
The Lost Curiosity

The world has proved those who dared to dream will have no end. In this world more than people , their dreams collide. Witness the journey of the person with overwhelming curiosity toward each and everything, the person who suffered from this uncontrollable curiosity begins his adventure once again with strong determination forged in the darkest times ------------------ writing is not one of my strong points, i am a common anime/manga/manhua/lightnovel/webnovel fan and years of watching this contents, there is a story developing inside my mind, and i here i am trying to present it. please do give it a try and if you find something worth criticizing for feel free to express you opinion

night_fisherman · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


Chapter 08- Love

Avatar walked slowly and took a seat opposite the Krsna when he gestured towards him to sit with a smile on his face.

And he asked,

"The light in the corner, it was you right?"

Avatar nodded and asked,

"Do you hate me?"

After a pause, Krsna had a smile on his face and said

"After I was pulled here by that wizard I had plenty of time to think, it cleared my mind, 

My death was inevitable, that monster would have killed me anyway so I dont hate you"

Avatar paused for a second before replying and said,

"I am sorry"

Hearing the words of apology Krsna replied immediately,

"There is  no need for that, I heard you were stuck in some strange situation as well so there's not much of a difference between us,

Oh, I forgot to even introduce myself,

My name is Krsna Sol"

Avatar introduced himself as well

"I am Avatar"

krsna nodded and said

"Why dont we start by telling something about ourselves first, I go first"

  After a pause of some seconds, he started,

I was an orphan who never knew about my parents then got adopted by a very nice person, her name was Vita, I grew up in her care and when she passed away I was left alone in this world once again but maybe she educated me well, I picked up myself and started living on my own, build up a good flower business and then one day I fell in love with a very beautiful girl,

He paused for a couple of seconds,

"She was a very kind girl, always thought of others before her own,

Her presence was like a radiating sun in my life, and every moment with her felt like the most precious thing in the world,

But..  something happened and we became apart, our hearts refused to meet, and when I found out she was engaged, I broke apart but now when I was alone here, I realized how deeply I loved her,

Maybe I would have died before knowing my own love but because of you, now I know how precious my love was,

So I sincerely thank you for giving me such a chance."

krsna stopped after saying this,

Avatar thought for a moment and said,

"I do not know if I was an orphan or I had parents but I left the place where I was born,  to know the world, to obtain more knowledge, in the middle of this path I met many people who loved me, they treated me with love and care but life didn't always run smooth, eventually I was the only one remained walking on the road, some things happened and I was here,

I did not live a life I could be proud of, I made many mistakes and I paid for them, and now I dont even remember my past very well now."

He stopped after saying this, Krsna smiled again and asked

"Did you ever fall in love?"

"No, I never knew how it felt to fall in love or how it felt to be loved by someone" Avatar replied.

Hearing this Krsna immediately asked,

"You had someone that loved you?"

"Yes, at that moment I found it strange, something I could never understand, and now all I remember is her smiling lips."

krsna laughed upon hearing such a thing and said,

"I told you, we are not that different after all, the person who loved someone and a person who was loved by someone is not that different.

alright, the wizard told me about the price of you using my body and having my memories but I do not think I want anything in return, just use my name well and maybe one day fall in love with someone just like I did and that is why I will allow access to my emotions to you"

"I…. I will try" Avatar replied with slight hesitation.

"Then goodbye my friend, I will not be there to witness your journey but I wish you achieve what you left your home for,


krsna slowly turned into the dust of light and disappeared from his seat.

At this moment, the view in front of the Avatar changed as well and he returned to the small forest near the temple.

After recounting what just happened, it left him in the sense of the confusion as if he was not able to figure out something, something very important,

He turned and looked toward the temple caretaker and after serious thought, he asked,


Priest nodded for him to ask,

"What is even a life?"

  Priest smiled and said,

"If we ask what is food?

Food is something that feels our stomach so that we can live for the next day,

Food is meant to be eaten.

Life is the same.

Whether food tastes good or bad, all comes later, 

Food is just meant to be eaten.

Life is just meant to be lived.

Whether it is going good or going bad, all comes later,

So just live.

So do not stop just because it does not taste good, who knows next meal will be very delicious."

Hearing this he smiled and said,

"Thank you"

He stood up and gestured to return the flute with both hands,

Priest shook his head and said,

"Keep it, it will shine in your hands more"

"Thankyou priest,

After a slight pause, he said,

"I think I am ready to go back"

Priest nodded and said

"Consider this place your second home, whenever you want to come for some time, you will always be welcomed"

"Ok," Avatar replied.


And walked out of the temple ground, his destination towards his home.


In the middle of Mantur village, a small one-story building built with large and long lither cube stone masonry had a board hung on the top,

Written 'Mantur Police Station' and inside the building, a person was sitting in front of the desk with some old paper and files placed on it.

His gaze was on the slowly rotating ceiling fan and was scratching his chest exposed out of the untied button on his grey police uniform.

In his moment of boredom, he heard loud footsteps entering the police station,

When he looked towards it he saw a young man with brown hair in a normal shirt and pants sweating all over his body, and on his face expression of fear as if he saw something terrifying.

The policeman stood from his chair approached the young man and asked what happened.

The young man explained everything he saw in the small house he just visited.

With a serious expression, he exited the police station and walked in the direction of the house with a young man.

Once they reached in front of the small house, the young man refused to walk any further, the policeman left him behind and slowly opened the door and entered and saw the terrifying scene inside,

Blood that turned black all over the floor and walls and on one side of the wall was written in big words 'NO'

  The scene inside felt so terrifying that he came outside the house immediately and when he looked towards the young man his expression turned even more frightened,

Just behind the young man, he saw a person with black hair and black eyes walking toward them,

This person was the Krsna the owner of this bloody house.

  He picked up his gun from the hostler and shouted

"Stop right there"