
The lost blossom

Haruno Sakura a medic ninja who fight on the great ninja war is on the edge of death while all her friends, family and even her love one Sasuke die in the war, she thought she already going die too, but a strange thing happen and find herself alive in different world, where every one she know from her world also there. To come back to her own world she need to investigate what kind world is that and who created it, and for her to do that she had to pretend to be Haruno Sakura in that world. Can she survive with the world that unfamiliar with her? How will she survive in the world that the Haruno Sakura there is not a ninja who give her life for everyone but a villainess who hate by everyone even her best friend Naruto and the guy she like Uchiha Sasuke.

Lshemarch13 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

The party part 2

'' So let's play games!'' Ino excitedly said, waving her hand to all her friend, sign that she want to gather everyone '' Hey forehead, can you help me to prepare it?'' Ino said to her best friend that sitting next to her.

'' Sure, so what do i need to do?''

'' When you go through that door, you can see small altar and beside that, on left side there a room. Go inside there and get the blue basket in the drawer and remember be careful-.' She said

''- cause that thing depends your love life.'' she added, but her voice is like whispering in the air.

Sakura halt and look behind, she heard Ino say something but uncleared and when they meet their gaze Ino only smile at her. So the pink haired girl only shrug her shoulder and immediately walk through the door.

While still looking on the back of her best friend Ino smile become more odds.She feels like its time to start her plans. All the things she need is ready.

One by one her friends approach her. Ino can't get rid of the joy on her face at the things running through her mind especially it has to do with the friend with pink hair and that cold handsome Uchiha.

''Hey Ino, can you stop what you're doing.'' the man with spiky hair and thin arms said at her when it approach her first.

''Huh? what do you mean? I'm not doing anything.'' she answered, then she whisper with so much lowered voice'' I'm just about to do it'' and smile. A kind of smile like her plans already succeed. But unfortunately Shikamaru didn't heard it and still focused on her weird smile.

''I'm talking about that smile of yours, stop it, because it's terrifying, it looks like you have a bad plan.''added of the young man to his cousin who still had the weird smile on her lips and narrowed eyes.

Her eyebrows were already raised, fearing that someone else would hear what her cousin said and her other friends would discover her plan. That's why before anything else came out of his thin cousin big mouth, she quickly and simply elbowed his side as he approached her.

'' Ouch!'' Shikamur groan.

"Just pay attention to your girlfriend instead watching me." Ino sofly whisper and quickly turned her attention to others as if nothing had happened. She can't believe that's his cousin is really have a good sense.

'' How he can't think that i have a something in my mind just looking at my smile, sure that guy is scary one here.'' Ino murmur.

'' So, let's start?'' Ino added.

To make the outcome of her plan even more successful , she quickly took out a bottle with sticks inside. "hep, before you sit down, do you notice this stick inside this bottle ?"

'' Yeah, but what are these for?'' Hinata asked.

'' What a wonderful questions Hinata! Let me explain it to you. This stick will be your lucky number.''

'' Lucky number? For what? Tell me what kind of game is on your mind Ino'' Tenten ask abit worry, knowing Ino she have a litte different and weird idea.

'' You will see.. and I'm sure all of you will like it!'' then give winck '' Especially you my dearest best friend.'' she murmur looking to the direction of the door, her voice is to weak for everyone to heard it.

'' Why i suddenly feel shiver just to hear it to Ino?'' Naruto said but immideatly regretted what he said asoon as he saw those blue eyes thats looks like glowing, like monster while looking deeply to him and having those most scary smile he see for his whole life.

Naruto gulp.

'' Ne naruto kun, are you okay? '' Hinata said noticing that her boyfriend shaking like dog and Naruto only nod.

'' So lets continue? Every one pick one sticks and don't dare to show it to anyone.''

Ino go to Hinata and then to Naruto who still shaking after she give another scary looks.

Next she goes to the quiet guy Neji. Next is her cousin who looks like his brain is floating to the air for so much boredome

Then, after that she goes to the girl next to him.

