
The Lost Gems: rivalry of two mafia gangs

The Lost Gems tells the story of two mafia gangs, namely the Alberto family and the Porsche family, which are the most famous mafia gangs in the world. these two mafia gangs used to be very close but turned into enemies each other The reason is, the Porsche family was accused of get rid off away precious gems belonging to Alberto's family but the Porsche family never admits it, Is it true that the Porsche family is the culprit? Or was there really a provocateur who deliberately ended their friendship?

Syafatasya · Urban
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7 Chs

Destruction of Dancow village

in the city center where the residents have scary faces and no smiles

there is a cafe which is a favorite place for young people to hang out there

  In the corner of the cafe  there's a beautiful woman,

  has golden brown hair, fair skin, has sharp brown eyes like a hawk, has a tall, slim body, and blush red lipstick adorns her lips which look a little big and sexy

she wore a black crop top with long blue jeans with black high heels,

The woman was sipping her coffee while calling someone

"I want you to go to Dancow village, find out what is happening in that village now," said the woman,

After saying that, she hung up the phone.

"Chloe" shouted Cleo, wearing a black jacket with a knee-length light blue dress

Her little feet ran into the cafe and towards the woman she called Chloe.

"I have something for you," said Cleo with a smile,

  She took out a bracelet shaped like the initial C from her jacket pocket

"This is for you," said Cleo as she put the bracelet on Chloe's right hand.

"What is this?" asked Chloe with a flat face

"This is a friendship bracelet between us," answered Cleo cheerfully

"You're so childish! I can't possibly want to wear a children's bracelet like this," said Chloe arrogantly, she immediately pulled the bracelet,  and break the bracelet

"Now you sit quietly, and order anything u want," said Chloe

Cleo felt very disappointed and sad to see her older sister being so arrogant like that

She immediately sat down with a pensive face

"Tell Grandpa, I can't go home today."

"I have important business to do "

"if you want to eat, just use this card for pay the bills"

"Or you can buy anything u want" said Chloe as she took out her debit card from her purse

"The card password is  280292"

"Take care of yourself,young girl" Chloe said to Cleo

She immediately got up from her seat and walked away from Cleo while wearing her sunglasses.

Cleo immediately couldn't hold back her tears


she cried without anyone wanting to hug to calm her,

all the cafe visitors just stared at Cleo 


Meanwhile in Dancow village,

Rosie looks so happy to meet Gana,

She spontaneous hug Gana

Gana shock see a beautiful woman hug her

"Who are u? " ask Gana gently

"She is auntie Rosie, she is our guest" said Carlos

Gana looked up Rosie from head to toe

She smile so broadly and she hug again Rosie

"Oh there's a guest" said Adella with smile

"Hello madam, I am adella"

"Hi Mrs. Adella, I am Rosie" said them hold hand each other

Rosie feel so familiar with Adella 

"Did we before already meet? " said Rosie

"I think not madam, how can I meet a beautiful woman like supermodel like u before" said Adella

"Aw Mrs Adella you are so sweet and kind" said Rosie smiled while hugged Gana tightly in her lap

"Gana, you are very beautiful, my darling," said Rosie while kissing Gana's cheek.

"Thank you, auntie, but auntie is prettier than Gana," said Gana as she turned her body and kissed Rosie on the cheek and the forehead. 

"I'm so happy that Aunt Rosie is here, it's like I have a mother," said Gana innocently

Gana's words made both her grandfather and grandmother's eyes fill with tears  wanted to cry

"Gana, are you happy with Aunt Rosie's presence?" asked Gana's grandmother.

Gana nodded slowly while hugging Rosie tightly

"I would be very grateful if I could take care  Gana until she grows up," Rosie said to them

"I also feel happy to see Gana happy with you Madam," said Gana's grandmother

"I agree if Gana lives with Madam" said Carlos

"Will grandpa and grandma come with Gana?" said Gana

Carlos and his wife looked at each other,

Rosie replied  "of course they will come with us"

Carlos and his wife were shocked to hear Rosie's statement

"Is that true, madam?"

"Can we come with Madam too?" Carlos asked.

"Of course, you are Gana's grandparents, you have to be with Gana too."

"Let's take care of Gana together until she grows up," said Rosie with a smile

"yeayy.. Gana finally has a mother," said Fatamorgana with joy

"Not just a mom, you will have brother and a daddy too" said Rosie

"Oh my god... Thanks god it's the best day ever! "

"Finally I have completed family" said Gana with full of happiness and joy 

"Can I called you my mom? " ask Gana to Rosie

"Sure baby" said answered Gana


A group of cars was seen entering the Dancow village area,

a large man who covered his face with a mask and sunglasses

  got out of the black convertible car

He was seen picking up a phone call from his cell phone

"I'm already in the village"

"What do you see there?" said someone over the phone

"I see the situation is still the same as long time ago"

"But there's something strange," said the big man

"What's strange?! Say it," said someone on the phone

"I saw Giorgino's wife's car here," said the big man

"Quickly take a photo and send it to me!" said someone on the phone again

"Damn! " said someone irritably

"Now you just destroy the village, it could be serious  problem if our dark secret is revealed."

