
The Loud House: Doujinshi

After a vision and an argument with the family, Lincoln Loud, the middle and only male child to the Infamous Loud family, leaves Royal Woods to go to a new city to attend a new school. There, he meets new people and new friends and learn about his new powers but also his past lives and learn to be a true hero

Pixel9922 · TV
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Season 1: Origin: The Dream

Hey Ladies and Gentlemen, Pixel here and welcome to my first ever Loud House Fanfic story and it's also my first X-Over and my first story on this site. This is my first Loud House fanfic and it was inspired by THL: Doujinshi by BlueKnight-X2 on fanfiction.net and PPGD or PowerPuff Girls Doujinshi from SNAFU Comic which is one of the comics I've ever read as this will be a Doujinshi, this story will be filled with over 18 years of my POP-CULTURE knowledge, the story kicks off during the events of the infamous episode: No Such Luck (And yes I know that this episode has been used to the bone in fanfictions) as Lincoln goes to a new school filled with kids and teens from different lives (and cartoons, movies, TV shows, comics, and games) as he befriends some of the wildest, wackiest, craziest and most awesome people in the world as he discovers a secret of him and his family that is buried deep. Join Lincoln and his friends on their journey to become heroes and best friends.

Opening 1: NO LIMIT (AmaLee)

Whoa whoa whoa whoaaa

Oh, we'll get stronger!

Whoa whoa whoa whoa

Lincoln was on top of a building with the wind blowing his hair and hoodie while he was looking at the afternoon sky with a sad look on his face before a hand pats his back and he turns to see that his new friends were behind him and smiling at him before he smiles at them.

Hey! Mr. Pain! Bring it! Bring it!

I'll never let you do as you like

I will get stronger than you

I've already made up my mind to be so!

Birds fly past him as they soar into the clouds with beams of different colors hitting the center as the title appears.

THE LOUD HOUSE: D (Chapter 1)

Two girls walk by the title screen and smiles at the readers as they take the camera and move it to show a city with the sun

I was always born a dreamer

Letting my heart lead the way

The more challenges that block me

Make tomorrow exciting

Lincoln in his new school uniform was walking to school as transplant images of his family and friends from Royal Woods flash around him and stops and the world around him darkens

Eh Yo! Come my way, show me whatchu got, Mr. Pain!

No – no – no – no you know there's no stopping me!

I was never fit for losing

People in hoodies stand in a dark room with a tall boy with glasses and had a black bowl haircut but two cuts at the end that made up the letter M was smirking as robots were behind him as one girl with snow-white hair in a white dress with a black belt poses with a green creature and a girl who smirks evilly.


Even if scars fill every inch of my skin

A bright light appears and shows a short boy with ginger curly hair with some spikes at his crowd and a short mullet and was wearing a white lab-coat and had glasses with metal gantlets on his hands appeared with three girls in blue, green and pink dresses, with a black belt while one of them had blonde hair in two pigtails and light blue eyes smiles and has her eyes closed as she does a peace sign with both her hand to the camera and a girl with short black hair in a flip with a small triangular part on her forehead and light green eyes smirks as she punches her fist in her hand with green lighting coursing off her hand and a girl with long straight ginger hair with a big red bow and heart shape hair-clip smiles with her arms crossed against her chest while two kids were next to them, a boy with brown hair with a black and grey watch with a green faceplate on his left wrist and a girl with ginger hair and a small book floating over her hand with a pink aura around the book and her hand.


I know my friends'll fight until end ... by my side!

Another boy appeared, he had tan skin, black chocolate curly hair, brown eyebrows with brown eyes with a scar over his left eye smirks before he spins his belt-buckle and is consumed by a green flame before green silted eyes open before a girl with white hair in a ponytail in black and white clothes appeared and floats and phases through a wall into an alleyway before a boy with purple hair in a grey hoodie and blue eyes ran in the alleyway and puts on a red and black mask and a red light erupts around him and above a building was a boy with buck teeth and a pink cap with a pink and green wands in his hands and a purple backpack on his back as Lincoln looks up and his pupils glow bright grey and a girl with long blonde hair and had a hairband with red horns on it drops down a portal with a boy with brown hair and had a red hoodie on gets up and pulls out a wand with wings on its sides.

