
The love of the enchanted

What would you do if you were forced to marry a man? Not just any man, but a Cold-hearted, wretched, vile Duke. Follow Sara an ordinary girl from a family who works with an oil company, move in with her future husband. Is there any hope that there love will blossom? Or will Sara simply be stuck in a marriage that will only leave her bitter and just as cold as the Duke himself! **please leave any comments on my story, may they be criticism or simply love for the story. This is my first novel and I am still working very hard on it as well as adding more characters. Also leave a rating, any rating that you see fit for this story. -with love, Saaaritaaa

Sara_Wilson_4940 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 3

We have been seated at this dinning table for a while now. I have barely touched my duck as I am in no mood at all to eat. This isn't right. This isn't the same. I feel lost and like I have no idea as to what I am getting into. My family isn't here and the only one that has shown me kindness is those that work in this mansion. It would be different if the man I had to marry was a sweet and genuine man, but this one just feels evil and vile.

"Sara is there something the matter with your food? Would you prefer something else." Says the Duke. I know his game and I know if I say there is anything wrong with it, it will only result in a rude comment.

"No Duke Liam, it is amazing. I am just not hungry as of now." I stated calmly.

"Liam." You could hear the bitterness in his tone. I wondered why he thought it would be easy for me to just call him by his name, but we have just formally met and I feel as though I should never call someone by there first name without knowing them fully. Why is it so easy for him so to say m name? He is the Duke. He of all people should know about formalities and when and when not to speak to someone by birth given name. Then I remembered the rumors. He likes to be called his name by those whom he takes to bed. A shutter flew down my spine just thinking about going to bed after this. How would I possibly be able to avoid it. I had hoped he would wait till we were wed, but his whole life he has never been wed and he has never waited. So why would he change it now. Duke Liam stands from his seat.

"I have some business to attend to before heading to bed. Nini will escort you to our chamber." He stated while walking away holding his tea in his hand. He was very handsome, built body of course from battles and having to stay in shape. He had medium length black hair that would shag over his face, but he would have it pushed back in a way that you would still be able to see his piercing green eyes. His jawline seemed to be so sharp it could cut you, due to him constantly clenching it, I'd imagine he must be stressed all the time. I stand from my chair and thank everyone for the meal, as I follow Nanny Nini to our chamber. Once we have reached it she offers me pear tea, which I accept and leaves the room. I find myself sitting on the sofa in-front of the window looking around at my new home outside. I glance over to the library and wish I could go there soon. I have always loved to read and learn more about everything in m society. My father always said it's not good for a lady to know too much, in which my mother would playfully hit him stating my father only said such things because my mother knew more than him. I let out a little chuckle remembering such fond memories of my family.

"what are you laughing about?" I hear right beside my ear, and feel the warmth of his breathe and arms engulfing me. It scared me I tried not to move at all.

"I was just thinking back to my family." I stated nervously the Duke began kissing my neck and pulling my robe off my shoulder. This is not what I want to happen I do not want to do this today.

"If you stay stiff like this, it will only be worse." How do I not be stiff? How can I possibly relax when this is the last thing that I would want to do. He picks me up and takes me to the bed. I put my hands up against his chest and look away from his face that is now hovering over mine.

"You can't look at your husband?" he states.

"You're not my husband yet. Wouldn't it be right to wait for such things, till you are my husband." I say still not looking at his face.

"Sara look at me" I turn my face towards his, he then grabs my chin and plants a light kiss to my lips. I feel my cheeks flaring up with the bright color of red. He continues to kiss me and remove parts of my clothing until I am completely bare.

"Sara you must relax or it will hurt, tell me when to stop if you need a break." All I do is nod, this is what he wants and he obviously didn't accept my no, that I had given to him prior. I feel him press in and the uncomfortable feeling in the pit of my stomach that I couldn't seem to shake, no matter how many times he thrusted inside. I felt tears sliding down my face. I felt his warm hand come up and wipe them and he stopped. He was still inside of me but completely stopped his motion.

"Sara does it hurt?" I let out a slight nod. He then went slower and kissed down my neck and kissed my cheeks. Eventually the pain started to go away and I let out a slight moan. He whispered into my ear "Say my name sara." So this was why he wanted me to say his name. He like to hear his name in situations as such. I could tell this wasn't his first time which made me feel disgusting. "Liam" I moaned obliging to his order. It went like this for what felt like hours. I woke up in the middle of the night out of pain. My thighs were shaking and were sore. It could only be from holding my legs up for so long, I went to get out of bed to grab me some water only to see something in the bed catch my eye. I sprung up, how is there blood. I have not started my monthly yet, how is there blood.

"Sara it's okay I will get Nini to change the sheets and I will get Elizabeth to run you a bath." He gets out of bed to gather the maids as I still stand there in shock. He said it was okay, but I couldn't help to feel bad. But, wait. Was that concern from the Duke. Did he try to make me feel better from the situation I had just encountered. I was led into the bathroom, but Elizabeth did not follow me in. Instead the Duke was sitting in the tub and motioned for me to get in. I walk over to the tub and take off my rob and get in. The Duke didn't say anything, he helped me to wash my back and my body. Helped me wash my hair and massaged my body. He then got out planted a kiss on my head and left without saying a word. I thought maybe he was changing. Maybe he wants to be a genuine husband. But, later I was slapped with the cold hard truth.