
The love of the nine tailed

On a normal night, Kim Cho-Hee and her big brother Kim Kang-Dae were sitting on the couch watching their favorite show as normal, everything was going well until she started hearing loud sounds coming from the room of their dead parents. And then she asked her brother what was making that noise, and from his answer, the smart 5-year-old girl realized that the person next to her was not her brother...

your_kiki · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The sequel

-That's right, I was right, you are...Hee-Young1.

*At that moment, my brother or whoever that person was at the time burst into my room and started to attack me, I screamed but the moment he was millimeters from my face he...stopped... *

-Haven't you given up already? You're not going anywhere near this girl. Especially in my presence.

*What was he talking about? What made me more special? I was...confused...*

-Hyun-Ki2!? How the hell did you find us!?

- You're forgetting who you're dealing with, you bloody goblin.

*Hyun-Ki? Who was that person? It was all so...confusing. At the same moment, this "Hyun-Ki" hit my brother. The impact was so strong that my brother managed to break 2 WHOLE WALLS. He went to him with lightning speed. He was like lightning. I'm serious!!! I could not trace it with my eye. I ran to the room where my brother was. Then I saw him lying on the floor laughing.*

-Hyun-Ki, you have become even weaker and naive.

*At this point, my brother's skin began to burn and start to melt, then his skin began to flow down his body. I was horrified by what I saw. You cannot imagine the horror in my eyes. After my brother's skin melted away. An ugly creature appeared from under his skin, it looked like a... Goblin. His skin was a very ugly green color and his face was wrinkled. He had sharp and at the same time formless ears. The goblin was really skinny and very short, and his teeth were yellow and crooked. The moment he transformed he ran out to the window saying "You...will...be..ours...". After that, he jumped out the window, and he disappeared. I was shaking... I didn't know what was happening. My eyes were filled with fear.

*After Hyun-ki saw the goblin disappear he said.*

- Well, I've done my job here. It's time for me to go.

-Stop!!! You can't just walk away.

-And why can't I Hee-Yung?

-First, my name is Cho-Hee, not Hee-Yung. Second, I have too many questions!!

-Save them for when you're older.

*After saying this, the room was suddenly illuminated by light.*

-Oooooh, not again.

*After the light faded, a man appeared. He looked like a king.*


-Listen now Dad3, think about it. If I hadn't come Hee-Young would have died.



*At that moment I felt a sharp pain in my neck as if someone was stabbing me. I blacked out, I couldn't see anything, I couldn't get enough air. I fell to the ground and could barely keep my eyes open.


*That was the last thing I heard...the voice of Hyun-ki... * 

                              15 years later

*15 years have passed and I am still looking for my brother and the boy who saved me that day. Now I'm 20 years old and I think that the older I get, the less chance I have of finding them, but at the same time, more. In general, after the incident 15 years ago, I have changed a lot, not only in appearance but also in character. About my character, I would say that I have become a little more...cold towards most people. There are few who really manage to make me feel good around them. It's very difficult for me to love a person, yes, I believe in love, but I'm one of those people who choose carefully, but once they decide that this person is for them...they take it. And as for our style, it's nothing special. My style is kind of "Y2K4". I have 1 best friend, his name is Min-Kyung. We have known each other since we were 2 years old. It was his family who sheltered me when I had no one. When turned 19 I moved out. When I told the police exactly what happened no one believed me. There was only one person who still believed in me to this day, and that person was Min-Kyung. People never really liked me, but that didn't really bother me. I was in a psychiatric clinic for 3 years because of my story about that day. Enough talking about me, let's get on with the story. It was early in the morning and I had to get up for work. I also work as a private detective, but apart from that I have my own website about the strange things happening in the world and in our country, and by strange things I mean mythical creatures, paranormal activities, and so on. After I got out of bed and looked at my watch, I realized that I had fallen asleep. I got up as quickly as possible, put on the first clothes I saw, I was doing my hair, put on my shoes, and went out. I don't have a car so I always get up 2 hours before work to get there on time but this time things didn't go according to plan. As I was running to work, Min-Kyung called me. I picked up the phone.*

-Cho-Hee5 where are you!?

- On my way to work, I run as fast as I can!

- That's right, the boss is FURIOUS!

-Why what happened!?

- The whole problem is that...

*At the moment he was saying this I was crossing the street. However, at the same moment, a huge truck was heading towards me. I stopped in the middle of the street, and I couldn't move, my legs couldn't move, I wanted to but I couldn't. Is this... is this going to be the end? After all my efforts to find them. I can't, I can't die here. The truck was now inches away from me. Apparently, this will be the end.*

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