

Elvis was dead! She still couldn’t believe it. She had not attended the funeral thinking that the police could be looking for her and they could suspect her. She sat at the door leading to her daughter’s bedroom and started crying hopelessly. "What have I done? What am I going to do?" she thought. A powerful and deadly husband A beautiful woman A passionate lover A serial killer A determined detective What could go wrong on a chessboard with these different players ready to play.

Favour_Faith · Urban
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12 Chs



Officer Frank discovered a few things during the funeral of Elvis Odong. Many loved the man indeed; no one was willing to say anything negative about him. But who would! Death has a way of making everyone forget the evil one had done as they focused on the good. Evidently, the mourners pitied the wife and children of the desceased. It was in the way they avoided talking about or mentioning his name. In how they quickly responded to the demands of children. The bereaved drew comfort from the talk about their beloved; reminiscing about the good old days when he was still with them. The days of his infancy, youth including his marriage to Sarah.

Regardless what his friends, relatives and colleagues believed, Elvis was not as perfect as they thought. He had done something that had led to his death. He must have. His death had all the signs of "Its personal" as the Frank termed it. But above all, Elvis had been cheating on his wife with the woman with the tattoo. His wife was of a dark complexion. She had no body art apart from the few scars here and there. Definitely she was not the woman the police was looking for. He couldn't shake the feeling that finding the Yellow woman would help him find the murderer. He trusted his gut and right now his gut was telling him that she was the main piece in this puzzle.

'Hey, shall we go for lunch?' his wife said standing at the entrance of his office. She was the head of the homicide department and the same person driving Frank crazy with demands of results. Many men from the department hated her apart from Frank. But she secretly loved it that way. The only people that knew how good she was were her husband and their son.

'Okay, lets go. By the way I need some insight on my case. I seem to be missing something.'

'I thought the new evidence you got yesterday had helped in some way.' She said in a voice only he knew of. A voice full of concern, adoration and understanding. She was a tough boss but a great wife indeed.

'There's a passcode on the memory card. Who does that? I could understand putting a passcode on the phone but the memory card, that is some sick shit! What was he hiding anyway?' Frank said feeling stressed. The case that he had thought would last a week was now coming to two months and there was so little progress to show for his hard work. The only development they had been able to get was that of a destroyed phone near the deceased's home in Bulenga estate.  The phone was totally smashed and had been drenched by the morning dew. One could think that an elephant had put his heavy foot on the small Sam Sung making it unrecognizable. The only thing that was fine was the small memory card that had miraculously survived total annihilation.  But it had been wet too so data recovery was going to take some time…..if they were lucky.

 William, part of the team from Kampala was sure that he could restore some of the lost data on the memory card. The entire case was relying on the information that William was going to get from the card.

'Have some patience, dear. Lets go have lunch and then we shall go through the information you have after.' His wife said calmly.

If only she could be that nice when she was grilling you as she demanded for results, Frank thought with a smile.


After knowing Henry for exactly two weeks, Celina found her self as Mrs. Kavuma. She couldn't resist it. A few hours in the sheets with the man were enough to drive her crazy. Henry must have been a sex muse in his past life. He kissed her in places that her virgin body had never known existed. He treated her as though she was made of porcelain. She must have shouted his name into the ceiling a million times in a short time. She wanted to feel that way always. He had made her first sexual experience memorable. No pain, zero embarrassing moments and a thousand intense moments.

He extended her three days trip into a month's holiday. If the sex was mind blowing then the money he spent on her was out of this world. Ellen had never seen Celina in such a state. She was constantly giddy with excitement the moment Henry's name was mentioned. She smiled constantly and blushed unnecessarily. Celina even did the unimaginable thing and giggled.

Ellen better than anyone else knew that it was lust. Hoping that her friend will be fine, Ellen decided to go back to Kenya leaving her friend in the hands of Henry Kavuma. It never crossed Ellen's mind that Celina would return a married woman.

Henry drove Celina wild with passion. He introduced her body to climaxes that it had never known. She longed to feel him. She missed his kisses on her inner thighs or on the back of her neck whenever he was far from her. She missed the feel of his body pressed into his or how he groaned as he reached the pinnacle.

'Marry me….I want you to marry me.' Henry said one morning after being with him for a week of which most of the days were spent in bed  making love. There was no ring but he was sweaty after passion. His chest glistened. His hard toned big biceps were enticingly demanding  her attention. He moved his hands down her thighs as he prepared her for the next round. The room smelt of sex, sex and nothing but sex. As she looked at him she felt her nether regions pulse in response to the movement of his hands. Her heart raced erratically as she watched his handsome face.

'When do you want us to do that?' Celina butted her eyelashes as she asked him.

'Wednesday…. I can make arrangements. We can get the ring tomorrow from that jewelry shop we saw yesterday.

'That soon...…..okay, lets do that,' she actually moaned. She didn't think about it. She didn't want to rationalize the entire situation. She wanted to live in that moment as the wife of a rich and powerful man.