'' I dont like this idea at all!'' the girl who pick the sticks said.

and Ino only said '' If you don't like it then don't play'' and go to the next person beside her. Temari only snort at her then pick up one stick with her seething daze that lock on to the girl that holding the bottle.

The next girl is Tenten,who couldn't do anything but releasing a long sigh because of her two friends that can't stop raising their eyebrows to each other.

The next is Gaara.

'' Here, take one'' she said in a littel rough tone.

Actually she feel a little odds to her friend little brother, because of what happen last time and now?

'' Why does he always suddenly appear where Sakura is?'' Ino though.Theres a small thing in her mind that whispering, that this guy, might become a obstacle for her bestfriend love life.

After giving a quickly deep glare to the red haired guy, Ino walk next where Sasuke standing, but before she cant even go near to the dark haired guy, Sasuke suddenly turn his back and with out a word, he walk away.

'' Eh? Sasuke where are you going? You haven't pick-''

'' I'm not interested.'' Sasuke answered fast even Ino haven't finished talking. He just walk to the direction of the door without even looking back.

Ino face turn dark, the panicked show over her face, she didnt know what to do, if Sasuke left, all her plan will sure ruin, and imagining all her hard work and time she spent just to make this party and to make her best friend happy will turned in vain.

A horror took her.

'' No! This cant be happening! I need to think to stop Sasuke! '' she murmu while gritting her teet.

'' Ne, Sasuke, can you stay for awhile? I know you will like this game, its fun, promise.'' Ino talk so fast.

But Sasuke didn't say anything and just continue walking.

'' Sasu-''

'' Hey Ino don't force him, if he dont want to play'' Temari said


'' Why you shouting at me?'' She said, surprised by the sudden rise in her friend's voice.

'' I didn't shout, beside its more fun if we have more people to play this game..right Naruto?'' Defensive answer from yellow haired girl, that's desperately looking to the fox boy, thinking that it might help her.

And Naruto felt it!

Those intense feeling when Ino uttered his name. And that intense feeling, brought a different sensation. A warm yet cold feeling crawling his entire body. He felt like there was a terrifying creature that wanted to eat him alive.

He turned his eyes around, his adams apple move up and down for so many times, his own saliva stuck on his throat, and its all because of the two blue sharp eye that looking to him right now. Naruto realize that this creature want one things, and he need to do it or else? He will not come back home alive. and this creature want is..

That bastard...

She want that raven guy to stay here at all cost.

And even though he was shaking, he spoke with all his mighty so his life be save for the sadist hand of his friend

'' T-temee!!!! .. Naruto said.

'' Why you also shouting idiot!?.. Temari gaze turn to Naruto..

''I-i didn't shout.'' he simple deny it and look again to the dark haired guy that suddenly halt because of his shouting.

Naruto eyes shaking, like begging him to stay, and Sasuke is a little bit confused of his reaction but when he see those scary eyes behind the Dode, Sasuke realize it all and a silly smile simply draw to his lips

'' Don't be a killjoy, play with us first. don't you want to be your friends?'' the yellow fox added . praying that his cold friend agreed, and notice that his life is in danger. Because he knew very well, when Sasuke refused, those sadistic hand of that girl with have a same color hair of him would surely lay on his neck again, and this time , it might cause his life end.

But Sasuke only shrug his shoulder and give a silly smirk at him then continue what his doing, like he doesn't bother at all. He have no intention to waste his time to listen to his whinning and even there something bad happens to the dobe, Sasuke don't want to stay any longer to that place.

And from those responsed from the guy who have zero interest to that party nor to that game make more Naruto terrified, biting his teet for so much nervous in his chest.

'' That teme, he really no consideration even to his one and only best friend life'' Naruto cried. Disappointed to his best friend.

He wants to curse him, or give him a smash on his face, when he sense those dark aura is getting more and more near to him. Naruto shaking and when he felt those cold hand near to the nape of his back. The fox boy totally lost it!

