
The Lost Legends of Humanity

Ezrae is a storyteller in ancient Egypt. A member of The Circle; a group who are collectors of stories, legends, and myths; many of which have to do with the history of the Israelites, God, and their many traditions and histories. Welcome to: “The Lost Legends of Humanity”

Cassian_James · Eastern
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Return to The Garden: “From Kori’s Perspective.”

It was the same day that Adam had gone off to speak to Yahweh, and encountered Lucifer and his friends. Kori was picking flowers and weaving them into crowns for her and Adam, as she sat in the beautiful sunshine in The Garden of Eden; surrounded by the same lush greenery she had always known.

She had spent the day hunting and collecting flowers, creating a mosaic for her husband, and cleaning up around their camp. You see, when Yahweh had created her, he had also built a few things into her mind:

He was her God, Adam was her mate, and she had a place in this world; just like they did.

She was to protect Adam's heart; be the perfect wife and listen to him; and submit herself to his will, as long as it pointed her to Yahweh.

And finally, she would not bear any children to Adam until the 15th year of their marriage. This was to be a test of faith for the two of them; and no matter how much she wished to tell Adam this, Yahweh forbade her from doing so.

However, today was the day she could finally tell him, and they could finally have a child together. Today was the day she had been looking forward to for 15 years; the seal on her womb would be released, and they could build their family.

However, the sun was now setting on their 15th anniversary, and there was still no sign of Adam… He had been gone since that morning. She figured he had just gone out to prepare; hunt, or fish, or maybe even bathe!

Kori began to walk around, searching every square inch of the Garden, calling out Adam's name:

"Adam? Adam, my husband? My love? Adam, where are you?" …but there was no answer.

She had even asked the animals if they had seen him, but they only looked at her with confused expressions. Adam had the ability to speak with animals, but she did not…

She searched the riverbanks, hoping he had gone there to fish; but still, there was no sign of him. She sighed, and once again, off she went; to continue looking.

As the days passed, Kori's worry turned to absolute despair. She prayed to Yahweh, day and night, asking for His guidance; and for His help in finding Adam, but there was only silence…

She couldn't understand why Father God would allow this to happen, nonetheless on such an important day.

And she really couldn't understand why He wasn't answering her, and why He and Adam had just disappeared like this.

Four days had passed, and while she knew she couldn't give up on Adam, she was unsure of the path ahead. She loved him far too much to let him go, but he was gone…

And God was gone, too. She was alone… She was lost, confused, hurt, and desperate. How could her God abandon her? How could her husband leave her?

As she sat there, lost in thought, worry furrowing her brow, she suddenly remembered something. Yahweh had forbidden her from telling Adam that they could finally start a family on their 15th anniversary.

"So… what if Adam doesn't know? What if he was still out there, searching for a way to start their family, unaware that he was free to do so, now? What if this was some way for him to prove his worth? What if he died, trying to prove something he didn't need to prove?!"

Kori's heart began to race as she realized the significance of this thought. She had to find Adam and tell him. She rose to her feet, determined to continue her search.

She, again, spent hours trudging through the Garden, looking under every rock, and behind every tree. But as the sun began to set yet again; she found herself back where she had started, sitting in the same spot, with no signs of Adam.

Kori felt tears of frustration and sadness stream down her face. She didn't know what else to do. As she sat there, lost in her thoughts, she suddenly heard a rustling sound behind her.

She turned around, hoping to see Adam's smiling face, but it was only a small family of chipmunks. They looked at her with sympathy, as if they knew what she was going through.

Kori felt a sense of comfort wash over her as she realized that she wasn't alone. She had the animals to keep her company, and she still had Yahweh's love to guide her; He just must have been too busy to answer her.

"Yeah… yeah he's busy, he's trying to find Adam too, I bet! I can't give up, now!"

As she sat there, the moon slowly rising above her, Kori made her decision. She would not give up on Adam; she would continue to search for him; no matter how long it took.

For the next 3 days, Kori searched the Garden with renewed vigor, and determination. She looked for any clues that might lead her to Adam; but alas… there was nothing. She was, again, beginning to lose hope; and she was beginning to doubt Yahweh.

Why had He abandoned her? And how could a husband leave his wife behind like this? By the 6th night, her heart was filled with anguish and anger, and her head was filled with questions and doubt; and she cried herself to sleep.

But then, on the seventh day, as she was walking along the riverbank, she saw something in the distance. It was a small figure, sitting on a rock, facing the water. Kori's heart leapt with hope.

"Could it be Adam?" She murmured to no one in particular. A week had gone by since she last saw him, and her heart was bleeding with excitement.

She ran towards the figure, calling out Adam's name, over and over. As she got closer, she realized that it was indeed Adam, sitting there with his head in his hands.

Kori ran to him, tears streaming down her face. "Adam! Oh, Adam, where have you been?" she cried, throwing her arms around him.

Adam looked up at her, and she noticed that his eyes didn't look quite right, but then he spoke, and his voice instantly brought her comfort, "Oh, Hello, Kori. Why are you crying?"

Behind Adam, sunbathing on the rock, was a black serpent; a beautiful, onyx lizard. It lazily looked up at Kori as it stood, stretched, and climbed up onto Adam's shoulder, wrapping its tail around his neck gently, and looking at Kori, as if to say "Can We Help You?"

If you wanna see the version of this story that has the illustrations and makes it easier to imagine what you’re seeing, please visit the Google doc!!!


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