
The Lost Seeker

What do you do when you already have everything at your fingertips, but then decide to drop everything and escape? That's what the MC did and he now finds himself in a bar filled with dwarvs and drunks on another continent. "Oh God" ~MC

JustEndless · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Chapter 35: Into the Forest

There were moments in my life when I thought, yup im totally dead. No way out of it and I might as well make the best of it. Best of it, meaning going for a suicidal charge and hoping for the best. And the best meaning that I can leave alive.

Half alive to be exact, but still alive nonetheless. Now I didn't start thinking this way back home. There was no need to. Being surveyed at all times every time even when I was going to the bathroom.

At first, I did not think much of it. I mean who didn't want to be protected. The problem is that it can get troublesome. Like being forbidden to go to certain places in the city. My sister even banned me from going into that lake that one time.

Sure the local dragon might have tried eating me, but I believe it was a simple misunderstanding. We were friends and I thought that he was simply inviting me to go somewhere, just in his mouth.

Nonetheless, despite being protected at all times. I always seem to be landing myself in hot water no matter what I do. Whether it's being kidnapped for the nth time, or being sent a meteor on my first day of class.

I didn't even do anything to deserve all of it, yet it seems that something or someone really wants me dead. But that's life. I'm sure that I'm not the only one getting attacked by a rogue monster. Like right now.

I stood there, face to face with a monster I had never seen before. But I did hear of it from Mr Samuel. I was in the local forest solely because of him actually, ordered by him to bring back one monster in the forest. Said it was a test of some sort.

But I had doubts since when he was telling me that order, at the corner of my eye I saw some assassins preparing a fairly large fire, and a big stick in proportion to said fire. On the sides were various spices and ingredients.

I mentioned this to Mr. Samuel, but he didn't even look back and just said that it was something completely unrelated to what I was doing. Again, serious doubts but hey that's life.

So without further questioning, I digressed and now was in the forest. Asking about it more wasn't going to help, they might exclude me from the feast if I did.

I summoned my Scythe, its blade emitting a cold aura. It reflected the monster standing before me. A bear-like creature that stood five times my height, and multiplied even more so in terms of weight. It had three heads, each one ferocious as a feral beast as its mouth was salivating like a waterfall.

Its eyes glowed blood red as it was in complete sync with its blood-red fur. I felt the horrific aura it was giving out, spewing an egregious level of bloodlust toward me.

We did not even make a slight movement. The monster seemed hell-bent on eating me, with its temperament seemingly going feral, yet I felt that it had a hint of intelligence. Since it wasn't rushing toward me like a rabid dog.

This was tricky, I knew that bringing back a monster from this forest was a mission, yet at the same time, I'm pushing my luck if I pick this one. Mr. Samuel said that there were some monsters I needed to avoid at all costs, some like The Sky Boar, a monster that was giant in size and could even fly.

The Snark is an average-sized snake yet what makes it dangerous was its swift and agile speed but also its cunningness, its fangs coated in venom so deadly that it was enough to kill a [Swordsman] in a few seconds.

Luckily, all those monsters were deep in the forest, and I was still in the outer rung. But for some reason, this monster was here. The Blood Bear, known for its blood-red fur with its hunger for flesh multiplied that of its own size.

Mr. Samuel said that this was the monster I didn't need to worry about since the empire usually culled them all as their gluttony could destroy a whole ecosystem. So now the question is, why was this here?

Putting the question on hold, I figured that now wasn't the best time. Since there were more pressing problems for me to solve, like how do I survive this. escape was an option, but I had a feeling that this bear won't let go of that easily.

Hunting would then become useless if a dang bear was hunting me too. And even if I did escape, going back without prey is not something I would have liked to do.

An incomplete mission is not something I want to report. I remember that I was ordered to do one simple task, and when I was late doing it, well let's just say the winds were cold on that stormy night. The hours I spent holding that position, yeah no thanks. I would rather take the bear.

So putting all that together, there was only one option. It was to fight. Sure the bear might best me in well, size, strength, and power. And sure if I get hit by one of his attacks I might be done for, and sure my ways of injuring it is as good as nicking a boulder.

But there were two things the bear doesn't hold against me. It was my handsomeness and of course intelligence.

I tilted my body to the right and the moment I did the bear finally moved. Before I could even process it, the bear barrelled down my way like a moving mountain.