'' I'm doomed.'' he whispher and a lot of tiny sweat showed over his face.

Sasuke give a quick look at his friends in his peripheral vision, see how much the Dobe begging his life to the mad yellow haired girl.

'' Idiot '' he said

He returned his gaze in front of him however, his hand haven't touched the doorknob when it suddenly moving and all of sudden the door open and an image suddenly appeared in front of his naked eyes.

A round yet small face that's looks so perfect on those round and big eyes with her crescent shaped eyebrows inclined slightly as their gaze meet each other. The raven guy felt like he was enchanted while he looking to those emerald eyes that can reflect his self like a clear mirror.

He felt as if something was whispering in his ears and urging him not to look away his gaze to those emerald eyes of that girl.

But Sasuke who know as a guy who doesn't care to anyone or to anything, tried his best to fight against that strange feeling that wanting to break free from inside him.

He tried to avert his eyes, but asoon those fragrance smell, crawling his body Sasuke, lost his trace.

The pleasant and sweet smell brought by that girl, bring a different sensation over his body. A smile like a bloosom in spring, make the raven guy become freeze like a stone.

Sasuke eyes moving left and right, up and down his eyes turn micheievous, like he trying to memorize all parts of this girl face that looking so innocent in front of him and those syrup sweet lips. Causing his calm and quiet hearts turned like some kind of typhoon that breaking for beating so fast.

Sasuke groan, he didnt know standing so close to this girl make him feel that way,like he is kind of pervert and crazy guy that can't stop thinking those lips and without realizing it, a swear word scape to his mouth ..

'' Sh*t''

'' What? '' Sakura said , she didnt hear it properly cause like the raven guy, her heart, it's beat so fast, like her heart is jumping..

So loud, too loud that even her own breath can't be heard propely.

" Did you say something Sa-'' Sakura look down before continuing what she saying '' -Sasuke kun?'' looking directly to his sharp and deep eyes make her all strength in her body vanished, as if this guy sucking all his strength.

But Sasuke didn't repsonsed and just look away .

'' Sasuke kun where are you going?'' Sakura added. She wanted to speak again and again, so that he wouldn't notice the intense feeling that brought of those sharp eyes while looking intensely at her.

While trying to calm those micheievous hearts of her, the raven guy that looking away dropped his gaze to the basket in her both hands

" Are you- going home? '' Sakura speak again. Secretly looking to the guy that now is so serious looking to the basket in her hand.

'' Sasuke kun?''

Sasuke who still not letting go his gaze to the blue basket in the hand of the pink haired girl, only have one answered in his mind.


That the word he want to utter , he really want to go home, cause for Sasuke, theres is no point to stay there any longer and do those useless games. Beside he no intention to go there for the first place.

It's just, he just making a good excuse so Sakura get away to that guy. But asoon his dark orb meet those clear emerald eyes once again, like her eyes is talking to him. What in his mind is different to what he responds to the pink haired girl.

Cause instead saying YES! He only shake his head and suddenly get the basket in the hand of the pink haired girl and quickly turn his back. Quietly walk back to the group that messing around espicially those two yellow headed idiot friend

Sasuke who didn't even say any word when he go back to those kids that messing around only straightened his arm to hand over the basket to Ino that still holding those neck of this fox boy friend.

'' T-thanks.'' Ino said releasing his friend neck and get the basket to the raven guy. Going back to her chair, she was surprised by that guy to sudden change his mind. But more importantly Ino felt a sigh of relief when the raven guy returned and finally, she could carry out her plan and that is..

..to make Sakura and Sasuke officially become real couple!!

The raven guy who succefull give the basket to Ino back to his chair. Simply take one sticks on the bottle and put it on his pocket.

'' Okay lets continue? Eh? Sakura what are you still doing there? Come, the games will going to start now!'' Ino wave her hand to the girl thats still standing daze.

'' Oh? I-i coming.'' she said, her heart still playingjoyfull inside her for what happened.

