
The Lost Legends of Humanity

Ezrae is a storyteller in ancient Egypt. A member of The Circle; a group who are collectors of stories, legends, and myths; many of which have to do with the history of the Israelites, God, and their many traditions and histories. Welcome to: “The Lost Legends of Humanity”

Cassian_James · Eastern
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Yahweh & Lucifer: “The Truth Revealed, The Fall Enacted.”

Adam walked through the garden with his thoughts racing through his mind, like a hyperactive colt. He felt guilty that God had created a partner for him, and he was unhappy with the outcome.

He felt angry because there was something missing in his head, and his heart, that made being with Kori feel… wrong. And finally, he was frustrated; that after 15 years, they hadn't begotten any children together.

This, too, left a hollow feeling in his stomach… Again, a deep and saddening feeling of something… something that was missing.

As his mind was wandering, he thought he heard the sounds of people arguing. He recognized the sound of God's voice; angry as it was; and the voices of angels he had never heard before. He hid behind a tree, as he approached the scene of the disruption…

Before him was an awe-inspiring sight; A small legion of angels; Cherubim, Seraphim, Virtues, Principalities, and what looked to be an Arch-Angel…

Adam couldn't make out exactly which one, but he had seen him around The Garden before. And he seemed to be arguing… with Yahweh, The Father.

Adam was awe-struck, he didn't think anyone or anything in existence would have the strength, gall, or audacity to argue against the Will of God.

As Adam approached, ensuring that he remained as quiet, and as hidden as possible; he began to hear what the argument was about. God was angry, because the Arch-Angel was being petulant.

"Why Father? Why must we; your most PERFECT creations; bow down to these hairless apes?! What makes them SO special?

They have no access to magic, no Grace, no power, NO DIVINITY, FATHER!

The male is arrogant, stupid, and controlling, and the female, Lilith, that you made for him; was far too GOOD for him. He mistreated her, broke her heart, and because of him; she was cast from the Garden!!

He is the example of a Spoiled, Broken, Lost, Rotten Child."

Yahweh reached out with lightning fast speed, and struck Lucifer across the face with an open palm. Lucifer hit the ground, golden blood dripping from his mouth and nose. He looked up at Yahweh with pain, hurt, and anger in his face, as God began talking again, calm, stern, and angry.

"YOU, are the spoiled, broken, and rotten child. For far too long, I have begrudgingly accepted your arrogance, and just said 'Maybe he will grow up one day.' But it's clear you will not.

And since you've broken yet another one of my laws, and spoken the name of the Outcast, Lilith; you will be punished."

Adam had just heard the name "Lilith" twice… the first time, when Lucifer spoke her name, it made him uncomfortable…

But the second time, when God spoke her name, something inside of him broke; the wall that was holding back a thousand memories of his children, Lilith, and their time together, in The Garden.

Everything flashed before Adam's eyes, flooding from the broken dam in his mind… the world around him spun, and he experienced a massive, horrible pain; like an Iron Spike being driven through his temple.

He cried out in pain, and collapsed; unconscious; from his hiding spot, accidentally giving away his position.

The Arch-Angel took this opportunity to prove a point. He rushed over to Adam, and lifted the man up by the scruff of his neck like a sad kitten.

Adam was crying, and as he looked up into the Arch-Angel's face, he recognized him; and he recognized those eyes. "Lucifer… You… Were the Dragon…" His heart was aching, his head was spinning, and in response, Lucifer spat at the ground beneath him.

"See, Father, this creature is weak. He is a mistake. He is delusional, helpless, and pitiful. I could do a thousand times better than this, if you'd let me."

He snarled through his teeth at this pathetic creature, and that's when Yahweh pounced on him.

Faster than almost anyone could see, God tore Adam from Lucifer's grip, ripped the wings from Lucifer's back, and struck him so hard in the chest that he broke every bone in his body. Lucifer crumpled to the ground, a broken, bloody, and pained mess.

"When you were created, the only rule I gave you…" Yahweh then turned to the other Angels that had been there to support Lucifer, "All of you… You had ONE RULE." His voice echoed through the garden like thunder from the sky; the very earth shaking beneath their feet.

"'Obey Me as your Father, for none can be greater than God.' So now, on this day, ALL OF YOU." He paused again, looking at the many creations around him… Creatures He was once proud of.

"AND your little ring-leader, Lucifer… Are banished from The Garden."

The angels began yelling, roaring and screaming in protest, but Yahweh raised a hand and silenced them, with His massive celestial power. He continued speaking.

"You are no longer welcome in the Heavens, and you will be cast to the Earth below; into Perdition; and be locked out from Grace.

From now on, you'll all be known as 'The Fallen.' Perhaps in a few millennia, we can revisit the topic." He waved his raised hand, and they were all cast from The Garden, and banished to Earth.

God looked down at Lucifer, and Lucifer looked back at him.

"I know you were the Dragon who tore Lilith and Adam apart. The boy is flawed because of your interference. Yes, he's weak, yes, he's broken. And that's all thanks to you.

If you hadn't done what you did, they could have repaired their Fate. Never again, will you bother the Heavens with your presence. Begone, Blasphemer." And Lucifer; broken, bleeding, and crying; was also cast from The Garden.

He rained to Earth like a massive meteor, amidst the other angels who were cast out, in a massive and beautiful display of fire, brimstone, and destruction. Blood rained from the skies, and the screams of the fallen echoed across the cosmos.

The reigning species on Earth at the time were the dinosaurs, and ancient ancestors of today's animals. This celestial "meteor shower," destroyed a large amount of the Earth, killed a lot of living things on the surface, and rearranged the very face of the Earth.

God sighed heavily, as silent tears streamed down His face. He collected himself and turned to the Unconscious Adam, not entirely sure how to proceed from here…

If you wanna see the version of this story that has the illustrations and makes it easier to imagine what you’re seeing, please visit the Google doc!!!


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