
The Lost Tomb : Tibetan Sea Flower Part 1

People from all walks of life gathered in Gila Temple. Is all this a coincidence or someone deliberately arranged it? What is the meaning of the mysterious scorpion? What exactly is "the limit of the world"? Why is Wu Xie the only one who can save the Zhang family? Are the Zhang family members of the Hong Kong faction credible, are they plotting evil or accomplishing their mission? This is a brand new journey. Wu Xie and Fatty follow the footsteps of the stuffy oil bottle into the hinterland of the Snow Mountain. This time, can Wu Xie solve all the mysteries?

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60 Chs

Chapter 47 The Problem

  The Zhang family's children looked at the hazy statue and looked at each other, and they all murmured a little.

  The grandfather's admonition said: what is strange, if everything is strange, it is not strange.

  The real strangeness must be that there are different things in common phenomena, whether or not you can understand these common phenomena.

  For example, if you wake up and find yourself in a world without gravity, it's not surprising, because you can understand that you are dreaming, or you are in space. But it would be weird if you found out that in this world, gravity doesn't work for everything except you.

  However, the discovery of this kind of contradiction is also an opportunity for many things. If this is a conspiracy, this kind of contradiction will often expose many things hidden behind it.

  Among the people I know, Fatty is a person who is particularly good at finding this contradiction, and he has a very good thinking advantage, that is, he first doubts the rationality of everything. To put it bluntly, when he encounters anything that he doesn't understand, he feels that someone is playing with him. If it is not a human, it is a ghost.

  The good thing about this way of thinking is that you always have someone ready to punch. Humans cannot face invisible fear, but once they know that someone is playing with them, anger will give them a lot of extra power.

  Among the people who are good at finding contradictions, Zhang Haike is a person very similar to Fatty. In fact, these people are very intelligent and have their own strengths, but only Zhang Haike has the so-called "breaking the game" ability.

  Many times, we say that if someone wants to design you, it is usually before all the foreshadowings are buried. Once the foreshadowing is buried, everything starts to start, and it is particularly difficult to turn it over.

  That said, if you've entered a trap, to break a trap that's been completed, and you're already trapped, it takes a fair amount of ingenuity and imagination to break the trap.

  The main thing is the power of observation to find the weakness of the trap and the imagination of how to detour.

  So as soon as Zhang Haike saw the thing, it was placed right in the center of the tomb, and he knew that this thing must be the key.

  In this tomb, everything is upside down, but this one thing is normal. Well, this thing can provide at least two clues. First, assuming that the layout of this tomb is a layout with special symbolic meaning, this upright thing may be able to infer what the symbolic meaning is. Second, if there is any mechanism designed in this tomb, then this upright thing must be a very important part of the mechanism.

  Unless the burial chamber's builders wanted to play with a bit of ultra-modern design, there's no escaping either.

  Several people dispersed, each chose their own actions, slowly approached the thing, and when they got closer, they saw that it was a bronze horse hidden in the darkness.

  The bronze horse is only half a human tall, and his whole body is black, with protruding nipple nails all over it, looking like he has a skin disease. That kind of black is different from ordinary black. It is a bit miserable and flowery. To put it bluntly, it is not pure black, but is composed of many completely different blacks. The blacks are all so close together that it's hard to tell, but you can see the discomfort at a glance.

  Unable to see what material it was made of, Zhang Haike thought it might be a kind of lacquer ware, which became like this after being corroded.

  The interior of this lacquer is likely hollow, woven from vine-treated dry fibers, then glued and painted.

  If it was symbolic, a horse stood upside down on the roof, and then the whole house was turned upside down, he didn't think there would be any symbolic meaning. Even if the people around him think that the setting itself has something to do with Feng Shui, he doesn't particularly believe it in his heart. But if it's part of an organ, then the hollow design speaks volumes.

  "Don't use your legs, take a tightrope and see." Zhang Haike said.

