
The Lost Legends of Humanity

Ezrae is a storyteller in ancient Egypt. A member of The Circle; a group who are collectors of stories, legends, and myths; many of which have to do with the history of the Israelites, God, and their many traditions and histories. Welcome to: “The Lost Legends of Humanity”

Cassian_James · Eastern
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73 Chs

In The Garden, Part Two: “There’s Trouble in Paradise.”

He told her she shouldn't always be beneath her husband; that she was better than that, and how dare Adam make her feel less than?! In addition, if she wanted to be on top, she should demand it, damn it!

God created them as one being initially, so they were equals, after all! This role of "Superiority" that God had put Adam in, above his wife Lilith, was unfair; even ruthless. Lucifer weaved his web of deceptions, as the thread of fate connecting Adam and Lilith frayed more and more.

Lilith took everything the Dragon said to heart, and stormed off to find Adam; to tell him exactly how she felt, and tell him what SHE wanted from now on.

The dragon watched her storm off and a sly, malicious smile spread upon his lips. He slinked up into the tree and wrapped himself around the tree of life, and used magic to become invisible.

Adam, meanwhile, had finished his conversation with God, and was teaching the children how to till the ground when Lilith came up to him, in a rage. She demanded that they have relations, and that she gets to be on top, and she gets to be in control.

In addition, she demanded to no longer be subservient to Adam, as she didn't want to bend to the will of someone who was equal to her. She demanded a rectification of the intense misogyny she had had to face since her creation.

This enraged and terrified Adam, and the two of them began to argue with one another; neither wishing to relent, and neither wishing to change, after which, they stormed off in separate directions.

Lilith was off to see the Dragon, and Adam was off to see Yahweh; while the thread of fate holding them together was holding on by nearly nothing but a single, very strained, string…

Ezrae tapped his Staff against the ground, and the fire rose even higher, standing now at about 10-12 feet tall.

Lilith approached the Tree of Life, while calling out to the Dragon, and as she did so, the Israelites heard not Ezrae's voice… but Lilith's.

The Great Dragon rose up and unwrapped himself from the tree, as he became visible again; that sinister smile back on his face. Eve began to cry, and laid all of her woes at his feet, telling him everything her heart was hurting over, and offering him all of her lamentations.

"Dragon… I am not sure what to do. Am I doomed to be subservient, miserable, and live as a slave to this man? Or is there possibly more for me in this world?"

This is said to be the first act of False Idolatry committed by a human. Lilith had willingly chosen to seek out another for comfort, solace, and guidance, rather than Yahweh, breaking their commandment.

Lucifer, disguised as the Dragon, listened; wrapping his mighty tail around her, and pulling her close to his scaley, warm body. He consoled her as his tail snaked up the tree, plucking a fruit from the Tree of Life, and lowering it, so it was between their faces.

These fruits were impressive, beautiful, and looked delicious. They were like peaches, but with golden skin, and silver pith. The fruit on the inside was a deep purple color, similar to the leaves on the Tree of Life.

Their beautiful skin reflected in the dark eyes of the Dragon, as he dangled it in front of Lilith's face, saying,

"If you simply partake of this fruit, there will be none in the garden above you. You will gain Immortality like that of God and his Angels."

She stared, longingly, at the beautiful and mythical fruit, as she considered her options and the consequences of what may happen… IF she ate from the Tree of Life, she would be like God… like the Angels; immortal and powerful.

After all, she wouldn't have to ask Adam to treat her as an equal… she could make him, and never again would he humiliate her. SHE could even make HIM be subservient to her.

She should be ruling the human race anyway, she is the one who can make the miracle of life, create babies, and birth them! Words Lucifer had spoken to her earlier came to mind:

"Adam is just a monkey, with the right equipment."

Lilith debated with herself silently, all the while, watching the fruit; as her mouth began to water, as she considered the Dragon's lies. She took the fruit in her hand, feeling its soft but firm texture, the golden skin reflecting in her own eyes.

She brought it up to her face, and could smell how sweet and fresh it was… It smelled like… desire; and because of that, mixed with the intoxications of Lucifer's deceptions; she finally caved in, and took a bite.

If you wanna see the version of this story that has the illustrations and makes it easier to imagine what you’re seeing, please visit the Google doc!!!


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