
The Lost Gems: rivalry of two mafia gangs

The Lost Gems tells the story of two mafia gangs, namely the Alberto family and the Porsche family, which are the most famous mafia gangs in the world. these two mafia gangs used to be very close but turned into enemies each other The reason is, the Porsche family was accused of get rid off away precious gems belonging to Alberto's family but the Porsche family never admits it, Is it true that the Porsche family is the culprit? Or was there really a provocateur who deliberately ended their friendship?

Syafatasya · Urban
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7 Chs

There's Dark wolf between Shepherd and White Sheep

~library room on the third floor of Alfarenzo's residence~

In the library there's much books neatly arranged in dark brown teak wood bookshelves

At Two maroon colored sofas were seen in the library, seen Gelael and Nana sitting there

while Geronimo read a book while standing

"I really hate that shepherd! "

"And why does my father always defend the white sheep! Even though she takes self-defense lessons, why is she allowed to take those lessons while I'm not allowed to take dancing lessons?!"

said Nana with

annoyed and  overflowing anger.

"White sheep? Shepherd?" said Geronimo wonderingly, he was confused about who Nana meant.

"The shepherd she means is Mrs. Judith and the white sheep is July," Gelael explained to Geronimo.

"Does that mean Nana is the dark wolf?" said Geronimo, openly mocking Nana.

"What did you say?!" Nana immediately became angry and came walking over to Geronimo, with her small body she immediately tiptoed to pull Geronimo's shirt collar,

  because Geronimo's body is taller than nana.

"I'm a dark wolf?! Seriously!"

"if I were a dark wolf, I would tear you apart without mercy!!!"

"You such a bastard!" Said Nana angrily to Geronimo

But Geronimo instead looked gently at Nana.

He felt calm seeing Nana chattering in front of him

Geronimo's hands subconsciously pinched Nana's cheeks

"You're so cute, little dark wolf," said Geronimo, 

Nana was shocked, she immediately removed her hands from Geronimo's collar

Unconsciously, she touched Geronimo's hand which was holding her cheek which had become blushing

"w.. what are you doing idiot!" said nana stammering while looking into Geronimo's eyes.

"ahhhhh... I want to get out of here! " Nana immediately felt embarrassed and she immediately ran out of the library.


"you made her out of control, Geronimo!" said Gelael laughing out loud on the sofa.

"I think I have a brilliant idea," said Geronimo with a grin


~Inside the bar~

There's moza sitting on a bar stool while staring at a photo of himself with a woman who smiling 

to the camera and the woman is seen hugging him with so thight. 

The woman's face could not be seen clearly because there was a red stain covering half part of her face just her smile who showing up. 

"I miss you "

"I will take you back," said Moza, he kissed the photo.


~in Nina's office~

Nina was smoking and sitting on her office table while looking out the window

She looking so frustrated, 

Inadvertently, her eyes glanced at Judith who was walking with her head lowered through the corridor

" Bitch! I will destroy the lives of you and your little bastard!!!" shouted Nina angrily,

she immediately lit the corner of her cigarette on the window frame.

Nina immediately ran out of her office and ran towards the opposite corridor to catch up with Judith

"Hey bitch!" Nina shouted, calling Judith

Judith raised her head and looked back

When she turned around, Judith was surprised to see Nina running and pulling her hair

"Ah... it hurts," said Judith, wincing in pain

"Because of you! My lunch was ruined!"

"I'll teach you a lesson,  bitch!" said Nina with overflowing emotion,

She grabbed Judith's hair and took her somewhere

"Please let me go, madam," said Judith begging

"Shut up!!!"

  Nina opened an abandoned warehouse with the key in her right hand

She immediately grabbed Judith's head and pushed her so hard that she fell into the warehouse.

"Akhhhh" Judith winced in pain

"You stay forever on here, you are such a Bitch who steal my man!! " Said Nina shoot up to Judith

She slam the door and locked the warehouse

"Bye Bitch! " said Nina, an she go leaving Judith alone in there. 

Meanwhile Judith feel her head so dizzy and she passed out in on the floor. 

July arrives home,

he walked into the house,

when the entrance door was opened by the servant

she was surprised to see his father, Giorgino, Gelael and Geronimo walking out of the house


"Auntie, I didn't come in this way, I just went through the back door," said July to the maid.

She immediately ran as fast as she could to avoid them.

"Thank you, Alfarenzo, for today's lunch," said Giorgino, embracing Alfarenzo's shoulder

"I apologize for the commotion earlier, hopefully another day we can eat in peace," said Alfarenzo.

"It's okay, don't worry about it," replied Giorgino.

"Papa, I asked permission to go to the toilet," said Geronimo to Giorgino

"Yes, go inside quickly, I'll wait for you in the car," answered Giorgino

Geronimo immediately left

and ran towards the toilet near the kitchen

he immediately went into the toilet

then after 5 minutes he came out of the toilet

At that time he was surprised to see July sneaking into the house through the back door

"Hey white sheep, you missed your lunch," said Geronimo mocking July

July turned to Geronimo

"white sheep?"

"Who did you call?" said July ask Geronimo

Geronimo point to July

"It's you " said Geronimo

"You kinda weirdos, I don't wanna talk much with weird guy like you"

"Bye" said July, she ignore Geronimo and walk away from him

"Mr.Alfarenzo  I found Judy in kitchen" Geronimo

Geronimo suddenly shouted to Alfarenzo

July was shocked and she immediately turned her body towards Geronimo

"You're annoying!" said July irritably

"July my daughter,  are you in the kitchen ?" shouted Alfarenzo quietly  called July

"Yes, papa, I'll be right there to meet you," said July, quietly

"Let me help you, Mr. Alfarenzo, take July to the front," said Geronimo while embracing July.

Geronimo walked while smiling at July

while July made an annoyed expression at Geronimo

they arrived at the entrance hall

"white sheep be smile or your papa

Will think you hate him"

"Even though I know it's true," Geronimo whispered into July's left ear

July immediately pretended to smile broadly at Alfarenzo

She spontaneously pinched Geronimo's right hand

"Let go of your dirty hands!" whispered July

Geronimo immediately released his grip and tried to endure the pain

"My darling July" Alfarenzo immediately hugged July tightly and kissed her left and right cheeks

"Where have you been? Why didn't you have lunch together?" asked Alfarenzo to July

"Mr. Alfarenzo I wanna go now, my father will get angry if he wait in the car for too long," said Geronimo with a smile.

"Oh yes, be careful, son," said Alfarenzo while patting Geronimo's right shoulder.

"July, see you at school tomorrow,"

said Geronimo smiling sweetly at July and he immediately ran slowly to get into the car.

" crazy guy!" said July annoyed in her heart