
The Lost Tomb : Tibetan Sea Flower Part 1

People from all walks of life gathered in Gila Temple. Is all this a coincidence or someone deliberately arranged it? What is the meaning of the mysterious scorpion? What exactly is "the limit of the world"? Why is Wu Xie the only one who can save the Zhang family? Are the Zhang family members of the Hong Kong faction credible, are they plotting evil or accomplishing their mission? This is a brand new journey. Wu Xie and Fatty follow the footsteps of the stuffy oil bottle into the hinterland of the Snow Mountain. This time, can Wu Xie solve all the mysteries?

LittleClouds · History
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60 Chs

Chapter 48 Strange Organs

  Zhang Haike leaned his neck back, lowered his body carefully, and put his head on the side of the copper horse.

  After adjusting his movements, he let out a long breath and touched his waist with his backhand. There was a bottle of "stubble water" in his waist, which was a mixed type of strong acid. .

  The strong acid immediately began to corrode the back of the copper horse, and soon a large area was corroded, revealing the structure inside.

  Zhang Haike put away the "stubble water", turned on the stubble, and went to the place where the solution came out. At a glance, the machine inside was really complicated, and there were hundreds of silk threads he could see, all of which were very stretched. Tight, there is a small disc on the wire, which is full of small iron beads.

  The small iron beads have been rusted very badly and are extremely mottled, like the surface of the moon, but it can still be discerned that these small iron beads were originally engraved with cumbersome patterns.

  "What agency?" asked a person on the side.

  "The variant of the eighteen strings is a lot more complicated." Zhang Haike said.

  There is a balancer invented by Luban under the disc. With a little vibration, the disc will tilt, but as soon as the weight of the disc changes, the small iron balls roll out of the disc, and the disc will immediately return to balance . The small iron ball that rolls out of the disc hits the wire below and bounces all the way. Each wire will trigger a mechanism. There are hundreds of wires here. The wires that bounce and touch are different, and seven or eight different kinds of wires can be triggered at one time. organ.

  After that, the disc will return to balance, that is to say, it can be triggered multiple times, and the triggers of each trigger are random, and there is absolutely no rule to follow.

  This kind of mechanism is said to have been invented by Lu Ban. There are 18 kinds of changes. Later, later generations continued to add more. Zhang Haike saw the most once, with 72 silk threads. It was the first time he had seen something with hundreds of threads like this.

  Zhang Haike let out a sigh of relief. He was glad that he took this thing seriously and used the most troublesome but also the safest method. He turned around and asked the person pulling the wire if he could still hold on. After getting a positive answer, he held his breath, turned on the fire switch again, and took out a magnet from the treasure bag and placed it on the top of the disc. The beads are all attracted to the _『magnet.

  He carefully moved the magnet away again, put it in his bag, rolled over and got off the wire, and landed on the ground next to the copper horse. The moment he landed, he saw that the disc instantly sensed a vibration and tilted, but because there were no iron beads in it, nothing happened.

  A few people were silent for a while, and they were relieved when they found that nothing was triggered. One of them said, "It's easy."

  Zhang Haike looked at the iron beads on the magnet and was noncommittal. Skilled, especially in a real tomb, but it looks like he won the gamble this time.

  After they packed up their things and started to search, one of them said, "Would you like to call that kid down?"

  "Why call him, he can't do anything, he wants us to take care of him, he doesn't want to see us, let him be on top Just wait." Another said, "Let's get things done first."

  Zhang Haike thought about it and nodded. He didn't feel that the oil bottle was cumbersome, but felt that this was just what they saw in the tomb. The first mechanism is already so complicated and sharp, and the other conditions in the tomb are still unknown. At this time, it is a bit too early to feel safe and win, and the stuffy oil bottle can be very convenient.

  When a few people approached the copper horse, it was the first time they really saw the trap of the "Eighteen Strings". Zhang Haike couldn't help but feel a little proud. He cracked this thing, and there were no flaws at all. He still had a sense of accomplishment. At this moment, someone suddenly asked him: "There are hundreds of lines here, is there hundreds of traps in this room?"

