
The Lost Seeker

What do you do when you already have everything at your fingertips, but then decide to drop everything and escape? That's what the MC did and he now finds himself in a bar filled with dwarvs and drunks on another continent. "Oh God" ~MC

JustEndless · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Chapter 34: Expectations

Time was on my side.

There is still time until I go to school, and until then I want to enjoy myself. Not enjoy as in not do anything, no, god no. Mr Samuel wont allow it, but enjoy myself as i want to savor the moment i spend time with the others.

No one has told me how long I have to stay in school, and it worries me that I may have to stay longer than I hoped for.

There was an inner urge for me to sigh, but I did not. It was pointless. These are the best options I can take right now, and I will have to make the best of it. I can figure it out more later on.

"Not curious or anything but why do you hate school so much Cosmo?"

Mr Lucius appeared in front of me, hovering ever so slightly. The outfit he wore today was different, it wasn't a suit nor a vacation outfit. No, it was a- hmm how do i say this. It was weird.

I didn't reply and just stared dumbfoundedly at him. I get it that he often liked mocking me but this, this is too far. I mean come on, he copied it down to the minute detail.

He looked around his outfit and had a smug expression on his face.

"What's not liking my outfit today?"

"No- i love it, it's just… well weird."

"How is it weird?"

"It's because you're wearing my clothes, Mr Lucius! Im flattered but i feel like i'm being mocked if its coming from you."

"Nonsense child, I am not mocking you. I just tried on your outfit, and realized how comfortable it is. I can see why you never change clothes that often."

I didn't open my mouth. I don't even know how to respond to this. Should i be flattered that Mr Lucius has taken a fancy on my fashion choice. Or insulted because he said that I don't change clothes.

Not wanting to think about it, I moved the conversation back to his previous question. At least, I can respond to that.

"Well Mr Lucius, there is a good and fair reason why I don't like going to school."

"I'm intrigued, why so? I mean it can't be that bad. It's not like a meteor would suddenly fall out of the sky and crash your- it did happen didn't it."

I wearily nodded and just sighed. A meteor did indeed crash into my classroom. That stray meteor was supposed to be casted on a mountain hundreds of kilometers away. But the Sensei, who was supposed to be overlooking the students, suddenly got sick and an Assistant Sensei took over.

Least to say it did not end well. While the student was casting the spell, the AS(Assistant Sensei) accidentally interrupted the student casting it. Thus, it inevitably crashed in the class I was in.

"Child, it was an accident. I'm sure the AS didn't mean it."

"Yes I'm sure of it, Mr Lucius. The AS even apologized after. It was gradually accepted as there were no casualties. The Sensei teaching us at that time quickly disintegrated it before it could crash."

"See it's not that bad. Accidents happen."

"Mr Lucius, it was my first day."

"Okay, what does that have to do with anything?"

I looked him straight in the eye and then said.

"It was the first minute I was in that class, and that suddenly happened."


"There was an ancient evil that awakened after that."

"So? It happens. I mean I woke up."

"It was in the second period."

Mr Lucius was left speechless, he didn't speak anymore as he took a casual glance at me. He briefly scanned me for a bit then started ruminating. He was deep in thought and he had a dawned look on his face. He slowly turned to face me and said.

"Cosmo, don't burn down that school."

"I don't make promises I can't keep."

There was a reason why I didn't say yes. I lasted for a month in my old school not because i was kicked out, no. They cant even try to kick me out due to my family. It was because there was no point in going to school, if there was no school.

My mother asked that same question to me when it was the first day, and i promised her but in the end, i couldn't keep it. I was at the ripe age of 7 when that happened.

Not much needs to be said about what happened to all the schools I went to after that. I still had a silver regret for the food stall I liked at the seventh school I went to. They made delicious egg sandwiches.

I wiped the depressing thought out of my mind as there was still work to do. I can worry about saving the school when I get there, for now I have to help Amy bring the new barrels up.

"Lesson Number One Cosmo, Always expect the unexpected."

A dagger whistled past me as I dodged it, or at least I thought I did, when I felt that dagger made a full turn and went for the back of my head.

I unsheathed my Chokuto and tried deflecting it. Its speed was fast and precise but I had already done this motion thousands of times already. But my expectations of deflection didn't come to fruition, as the dagger suddenly split into several, thus attacking me at all angles.

I wanted to block but there was no way out. I closed my eyes and waited for my inevitable death. A few seconds later, it still did not come.

Puzzled, I opened my eyes and saw that the daggers were floating ever so slightly in front of me, its shard blades shining a silver sheen. Its tip was pointed at just a centimeter away from the various parts of my body.

One of the daggers was pointing directly at the middle of my forehead. I wanted to move away but it seems that the daggers were not going to let me.

"Mr Samuel, you can stop now. I understand now, "Expect the unexpected and all that."

