

She was married to the crown prince of the United Kingdom, a multi-billionaire, and the current CEO of one of the most successful companies in the world. No, this wasn't her dream come true, this was a nightmare. A nightmare because the man was not only insanely handsome but a cold soul who was going to divorce her after two years. Besides, was Frankie even a princess name? Could things ever change? When they agree to make the best out of the marriage? Will it be a better move on their part or will it only make matters more complicated? Hang on dear readers, this is one of the million love after marriage stories, so hang on and take this pleasant ride with me

Yvonne_Jemutai · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Be one with Rome

When the second finger slid into her, she threw her head back and bit her lips so hard she thought they would bleed. Whatever was happening to her was insane but just as she thought she might go higher and higher before coming undone, someone withdrew. Angry and confused she looked at him.

"That, pretty wife was for being angry at your husband for no reason." And he rolled over and slept? Oh no, he was getting away with that, she got on top of him but he didn't even look her way.

Realizing that probably he was the most turned on at the moment even more than her, she turned to her side and decided to fake sleep, it only be a while before he would come with his tail tucked behind like a lost puppy back to her. A minute passed, another one, was he not going to come?

Frankie patience.

She inhaled shallowly, another two minutes passed and her core was still throbbing it almost hurt. Why was she so sexually frustrated? Fuck waiting and stuff, she turned to him but realized he still had his back to her. Her hand moved to touch him but before she did, she paused was she going to beg for sex, for a release? No, she withdrew her hand but before she could do it fully, Rome turned and looked at her hand and then at her, he smirked as if he knew what she was about to do and this made her angry.

"Love, were you calling me?" he asked in faked innocence and she wished she could throw him off the bed but nothing assured her that if she tried it wouldn't be her who would be thrown off the bed.

All she could do was frown and narrow her eyes dangerously at him. "No, no hubby, I wasn't, I was just yawning, see." And she stretched her hands, faked a yawn, and turned away, closing her eyes in a bid to sleep. "Goodnight."

Before she knew it, a hand was crawling up her leg, rubbing circles in her inner thigh making her shiver in pleasure. "Frankie." The way he said her name so tenderly, so lovingly, and the way his voice was husky and deep almost velvety, she didn't know what to even think. Turning her body, she looked at his eyes and they were soft, pretty, and always glowing red she got lost in them. His hand moved up and she got startled when he rubbed her, nearer and nearer to her core. "Rome, when are we going to be one?" she didn't even know why she asked that or where it came from but she felt like a burden had been taken off her shoulder once she spoke.

Rome froze, then he gently cupped her cheek as his other hand pulled her closer and closer. His eyes had gone back to their bright blue, and they moved searching her face, looking for anything, she held her breath. "We will love, patience."

She didn't know why her heart dropped at. Pouting, she used her disappointed tone. "It's fine if you don't want to, I am fine. I'll just go back to sleep."

She closed her eyes and smiled immediately when she felt Rome move to her and hold her close to his chest, not caring that she was naked. "Don't say that, I want our night to be special, Frankie, you don't know how much I want you…" he inhaled and then added quietly. "Sometimes I want you so much, I think I would go insane, but I want it to be perfect, for us, for you, for me."

He tipped her chin and arched a brow at her making her nod. "I love you Rome, I hope I can be your Juliette."

Rome slightly pinched her back. "Don't even be, that name gave me the creeps. Just be my Frankie, hmm?"

She nodded, remembering Juliette and shook her head, she was a nasty thing. "Goodnight," she whispered and nuzzled on his neck as he covered her.

"Goodnight, my precious wife," he said as he kissed her forehead and they lay to sleep.