  "What's wrong?" Zhang Haike asked.

  The speaker threw the fire book around the tomb passage, and soon the corners of the tomb were illuminated. He said, "How can there be so much space here?"

  Zhang Haike turned his head and looked around the tomb. Indeed, most of the organs in the ancient tombs were huge. The reason why they were called "Eighteen Strings" was because the eighteen types of organs were already the limit in size. Most of the various organs added by later generations are still variants of these eighteen types. For example, if there is a string that can trigger quicksand, then it can also produce variants of various organs such as poisonous smoke and mercury, but if this is the case There are many threads, obviously it is no longer a simple variant that can be explained.

  "What do you think?" Zhang Haike realized that what the other party said was right.

  "This doesn't seem to activate hundreds of different mechanisms. I think that these hundreds of threads affect the same mechanism, but activate different parts of the mechanism." The man said, "It's like a foreigner's thread. Just like the wooden man, the silk thread pulls the same puppet, but different silk threads pull different parts of the puppet, so as to explain the problem of space."

  "You mean, after we trigger this machine, maybe There will be a puppet?"

  "I'm just speaking a metaphor." The humane said, "But I think the possible consequences of triggering the mechanism itself are different from what we imagined, maybe this is not an attack-type mechanism."

  "What would that be? ?" Zhang Haike said.

  "I don't know, we won't know until it is triggered." The man touched the four legs of the horse, "All the silk threads are connected to the ground through the four legs of the horse, and then radiate out underground to connect the organs of this room. The organ room. In the area under our feet, the iron balls hit the wire with little force, so the mechanism of this transmission will inevitably be enlarged in the mechanism room below. Let's simulate the construction process of this room and see if we can You can't go down to the organ room, so you will be more sure about this room."

  After the man finished speaking, Zhang Haike felt that something was wrong, he looked at the thief hole they came down from and said, "When we opened the wall, we didn't see the wall. There are any mechanisms, so these hundreds of changes should all be under our feet. It is too dangerous for us to fight back in the tomb, and we have to go out and start again from the soil layer, which takes a long time. Time, if there is a Qinggang stone under the tomb, we may not be able to open it for a week."

  Several people were a little discouraged, and one of them said: "Analyze and analyze, have we been too careful. In this way, let's go to the robbery hole and hit these threads with a small stone to see what the results will be. That's alright. We'll have to scare ourselves to death if we continue the discussion."

  Zhang Haike listened and felt that this method was feasible. They did delay in this tomb for too long, and they had to make progress.

  The person who said they were going to the robbery cave set up a fire book and put it in the gap of the copper horse, and several Zhang family children got into the robbery cave instead. The stuffy oil bottle was at the corner of the robbery hole, and he didn't make a sound, but obviously he heard all the words just now, and the Zhang family's children suddenly felt that they had no face.

  The burning time of Huozhezi didn't take long. After everyone came up, Zhang Haike took out an iron bead from the bag, clasped it with his finger and flicked his thumb, and bounced the iron bead towards the place where the Huozhezi glowed.

  The iron beads swept through the flames and entered the inside of the copper horse, and then heard a series of slight banging sounds, everyone held their breath, waiting for the mechanism to move.

  The Zhang family's hearing is excellent. After holding their breath, everyone heard a series of rustling sounds. The sounds were so small that it was impossible to tell where they came from. Ordinary people would definitely not hear them.

  After three to five seconds, suddenly, the entire tomb shook, and everyone saw that the blue bricks on the ground had changed.

  There are blue bricks recessed in four places on the ground.

  Zhang Haike threw out the fire stick at the fastest speed. Under the transmission of the fire, they found that a downward passage appeared on the ground.

  The passage should be very steep, and it should sound more like a deep well into the ground.

  "I haven't seen it, I haven't heard of it, what is this place?" Zhang Haike said to himself, "What kind of organization is this?"