
The Lost Legends of Humanity

Ezrae is a storyteller in ancient Egypt. A member of The Circle; a group who are collectors of stories, legends, and myths; many of which have to do with the history of the Israelites, God, and their many traditions and histories. Welcome to: “The Lost Legends of Humanity”

Cassian_James · Eastern
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73 Chs

In The Garden, Part Three: “Every Action has a Consequence.”


The thread of fate that connected Lilith to Adam snapped, at the exact moment she tasted the Fruit of Life; and the threads that connected her to her children were severely affected. Slowly, they started to corrupt; turning from their beautiful Golden & white holy color, to a sickly, dripping, inky Black & Green.

When the thread snapped, Adam hit the ground on his knees, clutching his chest and screaming in pain, in front of Yahweh. Immediately, God took ahold of Adam, and instantly transported them both to Lilith's location at the Tree of Life, so they could figure out what was happening.

There, they saw the Dragon, Lilith, and the fruit she had partaken of. Immediately, caught and backed into a corner, Lucifer as the Dragon reared up to fight. Withba single swing of his arm, Father Yahweh floored the great beast, and summoned lightning into his hands, in order to destroy him.

Lilith, now having been corrupted, by allowing Sin to enter her soul; and having become smitten with the Dragon, because of his deceptions and manipulations; cried out to Yahweh, begging him to spare the Dragon.

"Please, Father, Don't! Please, don't destroy the Dragon. He doesn't deserve it… this is my fault."

In turn, she claimed full responsibility for eating the fruit. She explained to them how she wanted freedom, and she didn't want to be pinned down underneath Adam for the rest of her life.

She continued on, saying that The Dragon had, unbeknownst to Adam and Yahweh, made Lilith fall in Love with him, by showing Lilith she could be something different; ruining God's Plan for Humanity in Adam & Lilith.

She tried to apologize; tried to justify her actions; tried to talk her way out of it… But it was too late, and the consequences of her actions could not be undone.

Yahweh explained to her, "Lilith, you have let Sin into the Garden, a darkness more ancient than even the angels. This Darkness cannot be overcome, and now that you have made yourself immortal, the corruption will never go away.

Even worse, not only is it going to corrupt you, but it's also going to corrupt your children, since they are connected to you. Children are special… they are created, housed, and birthed from their mother's bodies.

Because of this, their soul-ties are connected to their father only through their mother, and your actions have severed the thread of fate that tied them to Adam."

He turned and cast The Dragon to the ground and cursed it; taking from it, and all of its descendants; its size, magic, strength, weapons, and title; saying "For all your days you will be nothing but a lizard; a wretch, close to the dust of the Earth. Because of your transgressions against humanity, you will now be known as 'The Serpent.' Or 'The King Usurper'."

Ezrae's voice is the one who came back then, narrating the story once again.

"From then on, Dragons were no more; and in their place, was the lowly Serpent; the Usurper. However, the important thing was that God had spared the Dragon from obliteration, and as such, Lilith had inadvertently saved the life of Lucifer.

The Serpent scurried away, terror abundant within the heart of Lucifer, as he had almost been destroyed for his Transgressions. It was then thay Father Yahweh turned to Lilith, once more.

"I have spared the Serpent, and I will do the same for you and the children... But, I am sorry, you must all leave the Garden… for good. You have broken our Covenant, Lilith; and as such, you have doomed yourself, and your children, to darkness; to a corruption that I had foreseen, but hoped to never occur.

You led humanity down a dark and broken path, Sin took hold of your heart, and I have to banish you.

You see, If you don't leave, and you eat from the tree of knowledge… then you will become like Us, but in a dark and evil way; and reality as we know it, will be destroyed."

Lilith tried to object, tried to defend herself; but she couldn't; she had violated the covenant, and had eaten from the tree of life, in a moment of defiant weakness. She turned to Adam, and grabbed his hand in hers, "Adam, I'm sorry… but at least we won't be alone."

Adam took his hand back, and turned his head away from her, tears streaming down his face. Realization dawned on hers, and she screamed in anger and wrath.

Yahweh, pitying them all; banished Lilith and the Children of Genesis from the Garden, to the wild and raw world of Earth.

As for Adam, when God banished Lilith and the children from the Garden, He also subsequently erased any and all memories, and sense of attachment to them from Adam's mind; and Yahweh decided to try again…

Lilith however, didn't have that same blessing, and she was cast from the Garden, with a broken heart, a broken mind, and grandiose ideas of wrathful revenge. She turned to her children, darkness beginning to well up in her heart and her veins, as she said

"We will reclaim our place in Paradise. For now… we will find a temporary home here on Earth… No, children, we will make a PERMANENT HOME here, and we will be something more than… More Than 'human,' More Than 'The Angels…' and More Than 'Yahweh.'"

As she spoke, a single, sharp horn, about 4 inches long, began to grow out of the left side of her forehead; her nails sharpened slightly, and she let loose a wicked grin, as a realization came to her mind.

The Dragon… His eyes… she had seen those eyes before. The Dragon was an Angel… the Dragon was Lucifer… and the Dragon… was her future.

She set off to find him, even if it meant tearing down Heaven itself to be with him. For somewhere around 15 years or so, they wandered earth. As she prepared herself for the arrival of Lucifer, her true soul-mate, and wandered the earth with the Children, they had become more and more corrupt. Descending to drinking blood and eating raw meat. Then finally, after 15 years, a "meteor" from the heavens, come down in a fiery blaze of glory, crashing into a set of small mountains to the north. This was followed by an entire meteor shower pounding the face of the earth.

The mountains exploded, becoming larger and more intimidating. The sky darkened as Lilith grinned, shielding herself and the children from the destruction. Lust, Obsession, and Wrath coursed through her veins, as she felt the Aura of Lucifer, once again.

"Ahhhh, there he is! My TRUE Husband has arrived… The TRUE god of this world… Come along children, it's time to claim our place on this Earth."

She said this confidently and triumphantly; and with a smile, set off with her children, the first pure race of demons that traveled the face of the Earth. They would come to be known… as the Lillim.

If you wanna see the version of this story that has the illustrations and makes it easier to imagine what you’re seeing, please visit the Google doc!!!


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