Shining brightly, there is a new world

Wanting for me, but I can't make it

Unless we fight as one – NO-LIMIT holds us back!

The three girls and the boy with glasses punch a bunch of robots away as a red and black ninja with a red scarf and a boy with a red kung-fu GI on appears out of a light red smoke and slashes a group of robots with a katana and sword and the ninja throws a throwing star at a robot's head causing it to explode while a red creature with four arms throws a bunch of robots to another bunch and roars while the ginger girl shoots pink beams at a group of robots as a boy with a pink mask shoots a yellow blast at a couple of robots and they turn into a bunch of random things before a giant robot comes and was about stomp on the heroes before it was hit with something

It's in our hands, we've gotta grasp it

And take a stand, aim for the future

NO-LIMIT holds us back!

A bright green beam and a rainbow beam goes through the robot's chest and causes it to explode which made a chain-reaction of explosions, the smoke clears showing the white-haired green-eyed girl with her fist in the air and green smoke coming off her hand and the long blonde girl's wand was smoking as a shadow jumps over them and shoots a fist with a chain connecting to them at a bunch of robots and crash some of them, the boy shows his masked face and smirks before he slashes the robots with his claws and Lincoln running into the action with throws a punch with his right fist as white energy flows around it before it collided with a robot and it explodes

Whoa whoa whoa whoaaa

Oh, we'll get stronger!

Whoa whoa whoaaa

Lincoln turns around to see the readers and smiles before the camera zooms out and shows the heroes sitting on the destroyed robots as they smiles at the readers and the scene fades to black

Season 1: Origin: The Dream

Location: Royal Woods; Michigan USA

Date and Time: 12:54 July 27 Monday. (Summer Vacation)

Loud House Residents: Garage

It was the last week of Summer vacation and it was the week before school and everyone in Royal Woods was busy either getting ready for the new school year or trying to end their summer the right way, well everyone except one boy. This particular one was in his family's garage trying to read his comic on the floor and in his PJs as he was mad at his family. This boy happens to be Lincoln Loud, the only boy in the house and the only brother to 11 sisters, 4 older sisters, and 6 little sisters. Now you might be asking yourself as to why is Lincoln is in the garage and only wearing his orange Pjs and not outside having fun on his last week of Summer, well we have to go back to a few weeks ago for this situation to make sense.

During the summer, Lincoln's sisters were involved in their own activates to either keep themselves busy or of fun and of their personal lives, Lincoln was dragged to their events, either as support for them to cheer them on or as assistants during their events. A week ago Lynn Jr, the sports jock for the Loud Family, wanted Lincoln to come to her Baseball game and support like the others but Lincoln tried to tell her no as he wanted time to himself but he was 'convinced' to come to the game after Lynn threaten him with a Baseball bat.

After a near-death experience from that morning, Lincoln and the rest of the family went to the game and cheered her on, the game was going smoothly with Lynn's team were in the lead but when she went to bat of her team, she struck out and cost her team the win. Her family went to comfort Lynn but when she saw him, she immediately blamed him for her loss and even called him Bad Luck which caused him to gain an idea. Lynn told the rest of the sisters to not let Lincoln come to their events because she thought that their events would be ruined by him being there so they excluded him from their events which made him happy as he finally had time to himself

But with every good thing, eventually, it got old quickly. Lincoln felt lonely as he had too much time so he wanted to get back into his sister's lives but they still wanted nothing with him, so much so that they convinced their parents to not only board up his room which made him not have accused to it but kick him out for the house for their protection. This made him mad as he really didn't want to sleep outside with anything for warmth. Lincoln even came clean, telling his family that he lied about him being bad luck and that he did it to have time to himself but they didn't believe him and still shunned him out of the house. Lincoln went on the rage and wanted to break things but knew that breaking things will make things worse, he kicked a ball that was left outside and it hit the garage door which opened it. He then started to live in for the past few days as he had no choice. Lincoln was reading a comic book called: Townsville Wars, but couldn't with the anger in him, he sighs and turned to the readers

