
The love package; My Darling wife and baby girl

Eric Crown rushed into the hospital, carrying the injured woman mindful of the fact that she is heavily pregnant. He left his assistant Andrew behind, who was trying to catch up with him. Andrew had tried to carry the woman from Eric but he refused to allow him or even allowed his driver touch her. ""Somebody help me" Eric immediately alarmed the hospital nurse at the reception immediately he entered with the injured woman. The emergency staff and nurses ran to him immediately seeing the injured woman in Eric's arms. Doctor what can be done for her Eric asked she is so seriously injured. We have to get the baby out of her first, the doctor replied assessing her injuries. We will try to save her life, I hope the baby is still alive the doctor added. What! Eric exclaimed shock. Take her to the operating theatre the doctor instructedthe emergency personnel there. The nurses and emergency staff put her on a hospital stretcher, and started wheeling her to the operation theatre. A nurse came with some papers for Eric to sign, he didn't even look at them he just signed. Dr. Robert, the medical director of the hospital was already informed of Eric's coiming. He just got to Eric at this time and asked who the woman involved in the accident was? Eric, still in shock with blood all over his shirt and trousers turned to Dr. Robert puzzled. What does that have to do with anything ? Dr. Robert was surprised by Eric's answer. Mr. Crown, I wanted to know if she was a family member he explained. No, I don't know her. She was hit by my car and we just rushed her here. Dr. Robert has known Eric for a long time, well known for his compassion and charity work but he never get emotionally involved. From the look on Eric's face, Dr. Robert felt there can only be one explanation then asked "were you driving" ? No, my driver was Eric answered. I see, you don't need to wait. Be rest assured we will take good care of her, it's just that from what I have seen she is in a critical condition. How critical Eric asked Dr. Robert. She might not survive Dr.Robert answered heavily, we were all quiet until a nurse came and told Dr. Robert they were ready for him at the operating theatre, he left with the nurse. She can't die, she cannot die Eric told himself. He felt this strong sense of attachment to her. Why is he feeling like this? As if, as if we have met before he thought. Sir, sir. sir? Andrew called out, touching Eric's shoulder lightly. Eric don't know how long he stood there but he suddenly realized Andrew was calling out to him. Sir, you need to change, there is a rest room over there Andrew said holding a change of clothes for him and pointing toward the restroom. Eric just continued to sit there, dazed! The incident playing over and over again in his mind. How come she was on the road at this time of the night? He wondered. She is heavily pregnant, why would any man allow his wife to move around at this time of the night?, and she was alone. Come to think about it, Eric didn't notice any wedding ring on her he thought, probably he didn't look properly. Mr. Crown, a nurse called out . Eric Crown looked up at her wondering when he sat down. Andrew immediately asked her what she wanted We need to know her name for our records she said We don't know Andrew answered.. But... It's an emergency, we had to rush her here, she was already unconscious Andrew explained. Then Dr. Robert suddenly came out of the Operating theatre, pulling off his face mask. We stood up as he walked toward us, eager for news . You have a baby girl Dr. Robert said smiling Me ? Eric asked surprised!

SCarew · Urban
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118 Chs

The Revelation.

After the meeting, Eric Crown was driven to one of his houses. Eric has a home everywhere his company headquarter is situated because he most times has to spend at least 3 days every now and then in those cities, sometimes more and he does't want to be spending them in a hotel room, they can be very impersonal and his security is also a major concern.

Bolt has called him twice while he was in the meeting but he couldn't respond. Eric started calling him as soon as he got home.

Bolt, talk to me he said as soon as he picked the call.

"Sir, I was right she was kidnapped" that was the first thing Bolt said.

" That's not new information". Tell me something we don't know, Eric replied impatiently

You have to take a seat for this one Bolt continued.

Bolt! Eric shouted on the phone his patience running out.

" She has being locked up for maybe 2 to 3 years even more" my source is not sure. She was part of some girls sold for prostitution but I heard the head of the syndicate took a liking to her and kept her for himself especially when he was told she was a virgin Bolt revealed.

Eric was quiet for sometime, he needed to sit down. He didn't expect this, he thought it will end up been a normal kidnapping case where they have to look for her family. But sold for prostitution? The pregnancy he asked Bolt still in a daze.

