woman smiled, "Well hello my dear Mage."

Reya evaded backwards, putting distance between them.

The lady nodded," Splendid, I applaud you for making the first move. You have seen battle before."

"Enough." Reya said, "Who are you?"

The lady suddenly frowned, "Tsk, attitude will get you nowhere Ms. Rose, such trivial questions only lead to dead ends."

Reya readied her Fey, trying her best to harden her fists. Although hardening Fey was not her strong suit, she needed to prepare.

The lady put a finger up, "How about this, I will answer one question, does that sound pleasing?"

Reya looked into the lady's mind, only to see a reflection of herself. The lady before her was only thinking of her, completely focused.

"Who... are you?" Reya said.

"Why Mrs. Applebottom, the combat intelligence teacher for Queen Academy, I have summoned you to the practice yard for the Royal Knights."

Reya stood still, letting her Fey trickle away, "What's going on? Is this the First Year Hunt?!"

Mrs. Applebottom sighed, "In battle, the most you can pry for is one question, if this was an assignment, you would have failed."

The lady waved off her displeasure, "Anyways yes, this is the First Year Hunt."

Rey sighed heavily and donned her familiar red hood, "I thought it started early morning, did the Director change it."

Mrs. Applebottom clapped, "Correct, he wanted to challenge the next incoming Battle Mages, so we tweaked a few things."

Reya suddenly felt chills, "What do you mean tweaked?"

Mrs. Applebottom slowly grinned, her facial features hidden by shadows, "Firstly, anyone one Below Rank B was disqualified, sent home a few hours ago. Instead of a random battle royale at King Academy as we have done the last fifteen years, we decided that most of the hunt was left to nothing but luck."

Her face grew cold, "Those who succeed on luck, only fail to misfortune Ms. Rose. So now, you candidates are tasked with a different type of deal."

She stepped forward, a wicked smile on her face.

"Now you will be hunting. All candidates must remove the tie of three Second years, fail to do so by sunrise and you are disqualified from participating in the Mage trials.

Reya's heart sunk, "What..."

Mrs. Applebottom giggled, "I quite like that expression, seems like you just lost your familiar."

Reya felt for her dagger again, "How are untrained Mages supposed to fight those who have been taught, isn't that unfair?"

The lady shrugged, "We are at war Ms. Rose, Azura must survive, and a new era of strong Battle Mages is needed."

She bowed.

"So best of luck to you my dear, you're father will be waiting and watching."

Reya held her tongue, weighing the words spoke to her. So this was it, the one's who were supposed to be hunted are now the hunters. Reya swallowed hard and held her chin. It was impossible though, would Second Years just run? No way, if someone was told this they would...

Reya fit the puzzles together.

They would be furious, to go from predator to prey would make anyone infuriated. Reya looked up, Mrs. Applebottom completely gone. She had vanished while she was deep in thought.

"Fuck about time that bitch finished her speech, it was gettin' kind of boring."

Reya swirled around, a figure standing before her. It was a short boy with orange hair that was combed backwards, freckles thrown across his face.

"You see a ghost or something? Did you hear what Mrs. Assbottom said?"

Reya took a few steps back, her mind still grasping what was happening. However, she noticed the boy was wearing a black blazer with blue highlights, a violet tie around his neck. He was a student at Queen Academy.

He grinned, "You got a staring problem or what missy?" He out stretched his hand out. "Try and take my tie, an A ranker like you shouldn't have a problem."

Reya held her breath. How? How did he know that? She had her Soul Aura hidden, there was no way someone should be able to see her rank. Was it because he was a second year?


"Ooo, I guessed right then, nice."

Reya rose an eyeborw in defeat. He had just guessed, of course he would not know. She had been played.

The boy yawned, "Anyways I'm going to crush you and meet my quota so I can get this A and go to sleep."


"I have to snuff out three candidates, I can tell you were dying to ask missy, your face is so readable." He kept his grin and closed his hand to form a fist,

"<Mud Grip>"

A huge pile of dirt shot upwards, crashing against Reya's thigh. She would of flown backwards, but the dirt seem to harden and snatch her. She was stuck, her left leg completely covered by dirt.

The boy whistled, "You should really try... or not, I mean it would make my life easier."

Reya winced from the rough edges of the rock cutting her. In a hurry she flooded her leg with Fey and kicked outward.

A pillar of dust and dirt fragments shot forward, the boy Mage side stepping as the remnants of his Spell flew past.

"Annoying..." Reya said through cold eyes.

The boy flinched, as if the words hit him hard. He furrowed his eyebrows and sighed, "Alright bitch, I'll show you annoying."

Reya sighed and honed in on herself, the thing she always did before she went in to battle.

'Focus.' She said within her mind.


Reya flinched, almost falling over from the scream within her head. She grabbed her forehead and smiled. She had forgotten that she formed a link with Warren.

'Actually, what was Warren going through?' Reya thought as she ignored more of his screams.

Yoo, the chapter was short but was more of a buffer chapter to get myself in the groove of things again. I understand there was a break so most of you might have forgotten,


At the moment I am working on more informational chapters such as stages within Mage ranks, how fey works, and more on character sheets to go into the auxiliary while I put out regular chapters. So for now please accept the smaller chapters. ?????

Thank you, and have a nice day.


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