"Oh hey guys, it's been a while huh? Well, guess I haven't had a chance to talk to you guys since this whole incident happened. I really wish I don't have to sleep here, all I wanted was one day off and this is what I get." Lincoln said sadly as the memories of the past few days come by. Lincoln shakes his head trying to forget the events of the past few days and continue to read his comic but the memories were still in his mind and made it hard to focus on the comic, eventually, he gave up and sighs

"This isn't helping, maybe a nap would help me get this stress off me." He said, setting his comic down and lying down on the makeshift mattress as his eyes close and his mind drifting into his dream, unaware that his dream is not a dream at all.

(Lincoln's Dream)

Lincoln opened his eyes and saw a wasteland on destroyed buildings were flowing in the air. Lincoln looked around and saw and piece of glass sticking out of the ground. He saw that his most of body was black and the top part of his head and right hand were the only things that were not covered in black matter.

'My body...what with my body?' he thought trying to figure out what's wrong with his body. Lincoln reaches for the glass to see if he can touch it but before he could touch it, an explosion was heard behind him. He turns to see two people and a bunch of humanoid creatures with glowing red eyes. One of the two was a young man with blonde hair in a mullet, wearing a blue and white uniform and some sort of laser gun shooting some of them while a woman with long white hair with an orange ribbon tied to her head wearing a blue and orange sundress and had white flames on her hands was shooting blasts something white at them and they disappear in a black mist, both looked like they've had better days as they had bruises and cuts on their clothes and bodies which stained their clothes.

"That's too many of them, we can't win this one, Marie. We just have to get to the ship and leave the city." Said the blonde man while reloading his gun while one of the creatures was about to attack him from behind but a white blast hit it sending it flying.

"Thanks, Marie." Said the blonde man as he finished reloading his gun and resumes shooting. Lincoln looked at them and his eyes were open in shock to the chaos that was playing in front of him. 'What's going on here? Why are those people's eyes glowing red and why are those two fighting them, and why do I feel like I know them?" Lincoln thought as he watched the duo run out of the city while fighting the mysterious creatures. Lincoln saw a weird-looking aircraft that was about to take off while the two were close to it

"Hurry, we have to escape and leave the area before this whole area explodes." Said a man with brown hair in a buzz-cut at the door of the aircraft. The two ran to the aircraft but the woman notices that the creatures were gaining on them and that they'll never leave the area in time before the bomb goes off. They reach the aircraft and the man gets into it and turns to Maire who was still outside.

"Hey, Marie come on. Let's get out of here." Said the man but Maire didn't move from her spot. She then goes to him and cups her hands on his cheeks. "Dear, I think my time has come." She said as the man's eyes go wide in shock.

"No, no NO!!! YOU CAN'T DO THIS NOW MARIE, GET IN THE CARRIER AND LET'S LEAVE TOGETHER!!!" Yelled the man to the woman who didn't flinch from the yelling as she leans in.

"I know but if I don't do it and stay, they take you down as well and none of us will leave. Only I can stay and finish this. I'm the only one who can do this."


"Al, thank you for the years spent with you, you gave me love, happiness, sadness and the love of comics. I know this is asking too much but can you promise me something?"


"Can you take care of our daughter, Rita for me. Please."

The man stood there and was shaking with his head down until he stopped shaking and looked up and showed Maire that he was crying, he nods with his eyes closed


"Thank you." Said Maire as she smiled and kissed Albert one more time before she pushed him into the carrier and bumped on the side, singling the pilot to take off, she watched the carrier fly away and smiled one more time before she turned to the creatures who were running to her. She got into a fighting stance (The Hyuga Stance) and white energy flowed off her and around her causing her hair to flow everywhere before she runs to the creatures and fights them. The carrier was above the destroyed city as Albert was watching out of the window with an orange ribbon in his hands as tears flow down his face.