I heard the head of the syndicate raped and beat her repeatedly because she never gave in to him, that she was given everything money could buy but she refused to give in, that got him very angry and infuriated . So every time he had interactions with her, you'll hear her screaming, and when you see her next she has swollen eyes, wounds all over her body and she is limping.

My source told me most times the doctor is called to take care of her injuries, Bolt added.

When she got pregnant, she was initially very sick and by the time their boss the head of the syndicate found out about the pregnancy it was because she was ill.

My informant told me he was very angry with her and most especially with his manager in charge of taking care of the girls. That the manager was supposed to ensure she doesn't get pregnant.

The manager in turn said he had taken care of that issue with all the girls, that he cannot understand how she got pregnant.

But since he the head of the syndicate really liked her, he gave an order that the pregnancy be aborted. The normal thing in such situations is that any girl that gets pregnant is discarded, killed because It was bad for their business but since she was his woman it was different and an exception was made.

So how come she carried the pregnancy Eric asked surprised

From the information I got Bolt Continued she was given abortion pills but it didn't work , the doctor now recommended removing the baby surgically, that's doing an abortion but that obliviously never happened. Someone didn't follow through with the instruction.

Wow, wow Eric said thinking of the cute baby Sunshine. She would have become a pool of blood flushed down the drain.

Since the head of the syndicate was too busy and stopped seeing her for months, he didn't realize that she was still pregnant until he saw her by mistake and ordered she be killed.

The woman escaped.....and that was how she walked right into your car. The same person who help her hide the pregnancy and avoided the abortion also helped her escape but he was later killed for his disloyalty and insubordination by the head of the syndicate.

Oh boy, raped, beaten repeatedly and locked up. All kinds of images was going through Eric's head.

Mr. Crown, the syndicate head is very angry that she and the baby are still alive and he will go to any length to kill them but before Bolt finished talking, IEric interrupted him.

Which syndicate is this Eric asked

The lions Syndicate; They are known for money laundering, human trafficking and assassinations. They own almost 60% of the brothels and escort companies in most cities in this country Bolt explained.

The worse of the worse Eric thought. " I have heard of them, they are reckless and dangerous but I would not let them get near her or baby Sunshine ever again Eric said.

This was quite a revelation. The Lion syndicate is one of the biggest and most notorious crime syndicate in this country. They kill without thinking about it.

Bolt, what do you know of their leader Eric asked.

I'm sure you have heard of him sir. His name is Marcus Lanzo of the Lanzo family empire, they are very polish and wealthy. They also pretends to be in legitimate businesses but it's well known that it's a front they use as a cover for the crime syndicate. As for Marcus, my source says when he gives orders to kill someone he does it without blinking an eyelid, it's known in the crime world that it is regarded an honor for Marcus to kill you himself.

Eric took a deep breath. He was a fearless person when it comes to things like this, he protects what is his at all cost.

The lion syndicate is not too big a deal for him to settle... he didn't get this big in the business world without dealing with people like this but Eric tries to stay clear of them and they stay in their lane too.

Sir, I know you have your forces but we have to be extremely careful with these people since you are involved Bolt advised.

I also think sir that the syndicate will make another attempt to kill her, so we have to increase the security team in the hospital and ensure ...

Eric interrupted him, "We have got this, make all the necessary arrangements" Eric ordered. Right now, we need more security personnel around the hospital, my house and I want all their activities monitored, I don't want to be surprised again.

" We have to double check our security plans". Eric knew he could rely on Bolt, he knows what to do.

Yes, Eric doesn't want to be surprised again. He has to talk to his childhood friend Billy. With the Lanzo family, one had to be ready to fight because they're known for bloodbath attacks.

No wonder, the attacks on Sunshine and her mother is exactly their MO Eric thought. They are known for having no reservation for other causalities, they are ready to kill ten people to get to their main target.

No reservation whatsoever.

Billy's intelligence team has them on their radar already, just that we might have to deal with them now rather than later.

The mystery woman's story is getting very interesting and complicated. What a revelation....the information coming out about the mystery woman is getting ugly everyday.