
The love of the nine tailed

On a normal night, Kim Cho-Hee and her big brother Kim Kang-Dae were sitting on the couch watching their favorite show as normal, everything was going well until she started hearing loud sounds coming from the room of their dead parents. And then she asked her brother what was making that noise, and from his answer, the smart 5-year-old girl realized that the person next to her was not her brother...

your_kiki · Fantasy
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2 Chs


*It was late at night. My brother Kang-Dae1 and I were sitting on the couch watching our favorite show. Suddenly while I was sitting on the sofa I heard strange noises coming from one of the rooms upstairs, but it wasn't just any room. This was our dead parents' room...*

-Big bro, did you hear those sounds?

-What sounds?

-The ones that came from Mom and Dad's room.

-Cho-Hee2 you're just imagining things. You know best that our parents died 2 years ago.

*He's right, I must really be imagining things. 5 minutes passed and I kept hearing knocking coming from our parents' room.*

-Big Bro, I'm sure I hear something from the room Upstairs. Can we go check it out?

-Don't worry Cho-Hee. This must be the window we forgot to close.

*A window?*

-Nevermind. You must be right. And anyway, you're still not asleep, can you help me with my math homework?

-Of course Cho-Hee!

-You're not my brother... are you?

-What do you mean?

-First, our parents died last month, not 2 years ago, and they also died in a car accident on the Asia 1 highway on their way home from Tokyo. Second, there are no windows in our parents' room, and YOU are the one who knows that best. And third, I don't have math homework because I start school next year.

-Sorry Cho-Hee, I'm really getting a little too tired these days.

-My brother wouldn't make That mistake, because he was the person who grieved the most.

*I grabbed the knife that was placed on the table and stabbed him in the stomach.*

-You think you can kill me so easily, don't you... Kim Cho-Hee.

*He yanked the knife from his stomach and tossed it aside, then grabbed my neck and lifted me into the air. I screamed but unfortunately, no one heard my cry for help.*

-Stop yelling!


-Someone you will never forget.

*At that moment I remembered that I had a needle and thread in my pocket because I needed to sew up my torn toy. I took the needle out of my pocket and stuck it in his right eye. He immediately let me go, and after that, I ran to my room, which was upstairs.*

-No matter where you go you won't get away Cho-Hee!

*I got to my room and immediately locked the door, but he as we all know just locking it was not going to do any work, I started barricading the door with all kinds of heavy objects, but since I was only 5 years old. I couldn't do much. After doing my best to barricade the door, I stood in the corner of the room and began to cry. He was so close I could hear his footsteps. At that moment, a bright light flashed in the room, I closed my eyes, and after the light faded, a man appeared in front of me. He was tall with very long and thick white hair. He wore a white Hanbok3 and had fox ears and 9 fluffy white tails with black at the end. His skin was as white as canvas.*

-Are you Hee-Young?

-N...no, I'm Cho-Hee.

-Now we will check this.

*He came closer to me and looked into my eyes. The "yin yang4" sign appeared on my neck*

-That's right, I was right. You are...Hee-Young.

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