In the center of the city, a bright white ball goes off and a white light starts to cover the destroyed buildings as it grows, it continues to grow and consume the creatures that were still in the buildings and streets. Marie sees the growing white ball coming towards her and smiles before the lights consume her and the creatures, she turns to Lincoln who was unaffected by the explosion and points to him, and smiles as her body disintegrate from the explosion.

"You're Next, Lincoln Loud."

Lincoln's eyes go wide before something pulls him and a white light hits his eyes

"Ahhhh!!!" Lincoln jolted up from his bed and was gasping for air, he looks at his hands to see that they are shaking at how real the dream felt.

'What...what was that...who were those two people and why did I feel like I know them...especially that woman?' Lincoln thought while trying to figure out what happened. he smells the air as something smelt awful, he smells his armpits and gags as he was sweating.

"Great, now i have to sneak in the house and take a shower." Lincoln said before he sighs and leaves the garage before going to the backdoor, he walks as his pet dog, Charles comes out of his little dog house and runs to Lincoln. He runs to Lincoln and barks excited to see his best friend, Lincoln turns and smiles as he bends down and pets his head

"Hey there pal, you just woke up?" Lincoln asked the pit bull with it nodding its head.

"Yeah, I'm too. Hey, Charles listen. I'm gonna sneak into the house and take a quick shower and get a change of clothes but I need you for lookout just in case the others come back. Can you do that?" He asked the favor to his pet with Charles barking in agreement and runs to the front of the house and stood on the porch on lookout. Lincoln went to the back door and went to open it and to his surprise, the door was not locked.

'So they still don't lock, even after Dad told us not to forget to lock, go figures.' Lincoln thought before going through the door and into the house, he closes the door and makes his way to the upstairs bathroom, and takes a quick shower, unaware that within the next hour, his life would change forever.

Location: Royal Woods; Squirrels Stadium

Time: 15:00 p.m.

"I can't believe it..."

Lynn Loud Junior, the 5th eldest child in the family and the jock of the family, was the star pitcher and batter of their her baseball team was in disbelief, and you might ask as to why is she in disbelief, well her team were playing in the State Championship and were on fire as they were leading 3-0 but when Lynn went to bat that's when things turned for the worse, the enemy team not only struck Lynn out which has never happened before but they made home-runs which had them the champions. She glanced an envious glare at the other team, as they celebrated their victory, a victory which was supposed to be her and her team. She saw her bat nearby and thought for getting a whack to their-

"You did your best sweetie, you'll get them next season." Lynn turns and see her mother, father and siblings (Minus the one who was at home) walk to her and smiles, trying to cheer her up from the loss but it didn't work on her and she growled

"Yeah whatever, look can we please just-" Lynn was cut off when the speaker started to speak

"The owner for a van has a two-tone green and white color scheme with two doors in the side, you're being towed."

"WHAT?!" Lynn Sr shouted in shock, the family mostly the father of the family ran to the parking lot and see that a man with a tow truck was indeed towing the family van, Lynn Sr runs to the man hoping that he would save his beloved van

"Wait, stop! Please stop towing us." Lynn Sr said

"Look man, you were parking on a disabled zone, and from what I can tell, you ain't disabled in any way." The man said as he finished hooking up Vanzilla. He went inside his truck and started the engine. "You can get the van back when you get the ticket but until then, see ya." The man said as he leaves the parking lot with the van

The family watched as their transportation was leaving without them, Lynn Jr starts to walk away from the family with bat in her hand, Luan notices her leaving them

"Hey, LJ. Where you go?" She asks seeing Lynn walking away

"I'm going to teach a certain someone a lesson for ruining my perfect game." Lynn Jr said before running to the Loud House to beat someone up

Location: Loud House Residents

Time: 15:35 p.m.