  The so-called steel cable is a piece of steel wire with the thickness of mung bean. Zhang Haike wrapped it around his waist ten times. Everyone has this thing, and only the children of the Zhang family can use it. Because once a person is an adult, the wire cannot bear the weight of an adult.

  Several people connected the wires and pulled them into one piece, came to both sides of the horse, and pulled the wires to let it pass over the horse.

  In this way, when a person climbs on the wire rope, he can check all the details of the horse without stepping on the ground around the "horse". With Zhang Haike's understanding of the organization, he must be able to find something.

  The other people looked at the stuffy oil bottle. Because of the elasticity of the steel wire itself and the torque, the person pulling the steel wire on both sides needs a lot of strength, so the weight of the person on the steel wire must be lighter.

  The stuffy oil bottle is the youngest among all the people. Of course, he understood it, and he wanted to go up, but was stopped by Zhang Haike.

  "He is too young. If he misses, we will all suffer. I will come. If there is something wrong, everyone will take care of it."

  This sentence is still very reasonable. Teenage children are two or three years apart. , Thirteen years old and fifteen years old are completely two concepts.

  Everyone nodded, and Zhang Haike said to the boring oil bottle: "Go to the ground first, and then come down when you are all right." The

  boring oil bottle looked at the horse, but did not act, Zhang Haike said it again, and the boring oil bottle said: " I know you won't listen to what I say, but this time you are in a lot of trouble, you can leave a token to me, and if something happens to you, I can take them back to your parents."

  Zhang Haike frowned . He raised his brows. Although the Zhang family has a training, they don't care about these, because the so-called crow's mouth touches the mold, it is easy for people to hide some very important feelings in their stomachs and not to say, but to say such words at this time, Still makes him uncomfortable.

  "Why?" he asked.

  "Because we all have no clue," said the stuffy oil bottle, "We don't understand everything here, even if we know how much knowledge, it doesn't apply to this place, and we inevitably enter one of the most terrible misunderstandings. "

  What's the misunderstanding?" Zhang Haike was also a little unhappy, because of the stuffy oil bottle's tone, and because these words came out of his immature mouth.

  "Although this ancient tomb is also an ancient tomb, it is completely different from all the ancient tombs in the past. Therefore, what we have learned is useless to this ancient tomb. In other words, now we are like ordinary people. Exactly the same."

  The words of the stuffy oil bottle made Zhang Haike break into a cold sweat. He had always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't find the problem. He understood when the stuffy oil bottle said it.

  Indeed, the problem is that everything I have learned and seen in the past is different from what I am in front of.

  Although they have always wanted to use their knowledge to cover this ancient tomb, such as feng shui layout and mechanical techniques, they all want to bring this ancient tomb back to a level that they can control, but the fact is that all speculations are Very reluctantly, this is the first time they have seen such an ancient tomb, and all the layouts in the ancient tomb are confusing and incomprehensible.

  One of their experiences, like the last of the thirty-six strategies, is that when encountering such an ancient tomb, it is best to give up.

  Can they give up? No. The other sentence of the stuffy oil bottle is also right. At this point, they have absolutely no courage to give up.

  Fifteen or sixteen-year-olds don't even know what it means to be a strong man with a broken wrist. They have worked hard for so long, and they will definitely not give up when they come to the door.

  My grandfather once said something to me: A lot of times, giving up is a virtue. Of course, this is not the case.

  One of the children laughed twice, expressing disdain, and Zhang Haike said, "I was born in Zhang's family, I don't care about that. You go up.

  " go out. He left, and the kid who laughed twice took a sip and said, "The kid is just ignorant."

  Zhang Haike glanced at the tight rope, sighed in his heart, and said, "Let's go." After he finished speaking Bending down and jumping, he stepped on the shoulder of the other child and got on the tightrope.

  The steel rope suddenly increased, and the children pulling the rope on both sides let out a muffled groan. Zhang Haike hung upside down under the steel rope, crawled over with his hands and feet, and quickly reached the top of the copper horse.