Its sheer size almost blocked out the sun with its speed shockingly swift. In a few seconds, it was already in front of me, it raised both of its paws and intended to slam it down to me with full force.

And not wanting to block that, I used {Lightning Movement} and appeared a few meters away from it. Dust billowed as the bear didn't stop its assault at my previous spot, its tree-like arms decimating the ground I stood on.

I took advantage of the chaos and electrified my feet and Scythe, both charged and ready for battle. And just as I was about to attack, I saw a figure coated in red hue as it sliced against the sides of the bear. A roar of pain soon followed as blood spilled into the ground.

The dust settled and I realized who it was. Startled, I saw that it was a familiar figure. This way of meeting gave me a sense of deja vu. Her short black hair hovered just above her shoulders, her eyes being that of scarlet looking down at the bear as it keeled over.

She backed off as the bear sent a swipe to her and stood beside me. She looked at me dead in the eyes and said.

"Why are you here?"

"Oh um, a mission."

Amy looked doubtful, but she still nodded and started walking to the side. I was also doubtful as to why she was here but hey, i'm not complaining if I get help. She will help me, right?

My doubts were soon answered as Amy turned off her aura and sheathed her sword, leaping to a branch of a tree as she sat there observing. Oh boy.

I gave a teary-eyed look at Amy, yet she replied with an indifferent look. Like she was a spectator of a play, and I was its tragedy-filled main character. The problem is, that the play is titled, Cosmo against a super dangerous bloodlust-filled bear who can rip Cosmo to shreds without trying.

Long story short, this was not good. I turned my back on Amy as I knew that she would no longer help. In fact, the only time she tried helping me was in that forest that one time and that was about it. Every other time, she didn't bother to.

And I didn't mind it to be honest. I wanted to solve my own problems. I gripped my Scythe with both hands and used {Lightning Movement} to close the distance. Soon I was in front of the bear, it tried slamming both of its arms into me again yet I jumped at just the right time.

Being above the bear, I swung my Scythe down to the head of the bear. Both of its arms were still smashed against the ground, not able to defend. Thinking like that, my Scythe made contact with its neck and as I thought, my slice was shallow.

The bear only roared in pain and swatted at me with his paw. I backed off and realized the situation. I can beat the bear, the cut may be shallow yet I saw that it was enough to injure him. It turns out its hide isn't as tough as a Kraken. Cool.

The bear stared daggers at me, its bloodlust amplifying as its gaze seemed to be boring a hole right through me. It charged against me again as I felt that I was fighting against a building. This will be a long morning.

I leaped to the bear and met it head-on. Hide against Scythe, with my Scythe slightly winning.

I heaved up and down, gasping for air as I keeled over to the ground. Using my Scythe as support, I leaned my weary body against it as I spat some blood to the ground. Hell, that was tedious.

Near me, I saw a gigantic monster laying limp on the ground. Cuts all over its body as blood began to spill over to the ground. Its body was cold as any sign of life was reaped. I wearily smiled, knowing that I finally won against that thing.

Death by a thousand cuts isn't that bad.

Sure it may have taken me a few hours to defeat, but hey I still killed it. One of the reasons why I was able to beat it was because of sheer grit and determination. And also with the slight pointers that Amy gave me as I fought. Other than that, I was proud of myself that I was able to beat this damned bear.

"Good job Cosmo."

I looked up and noticed that Amy was looking down at me, with her face seemingly giving out a small smile? This was off, I never saw Amy smile, ever. In response I smiled too, letting my body fall to the ground with my Scythe lying down beside me.

I looked at the sky as I felt the various painful sensations in my body. There were times I was unfortunately hit, and in consequence, I was slammed against a tree. Deja vu again.

Closing my eyes, I took in the momentary peace. Letting me forget all my problems or worries for a brief moment. Problems that as of now, I don't know how to solve. And worries that just stacked against my shoulders.

At first, I didn't mind them, I knew what price I had to pay to get what I want but this time, it felt difficult. Miserable even. Without opening my eyes, I said.

"I don't want to leave."

I didn't expect a response, knowing that Amy might not care. Yet surprisingly she did reply. I felt another presence sitting beside me.

"I know."

There was an unknown feeling I felt when I heard that. I didn't know what that was but I felt at peace. At that moment, I did not know why, but I felt that leaving here was slightly less painful. Still painful, but less I guess.

"And i'm coming with you."

Wait what.