"Hmmm sure you do."

With a big smile on my face, I replied.

"Yes sir."

Staring directly at Mr Samuel, I saw that he was deep in thought, observing my current situation. Then he bumped his hand against his palm and said.

"Nope, you do not. Carry on."


I couldn't finish my sentence. The daggers straining my movement were gone, and I was about to give a sigh of relief but stopped at the last second when I saw that the shadows squirmed ever so slightly.

Individuals cloaked in dark clothes sauntered out, their eyes blood red as it emitted bloodlust of terrifying proportions. At first, when I faced them in my first training session I froze, but now I just couldn't be bothered.

"Uncle Jude, can we take it a little easier today?"

I gazed at the cloaked shadow in front of the group, he just looked at me with those red eyes and shook his head. Uncle Jude was usually the reasonable one here, but it seems that even he knows that he can't stop it. At least I tried.

Without even looking back, I blocked an assault from one of the Assassins, our blades meeting in mid air. Thus, signaling the start of our training session.

The shadowy individuals leapt from their position and attacked from various angles. All chokutos and daggers drawn with the sole purpose of killing me. And indeed, they were trying to kill me. I can tell from the sheer amount of bloodlust they were giving out.

I felt like that this was the way they operated against their assigned targets. Poor souls, they just had to anger someone they should not have. I electrified my feet without even questioning the situation anymore, and vanished from my place as I left thunder crackling.

Appearing in another as I singled out one of them and assaulted him. We clashed for a brief moment, blocking my blade with his dagger as sparks flew. Another Assassin jumped out and swung his blade with which I dodged.

Yet the place I escaped happened to contain another Assassin. The Assassin sent me a front kick my way, which I blocked by crossing my arms together. We made contact as I was sent skidding through the floor.

Which sent me to another Assassin that tried stabbing me with twin daggers. I used {Lightning Movement} to widen the distance and yet another one was already at the place I was in. Yeah this is not working out. Singling one of them out wont work, and defending against their assaults isn't a good long term plan.

So by logic, there was only one option. And it's fighting against all of them. I'm really a genius sometimes. Without wasting time, I summoned my Scythe as it appeared in all its glory.

Its shimmered against the bloodlust filled maniacs. The Assassins seem to have seen through my plan as they hid in the dark corners. Well they caught me. I'm guessing they already figured out how to deal with my Scythe.

I stood in the middle of the room, light was ever so faint, with the corners of the room possibly containing a deadly assassin who can rip me to shreds if I don't pay attention. A dagger whistled through the air which i prepared to block

But it seems it was a distraction. Because the moment I turned to block it, another dagger shot in a different direction, whose speed outmatched the previous one by twofold, was sent flying against my head with immense speed and precision.

But ah ha! I expected this. I blocked the first blade with my Scythe and at the same time I ducked the second blade, lightly tipping my balance. The moment I seemed to have lost my balance, the Assassins from all corners jumped out from the shadows intending to strike one final blow.

Hey, it worked. I tried holding it in but I had a subtle grin at the side of my face. I looked in a certain direction while I did, and it seemed that Uncle Jude saw it. His eyes slightly popped out and just as he was about to retreat. It was already too late.

I electrified my whole body, feeling as if the very essence of thunder coursed through my veins. The Assassins were already in front of me, and I sent a three hundred sixty degree slash on their way.

Some were able to dodge while some were knocked out by the blade of my Scythe. Since this was training, I had to make sure that my Scythe wasn't sharp.

They tried hiding in the shadows but that wasn't an option I was giving them. I closed the distance with one of them and swung at them. They blocked it but they weren't able to block the kick I sent through their sides.

{Lightning Movement} activated again and I was already at another Assassin, who was promptly knocked out. That series of actions were repeated a few more times until Uncle Jude was the only one left.

Uncle jude heaved and gasped for air, while I stood and watched with my eyes being more blue than usual as a flicker of lightning passed through my eyes.

"Wonderful Cosmo."

Uncle Jude said as he dropped his weapons and raised his hands. I deactivated my electrification and settled my swirling emotions down. I took a deep breath as I intended to leave the room. Surprisingly, Uncle Jude just watched me go and did nothing.

Thinking that it was finally over, I was about to grab a condo out. When i stopped at just the last second. I hovered my hand over the handle, and slowly turned against Uncle Jude.

His masked face couldn't hide the startled expression in his eyes.

"Expect the unexpected indeed."

I pulled my hand back from the handle and summoned my Scythe, and slashed the door in front of me in half. Thus revealing another squad of Assassins on the other door.

Uncle Jude gasped in surprise.

"Amazing Cosmo, you were able to see through poison laced handles and the various assassins on the other side ready to impale you when you opened it."

"Yup i totally definitely did.'' I replied, while wearing a confident smile.