
The Lost Legends of Humanity

Ezrae is a storyteller in ancient Egypt. A member of The Circle; a group who are collectors of stories, legends, and myths; many of which have to do with the history of the Israelites, God, and their many traditions and histories. Welcome to: “The Lost Legends of Humanity”

Cassian_James · Eastern
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73 Chs

Duped by a Demon: “Lucifer’s First Attack!”

Kori's heart leapt with excitement, but the closer she got to Adam, the more that excitement turned to dread. Something was wrong…

His eyes turned inky black, with no emotion or life; like two pools of tar. and his face twisted into a grotesque grimace, filling her with fear, and uncertainty. This… What happened to her husband?

She stumbled back, rubbing her eyes in disbelief, but when she looked back at him, Adam's features had returned to normal.

A sigh of relief escaped her lips as she walked up to Adam and put her hand in his, crouching down to his level, since he was sitting.

"Adam… you've been missing for a week. I have searched nearly the whole Garden looking for you! I prayed to Yahweh day in and day out.

I yelled your name for hours… what happened?" Kori had begun to cry while she talked, pouring out her broken emotions.

"My dear Kori," Adam hissed back; speaking in a voice she had never heard in her life. A voice made up of many, and sounding like nails on a chalkboard. Kori removed her hand from his, and stepped back quickly, "you have been misled."

He continued speaking, "You are not the one Yahweh intended for me. You are a pale, pathetic imitation of the original, Lilith.

SHE was created to be the Apex Woman… SHE was something special, a queen, a goddess.

You are plain, boring, and useless. Even Yahweh knows it. That's why He didn't bother to answer your prayers all week."

Adam's words cut Kori like a knife. She tried to speak, but the words got caught in her throat, like a lump of food that wasn't chewed very well.

The serpent on his shoulder turned into black smoke, absorbing directly through his skin, and becoming almost like a tattoo embroidered on his chest and back.

In response, Adam's form began to twist and contort; his bones cracking and deforming, restructuring and reforming. Inky blackness poured from his eyes like a river tainted with charcoal. It sizzled as it hit the ground, and destroyed anything it touched.

His limbs elongated, his teeth sharpened, and his flesh fell away in chunks. Kori screamed in horror, as the demon's voice grew louder, and more threatening.

"I will destroy you, Kori," the demon screamed, "and when I'm finished with you, I will consume Adam, and tend the Garden in flames! The New Lord demands fealty, destruction, and chaos!"

The demon lunged at Kori, tearing through her flesh with its claws. She felt her blood pour out like a red waterfall, screaming out in agony. Just as she thought she was going to die, the real Adam charged towards them, tackling the demon with all his might.

The two Adams collided, pummeling each other with black and red blood flying everywhere, staining the wildlife around them. The demonic Adam fought dirty, using underhanded tactics, and even attempting to use Kori as a shield.

The true Adam fought with all his strength, determined to destroy this creature who dared to wear his visage… But it wasn't an easy battle… The demon was incredibly powerful, something like they had never before seen; and Adam was just a man…

Just as it seemed like the demonic Adam had the upper hand, a blinding light appeared in the sky, shining down upon them like a shining beacon of hope. Yahweh Himself, descended from the heavens; burning the demon to ashes, with His light.

Kori and Adam sat up from their respective spots on the ground, wiping some blood from their wounds, and tending to each other.

"Lucifer will stop at nothing to destroy the Garden, and to destroy humanity in any way he can," Adam said, helping Kori to her feet.

"Lucifer!? What do you mean?! What was that… THING?!?" Kori asked, surprised.

If you wanna see the version of this story that has the illustrations and makes it easier to imagine what you’re seeing, please visit the Google doc!!!


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