

Elvis was dead! She still couldn’t believe it. She had not attended the funeral thinking that the police could be looking for her and they could suspect her. She sat at the door leading to her daughter’s bedroom and started crying hopelessly. "What have I done? What am I going to do?" she thought. A powerful and deadly husband A beautiful woman A passionate lover A serial killer A determined detective What could go wrong on a chessboard with these different players ready to play.

Favour_Faith · Urban
Not enough ratings
12 Chs




Celina, who had just received a knock from poverty at her door had accompanied a friend who was currently dating a married Permanent Secretary to Greece for a vacation. She was the only child her mother had been able to have.

'I need security so that, should something happen to me you can tell the world. You know how these married men behave. Besides he's willing to pay for your ticket and everything else. We shall consider it as a vacation…. please don't say no,' her friend had convincingly laid her case.


Celina had been convinced with the idea of a vacation to Greece and off she had run to make preparations for the forth-coming journey. As Celina's friend enjoyed her intimacy with the Permanent Secretary, in more ways than one, Celina had been left to enjoy whatever she wanted solo. The twenty three year old had always been an introvert and as such had experienced a most wonderful time with minimum interruption. Celina's only challenge was not having enough money to purchase all the trinkets she wanted.


After a long time of cowering in fear at the  image before him as he stalked Celina from a distance, Henry finally obtained the courage to introduce himself to the woman that seemed to preoccupy his mind and make is body behave in the most undignified ways. Her voice was not disappointing. It was music to his ears. Her enunciations jolted the heart that had turned into a concrete brick making it beat erratically. He begged her to join him for a small bite at the bar. She wrapped her body with the shawl African women are known to travel with.

 The two seemed to be in their own utopia as they munched on whatever the waiter delivered. It could have been grass, stones or wool and still they wouldn't have noticed as they looked into each other's eyes.

Celina had never found a man that could hang on each and every word that she uttered. She had started thinking that he could be a simpleton till he told her that he was a judge.

Still she couldn't deny the man looked good. The 'good' that was edible. He was dark, tall about six or seven feet her brain couldn't tell, with a magnificent body. He was a god, the Greek kind that she had never had the privilege of studying about. Well she could be the first to tell the world about the god Henry. He was intelligent compared to all the young men she had had the misfortune of knowing in her life. 

Celina could not believe her luck. That she had been able to meet a man who was not only powerful but also interested in her …..just as she liked them. From the obvious bulge in his pants, he was not lucking in that department either. But above all he looked wealthy. He smelt rich. His fragrance was power. She saw his kind everyday in Nairobi but had never thought that one could look in her direction.


To Celina it was lust. It wasn't love but pure undeniable lust. She wanted to feel those strong arms around her. She wanted that strong mouth to do things that had nothing to do with eating food or reading out loud. And the tongue that was licking his lips could actually be doing something that wasn't licking ice cream. She wanted to run her fingers in the hairs of his beard then proceed to those on his well-toned chest before ending at the taut stomach. The idea that she was going to leave a few days later made the entire experience seem like a novelty. As Henry tried his best to talk about himself in hope of impressing Celina, she was more interested in getting him naked, pouncing on him and doing things that were forbidden to the image of miss goodie two shoes she portrayed to the world.

Well Greece was an exception. There was no one to judge her especially not Ellen who was busy trying to make the permanent secretary scream his bank details in the hotel room. Greece was indeed an exception.

'What do you want from me?' she asked trying to put the blood that was running in her nether regions under control. They were sitting which was a good thing considering how both were feeling. Her entire body was on fire. She had endless shivers running from her nipples down to her clit.


Henry wanted to eat her; if that was a thing. This was the kind of sexual attraction that he had never imagined possible. Just like her he wanted to kiss her in so many places that he didn't know how long it would take him to finish. But that wasn't the kind of thing one told a girl you had just met.

'I want to know you.' He said trying to choose a better and safer statement. She was looking in her cocktail glass or was it water none could tell because their thoughts were in disarray. She lifted her lashes and looked at him.

'You lie....I am going to be out of this place within two days so can we skip the pretense and get to the best part....so what do you want from me?'

Henry had met all kinds of women and none had asked him what he wanted to do with her in such a sexy way. He couldn't tell if her voice became softer and huskier as she said the last bit. He laughed a bit wondering if he would ever get his thoughts back in order. Maybe from now on he was likely to pass wrong verdicts. Criminals were going to go spot free while the innocent were going to be on death row. Oh how the mighty fall

 She waited with bated breath thinking if she had been too forward in her desires.

'I want to fuck you," he had stated without preamble.

The words hang between the two of them like a bad stench. Him wondering what her next move would be. . Her thinking of the kind of fun she was going to have.

It was his turn to wait for her response. She looked innocent, pure like a sweet angel from his dreams. He wanted to reach out to her and touch her just to feel if she was real.

'Then lets get started.' She had responded in that ridiculous tone of voice that seemed to harden the muscle between his legs. After all she was never going to see the man again. Or was she?


As Celina sat crying on the floor in the corridor, she wondered why she had listened to her nether regions instead of concentrating on ignoring men as she had done before Henry. She heard footsteps coming down the corridor. She stood up very fast. She wiped her tears and started to move towards the sound.  She heard the sound of the switch as the lights were turned on. Henry stood five feet from her and was looking at her. After twelve years of marriage she had never been able to get used to his dominating presence. He looked bigger than all the other humans she knew and as intimidating as ever.

He seemed to fill the small space in the corridor. He was wearing a pair of shorts only. His chest was as toned as ever. She remembered how her heart used to beat erratically whenever he looked in that all sexy way as he  did currently. The difference was now her heartbeat not with lust but with fear. Celina's mind quickly raced going through all the different things he could have expected her to do that day and she thanked God that she had done them.  


'Hey…..are you fine. I was wondering what had happened to you?' he drawled with his sleep filled voiced

'I came to check on Penelope. She was making some sounds.'

'You could hear her from our room? That must have been quite a scream. Is she fine?' she could tell that he wasn't buying her explanation. Their daughter was six years and the monitors were out of style for her age. He wore the same look he always had on when a Prosecutor tried to sell some nonsense to the court. Well two could play that game.

'Well she seems fine. Did you want something…water maybe, I could get you a glass.' She said trying to be as sweet as ever.

'I just want my wife by my side.' Henry moved towards her as though he was afraid that any rushed movement would startle her. He looked like a hunter moving towards his game. As he spoke with the kind of voice that had once made her panties wet she realized one thing for sure, all the rumors she had ever heard about Henry were true. She was in trouble and no one could save her this time because she was married to the only person she feared more than the devil. He held her hand and they moved to the bedroom. The same bedroom where months back Elvis held her and promised her heaven. Elvis was dead. Truly dead