
The love of the enchanted

What would you do if you were forced to marry a man? Not just any man, but a Cold-hearted, wretched, vile Duke. Follow Sara an ordinary girl from a family who works with an oil company, move in with her future husband. Is there any hope that there love will blossom? Or will Sara simply be stuck in a marriage that will only leave her bitter and just as cold as the Duke himself! **please leave any comments on my story, may they be criticism or simply love for the story. This is my first novel and I am still working very hard on it as well as adding more characters. Also leave a rating, any rating that you see fit for this story. -with love, Saaaritaaa

Sara_Wilson_4940 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 4

I woke up pretty late in the morning considering all that had happened the night before. My body was still very very sore. I sighed as I let myself develop deeper into the bed and pillow. I didn't want to get up. Looking out my window at the bright sun and then setting my eyes upon the garden brightened my mood. I jumped out of bed, stumbled a bit from the soreness and slowly gathered my balance. Nini walked in with a smile on her face.

"Good morning Madam Sara" She smiled, she was a very sweet elder lady. Last night she took care of my sheets and as it was already embarrassing enough, she came in this morning acting as if nothing happened.

"Good morning Nini, please call me sara." I stated with a smile. She simply nodded.

"Would you like to get ready for the day, or would you prefer to rest?" she questioned. I know why she was asking. She knew I was a virgin, well of course she knows now. But, today I did not want to rest I wanted to start on the garden!

"Nini, I would prefer to get dressed, preferably in clothes that can get messy."

"Mada....Sara in clothes that you can get messy? If you don't mind me questioning, why would you need to dirty your clothes?" Her face showed concern. As if I was about to dig my own grave, which wouldn't be a bad Idea, if It wasn't for the love of my family.

"I wish to begin working on the garden today, if the Duke accepts. So I would need to visit him prior to beginning." She simply nodded and began getting me dressed. Putting my hair back and out of my face into a lower, neat bun. I nodded her off when she was finished, asking where the Duke's location was.

"I believe he is in the study." I nodded making my way around the mansion. I don't think I could ever get used to such a huge palace. It such a long distance to go to each room you wish to enter. If I were to be able to live a normal life, and be wed to a normal man in which I love dearly, I would want a small home. A small home with plenty of land. A small home I feel brings the family closer, a place like this just feels as a waste of space. Once I approached the study, I knocked lightly.

"You may enter." Said a stern voice. I gently opened the door, the Duke then looked up from what he was focusing on and made eye contact with me.

"You know a lady shouldn't sleep the day away. It can cause bags to form under the eyes." He scoffed. I guess the man last night had left. When he will return again, who knows.

"I'm sorry Duke Liam. I did not intend to sleep the day away. If I would've been woken I would have started my day earlier." I stated, not breaking contact. No matter what If I have to marry him, then he must learn to not speak to me in such tones.

"Liam. What is the business you bring, considering you have rudely interrupted me in whilst I am working." He is so stern. It's disappointing how someone who seemed so loving and caring just the night before, can change within hours back to this despicable man.

" I was wanting to as you, if I could possibly work on the garden?" He scoffed.

"Why work on it? I could just hire people to do it for you and to your liking of design." He stated in such a way of mocking me.

"I don't want to hire anyone for it. I would rather work on it myself. Help the days pass by. If you're working can I not spend my time doing something more productive then just simply..." I paused and looked him dead in the eye, knowing what I would say would mock him and possibly make him feel how he has been making me feel. "Sleeping the day away." His eyes went narrow. I left a smirk planted on my face proud for speaking out against someone so vile.

"Sara, I don't know why you are smirking. Another comment like that will send you home, and with a bad reputation for you and our family at that." My smirk fell. Why must I live with a man who constantly wants to shove how he can destroy me and my family in seconds. This isn't a marriage this is prison. I fell silent. I had nothing left to say, if I say anything else towards him, it will only result in more harsh words. I mine as well learn it now, so that I don't have to continue to find myself in such situations.

"You can work on the garden, But I will hire people to help you. You shouldn't need to do all the work." He stated not looking back up at me. I was smiling. Joy had entered into my heart as I would be able to do something I love, and eventually get to read and study in the library looking out at the beautiful garden, that I will create.

"Thank you Duke Liam." I said whilst walking away.

"Liam!" I heard him shout. I shook my head and made my way towards the garden. Of course today nobody would help me, but at least today I will start. I will create something beautiful with hard work. I do hope that eventually Liam will go on walks with me through the garden. Maybe even compliment my work. But, for now I will accept this opportunity and do the best to my abilities. After cleaning up the weeds, and pulling out plants that have died. It began to fall dark and I knew I needed to get cleaned up before having dinner with the duke. I went inside of the mansion to be met by Nini.

"How was your gardening, Sara?" She smiled handing me a rag for my hands.

"It was well. I would like to head to my chamber and clean up before dinner with the Duke." I stated, her smiled faded.

"Madam, the Duke will not be attending dinner tonight he will be in his study eating, he has much work to do, with the wedding and with the war going on in the south lands." I nodded. Well then maybe that means tonight will not go as last night. Maybe I can eat, and simply fall asleep before he returns. I was not saddened by this news, maybe I was a little disappointed. I would like to get to know him more. But, he has only been cold, except for the one time when he showed a side of him that was caring. Even that doesn't give me information about him at all. After I had taken my bath and had my dinner. I found myself sitting on the sofa, reading a book about gardening and flowers. I wanted to make sure I did every correctly. I have planted before, but never have I had a whole garden to fix up. I was well caught up in studying the book I was reading when I felt a kiss touch my neck. He was done working. He was here with me. I thought I would dread doing this again. But, for some reason, for some odd, vile reason. I felt comfort?