"If necessary, Giorgino's wife will also be destroyed there!" said the person then he turned off the phone.

"Boys, we got extra work!" said the big man to the group of cars behind him.

everyone in the car came out wearing masks

You can see they are men with large, muscular bodies, in their hands are knives and other sharp weapons

"Kill them all!!!" shouted the big man wearing glasses

The army of big men chased the residents who were running in fear

they killed all the residents indiscriminately

They go enter all villagers house and kill all of them from a child, a man, a woman, old people

Half people try to running away to escape from them

In there an old woman ran hastily towards the forest

"Carlos, Adella," the woman shouted, calling Carlos and his wife

Gana, Rosie, Carlos and Adella immediately came out of the shabby shack 

"What's wrong, Mrs. Shelby?" Carlos asked in surprise 

"Our village was attacked by bandits!"

"We have to run from here immediately! They are killing the other residents"

"Come on quickly! Leave this village!!" shouted the old woman in fear

Carlos immediately took off  Adella, Rosie, Gana and Shelby to ran away

they ran so fast

Gana, who was in Carlos' arms, was confused about what was happening,

they didn't stop running through the forest

"hah.. hah.. hah"

they gasped and kept running

"I.. I'm not strong," said Shelby, feeling helpless.

"Come on, Shelby! We're almost at the end of the road," said Adella

Carlos and Rosie stopped running and waited for Adella and Shelby

"Madam, can I ask you to help me carry Gana?" said Carlos to Rosie

"Of course, come here darling, let me carry you again," said Rosie, she immediately took over Gana.

"Mom, what's going on?"

"Why do we have to run?" asked Gana confused.

"I will explain later, now we have to get out of here quickly," said Rosie while gently stroking Gana's head.

"Climb on my back Shelby, I will carry you," said Carlos.

Shelby immediately got on Carlos' back,


"Adella, you run first with Mrs. Rosie and Gana."

"I will follow you from behind," said Carlos to Adella

Adella was afraid of losing Carlos, she reflexively kissed Carlos' lips

"I'll meet you again at the end of the road," said Adella,

"Yes, I promise," said Carlos.

Adella, Rosie and Gana ran first at the front

Meanwhile, Carlos had to walk with a limp

because he was carrying Shelby

Rosie looked tired from carrying Gana while running.

Adella saw that,

"Let me carry Gana again," said Adella

"It's okay, Mrs. Adella, I'm still strong," answered Rosie

"We are close to the edge of the road," said Adella.

they finally made it to the side of the road,

but Carlos and Shelby were still nowhere to be seen

Adella felt anxious,

"Mrs. Rosie, if you find a passing car, go first

Adella said,

He kissed Gana's head who was fast asleep in Rosie's arms

"Take good care of my grand daughter," said Adella with teary eyes while smiling faintly

She immediately ran back into the forest

Rosie cried and restrained herself from screaming in pain,

she saw a car passing by

"Help!" shouted Rosie as she tried to stop the car by waving her hand.

the car stopped,

"Help us, we want to go to town," said Rosie

the pickup driver gave a sign to get on immediately with his hand,

it seems the driver is can't talk

Rosie immediately put Gana's body in the back of the pick-up,

She looked back into the forest

"Please wait a moment, I'm waiting for someone," said Rosie to the driver

The driver gave a sign that he couldn't wait long because his boss was going to fired him if he late delivered the package

"Ah I'm sorry, I will quickly let in on car" said Rosie, 

She he immediately got into the pickup,

the pickup truck was running

While the car was moving, Rosie looked behind her while waiting for Carlos and the others to arrive

"Oh God, please save them," said Rosie anxiously

her eyes immediately saw movement from inside the forest,

She saw Carlos and Adella running out of the forest

Rosie hit the driver's window lightly,

The driver looked up from the rearview mirror

"Please stop and wait for them"

"They are my family," said Rosie pleadingly to the driver

The driver immediately stopped the car

Adella and Carlos immediately ran breathlessly towards the pickup truck

They immediately got into the pickup truck and the pickup truck started running


"I'm grateful you're still alive," said Rosie, crying.

Rosie immediately hugged Carlos and Adella tightly

They immediately hugged Rosie back

"Hiks..hikss.hiks" them cried  a lot

  because they feel grateful cause success to escape