

She was married to the crown prince of the United Kingdom, a multi-billionaire, and the current CEO of one of the most successful companies in the world. No, this wasn't her dream come true, this was a nightmare. A nightmare because the man was not only insanely handsome but a cold soul who was going to divorce her after two years. Besides, was Frankie even a princess name? Could things ever change? When they agree to make the best out of the marriage? Will it be a better move on their part or will it only make matters more complicated? Hang on dear readers, this is one of the million love after marriage stories, so hang on and take this pleasant ride with me

Yvonne_Jemutai · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Bye bye

The next day Frankie woke up to find Rome parking the last few of their luggage, grey leggings, and a white T-shirt on the bed for her to wear. "Rome?"

He looked up at her, moved to her bed at this inhuman speed kissed her forehead. "Morning, Love."

She yawned. "Morning, you've parked?" she looked around as he nodded.

"Yes, it's nine, Love, breakfast is ready, Dad and Daria are in the dining room." She lifted a brow but said nothing, he had called her father dad, without even knowing it. For some reason, this spread her heart with warmth.

Getting up, she walked to the bathroom, got showered, and dressed before walking with Rome to the dining room as his men took their luggage outside. "Someone is anxious to leave the country," Daria said before stuffing her mouth with a sausage.

Frankie gave her a spank on the head before rubbing her father's bald head and sitting between them. "Morning people," she served herself tea and watched as Rome did the same, he had gotten used to their lifestyle quickly and she was happy. Grabbing two sausages, she placed them on her plate and added three slices of bread with strawberry spread. "What?" she asked when she realized everyone at the table was looking at her.

Rome was the first to look away and focus on his breakfast. "Yaani, you want to eat all that, hii si ni greediness!" Daria spoke mixing English and Swahili.

Translation: Surely, you want to eat all that, isn't this greediness!"

Frankie looked up with her stuffed mouth. "Mind your business." Daria shrugged while her father said nothing. Breakfast went smoothly and when they were done, her father spoke.

"You're in your internship. Right?"

Frankie nodded. "Yes."

Her father looked at his cup of tea. "Frankie, I do not know what to say anymore, you're a big girl, do what is right and make me proud."

Nodding, Frankie stood up to hug her father. "Love you, papa," she said with a sniff.

Her father patted her hand and she moved to hug Daria. "Don't forget we exist," she whispered in her ear and Frankie slapped her back. "Ouch!"

When Rome and she left the house by a car she inhaled, home. One day, someone is going to call her house home too. She felt her hand being squeezed and looked up to meet Rome's concerned eyes. "I am just thinking," she said and looked out of the window.

Rome's gentle squeeze remained and she turned to him only to be embraced, her head on his chest. "I swear everything's gonna be fine, Love, I will always be by your side, now and forever. I love you, Frankie."

Her eyes watered, why was he so sweet? "Rome, I am curious, what happens to the contract?"

Rome's hand joined hers. "That? I terminated it. It was worthless."

Frankie kept quiet. "What if I don't keep my promise?" she asked looking at their driver.

Rome was silent for a minute. "I trust you; I know you love me."

Frankie snuggled closer. "Rome, I love you more."

Rome placed his chin on the top of her head. "I know that." She elbowed him and watched as he held his stomach in fake pain, this man had high pain tolerance and she knew that. He was not fooling her.

The jet back home was fast and as usual, Mag and Ralph were waiting for them. Frankie didn't even think twice when she flung on Mag's arms earning a growl from Rome. When she heard that, she kissed his cheek and before she knew it, Rome had Mag on the wall, his eyes bloodshot red, okay, maybe a possessive vampire boyfriend wasn't to be messed with.

"Ohm, Rome, you're going to kill your friend?" she watched in worry when Mag face started to turn blue, without thinking, she jumped on him making him loosen his grip to hold her.

His eyes turned blue and he inhaled. "Fuck, Frankie if you want me to kill somebody, do that."

There was no doubt, she was not attempting that in this life. He didn't even need to tell her.