Lincoln gets out of the shower with a white t-shirt with orange sleeves, black shorts, and his white sports shoes with red strips as he was wiping his white shaggy hair with a towel, you see ever since this whole bad luck fiasco started, Lincoln hasn't been to the barber for weeks, as a result, causing his hair to be shaggy and long as the back of it was now reaching his lower neck, he somehow still has his tuft but it was not noticeable as before. Lincoln continues to wipe his hair dry when he gets a chill going down his spine, he felt like something bad was going to happen, he ignored the feeling and focuses on the dream, it felt all too real for him and he knew that he has never once met the two people in the dream but deep down, he felt like he knew them his whole family. he wanted to talk to someone but his options were short, Clyde, his best friend was out of town with his dads for a small vacation and wasn't going to be back until Saturday so he was out, Ronnie Anne was most likely Skateboarding and he knew if he contacted her and made her lose focus on her skateboarding, she'll kill him so she out, the rest of the guys were busy with their own things so they're out, Lincoln thought on someone he knew, someone he knew he could turn to and trust. He snapped his fingers as he did know someone that fits that description, his grandpa. Pop-Pop

Lincoln went to his room and took out his laptop and type in the code, he then went to Discord and saw that his grandpa was online, he dialed him in and wait for the loading screen to stop loading, a screen appeared and showed an old burly man, with white hair, and a large tuft of his hair that sticks up, much like Lincoln's hair. He also has a gray mustache and thick gray eyebrows as well. Wearing a white button-up shirt, blue jeans with a black belt, and orange suspenders

"Hey, there sport. How are things?" Pop-Pop greeted Lincoln

"Hey Pop-Pop, things aren't good but that's not important. I just had a dream and I needed someone to talk to." Lincoln with sadness in his voice which Albert caught

"What's wrong Linc, the Boogieman tryin get ya." Pop-Pop joked which caused Lincoln to laugh

"No Pop-Pop, it was weird, I dreamt that I had no mouth, legs or arms but my eyes and right hand were fine, I was in this destroyed city and there were these humanoid creatures with glowing red eyes fighting two people. One of the two was a young man with blonde hair in a mullet style, wearing a blue and white uniform and some sort of laser gun shooting some of them while a woman with long white hair with an orange ribbon tied to her head wearing a blue and orange sundress and had white flames on her hands was shooting blasts something white at them causing them to disappear or something." Lincoln explained missing Albert's eyes going wide and losing all colors

"Then the woman left the man and fought them alone and all of a sudden, this whole ball of light came off the center of the city and destroyed everything and everyone in its path, the woman smiled and turned to me and point and said something like: "You're Next, Lincoln Loud." and after that, I woke up." Lincoln finished his explanation and saw that Pop-Pop was shaking, he was about to ask what was wrong but Albert beat him to it

"Lincoln, I want you to stay at home don't go anywhere, not to the shops or to your friends. I'm coming over to talk to your parents about something that just came up " Albert said all serious

"Wait, wh-" Lincoln was cut off when he heard Charles bark, a few moments later, he heard the front door open violently and he heard a shout


"Oh crap, their back, sorry Pop-Pop but i gotta go!" Lincoln said

"Wait Linc-" Albert was cut off when Lincoln turn the laptop off

Location: Sunny Hills Retirement Home

Time: 15:45 p.m.

"Damn it!!!" Albert shouted as he slams his fist onto his table. "I've should have seen this coming, out of all of the children, it had to be him. I thought that it'd be one of the older girls to inherit her powers but they never showed anything linking back to her but when Lincoln was born, I saw the similarities between her and him and comparison to her, I can't deny it anymore. Lincoln is the next one." Albert said before he got up and went to his bed and under below it, he pulled out an old-looking chest and opened it, he looked through it and saw what he was looking for. he pulled out an old pocket-watch, he opened it using his thumb and inside the watch was a light gray circular disc-shaped like a circular hourglass with a red dot in the middle of it

"Call #524856." Albert talked to the watch as it started to beep. The beeping was going as the red dot glowed until the beeping stopped

"Hello?" a voice spoke through the watch

"Hello, Max." Albert said

"Albert, is that you?" The voice asked as he sounded like he was in disbelief

"Yes old friend, it's me." Albert said, smiling to hear his old friend again

"I haven't heard from you since that day." Max said with sadness in his voice

"It's afine old friend, look Max. I'm calling in the plan." Albert said with seriousness in his voice as he heard Max gasp

"You don't mean..."

"Yes, my grandson had the vision and I think it's time..."

Location: Loud House Residents

Time: 15:48 p.m.

Lincoln came downstairs and looks around to see who shouted his name, something told him to dodge. he did as a bat swung near his head, he looks up to see Lynn Jr with the bat in her hands and an angry look on her face.

"You...are...so...die...jinx..." She growled as she swung her bat at Lincoln who got up and ran away, trying to get hit. The rest of the family arrive and see Lincoln running away and Lynn chasing him while swinging her bat at him while Charles running not to far from them, the girls were too afraid to jump in and help Lincoln as they were afraid that Lynn would turn on them and Lynn Sr was scared as he didn't want to get his face smashed, Charles caught up to Lynn and bit her leg causing her to stop, Lynn looks down and see Charles biting her, the next thing she does is horrible, she grabs her bat and hits Charles on the head causing him to let go and kicks him away from her, that causes the family to go in disbelief as they never ever caused harm to any of their pets, Lana, the 4th youngest of the Loud Family and the house's animal lover, is shocked to see the brutality of her family's pet done by one of her sisters. Lincoln stops and sees what Lynn did to his dog, the dog he rescued, the dog he grew up with, seeing him hurt by the hands of his sister, something snapped in him and he jumped at her and the two start to brawl, Rita snaps out of her shocked state and rushes to the two.

"Stop it you two, stop it right now." Rita shouted as she separate the two kids from tearing each other apart. Lincoln had a few scratches ad bruises on him but not to serious while Lynn looked worst she had a black eye, a busted lip, a few bruises on her face and the leg wound from the bite was worst.

"Lynn go to your room and stay there until i say so, Lincoln go back outside and stay there." Rita said

"What, but mom, I still have to teach this little jinx a lesson for ruining my game." Lynn said staring death at Lincoln, but she stopped when she saw the look on her mother's face. Lynn got up and limped towards her room while Lincoln got up and started to walk towards Charles, he saw that Charles was bleeding from the head wound he got, Lincoln carefully picked him up and went to the garage hoping that he could heal Charles.

Meanwhile, in the house, Rita was with her husband as they were discussing things like Lincoln.

"Honey, I don't think that it's a good idea for Lincoln to stay here anymore especially when school starts a week away, and it'd be a bad idea to send Lincoln back to school with the girls thinking that he's bad luck." Lynn Sr said

"I know since the girls will try to exclude him from their lives, but where will we send him since that's only two middle schools in Royal Wood and we can't send him to another school another town over everyday. I don't know what to do." Rita said as she rubs her head, as they were thinking the door bell goes off. The two look at each other before they go to the door, they open it and see Albert there looking serious.

"Dad/Albert?" Rita and Lynn Sr said confused as to why was Albert here at this time of day at their house.

"Hello Rita dear, Lynn. Can I come here?" The elder man asked before the two Louds allow him to accuse to the house

"So, what brings you here daddy?" Rita asked her father as she didn't remember anything about him coming over today

"Actually, I'm not here for a visit. I'm here to ask you two about Lincoln's school progress." Albert said

The two Louds look at each other before Lynn speaks first. "Actually, we were talking about exchanging Lincoln to another school."

"Really, I never thought that sport would have any trouble in school." Albert said with one eyebrow raised in interest

"Well, dad...." Rita said, trying to find an answer. "We think that Lincoln could cause some trouble for the girls if he stays at the same school. Just for a while at least."

Albert looked at them for a while and made a note to talk to Lincoln later. "Well, if that's the case, I think you should send him to the school I went to." Albert said

"Your school?" The parents asked in confusion

Albert just took out a booklet and gave it to the parents, on the front of the booklet there was a symbol which was a shield, the shield was silver in color with two swords going under it and the swords were gold in color. There was writing under the shield and it wrote: "Knowledge is the key to success."

"Megaville Academy?" The parents said in confusion

End Of Part 1