'' Here forehead.'' Ino said pointing the empty chair beside the raven guy

'' O-okay.'' she simpy said. But in reality her knees still shaking. But nobody realize it cause everyone is focusing on the blue basket in front of the yellow haired girl that so excited.

''Now every one is here, lets start-

-wait Sakura you need to pick stick in that bottle.'' Ino said and put the bottle near to the pink haired girl. And Sakura only follow to her best friend instructions.

'' All of you have sticks right? Now all of you look below of the sticks you holding, you will see number..and that will be your luck number, don't lose that no matter what happens '' Ino explained while taking out the box inside the blue basket and gently patting the it of her with her left hand.

'' Now, all of you pick one ball inside this box.''

'' Why we still need pick the ball in that box?''Temari said.

'' So you can know who is your partner. This is a couple games.'' she answered

'' If it's a couple games, no need to pick that damn ball, me and my Shikamaru is going to be partner.'' Temari added, looking so happy to her boyfriend.

'' That's not allowed.''

'' Why is that?''

'' Remember the stick you picked, the number theirs is your lucky number, i told you this is a couple games and also a individual games too.''

'' That's why if you end up being partner with your boyfriend or girlfriend, the excitement of the games will he ruin.'' Ino explain it.

'' I really didn't understand what kind of games is that, can you tell us already what is this game Ino.'' Temari said.

'' Tag games.''

'' What!!? Naruto and Temari said at the same time.

'' This is ridiculous.'' Neji said.

'' Hey Ino, do you think it's a bit to late to play games like that? And beside your mom might get angry if we play like that inside your house.''

'' Yeah, and we're not s child anymore.'' Temari sardonic said.

'' Don't worry, we're not playing inside this house we doing it on the School.''

'' Huh? Are you out of your mind Ino?'' Sakura said. '' Do you want us to be expelled?''

'' No, my dear, trust me. '' Ino smile and put her two hand on her waist.

'' But, how we going there, with out being caught by the guard?'' Hinata said.

'' like I said, just trust me.''

'' This is bothersome.'' Shimaru groan.

'' Play that game if you want, but we're not going to join that childish games of yours, aren't we, Shikamaru.'' Temari said cutely to her boyfriend that only sigh.

'' Yeah, Temari is right, Sorry Ino, i also don't want to join that games. It's dangerous. If the guard caught us, you and all your friends who studying there well surely be punish.'' Ten ten said.

'' And also , we might end up in jail for trespassing.'' Neji added .

And Naruto only nod his head

'' Ino, I'm sorry but all of them is right'' Hinata said, felt sorry to the yellow hair girl.

But instead to lost hope Ino only smirk. '' Are you sure you really don't want to play this games? ''

'' Yes'' everyone said.

'' Okay, in that case i won't force all of you, I'm just feel sorry for my mother who brought this ticket only for this games-''she utter in a sad tone.

" -What a waste, this two tickets access to amusement park, that have free to all rides -'' Ino give a simply gaze to her friends, and seeing those face of Temari and Tenten, Ino knew that she would definitely be able to convince her friends

-'' and in the night, a romantic dinner in the Central plaza tower with red roses and candles and delicious food with a wonderful view while listening to the band -

''-A-kat-su-ki! ''

'' Akatsuki?'' Sakura ask and look to Hinata.

'' That's a popular band here in our town. Their a five members before but now i think only the three member left.''

'' I see.'' Sakura can't help but to impressed to heard that the assassin group in her world is a popular band in this world.

The two girl who against earlier feel abit anxious, and Ino smirk, her plan work especially when she see does firing eyes of the fox dobe.

'' Then, i will back this ticket to my mother and ask a refund. You right guys this games is a too childish.'' Ino said turn her back to the direction of the door and act like she walking through it. When suddenly the two hand grab her wrist. And when Ino look back, its is her two friend's Temari and Tenten.

'' Wait, Ino, i think your mother will be sad if you back this ticket. Especially your mother brought it for you. Right Temari?'' Tenten said.

'' Yeah, that's right, so you better not to take it back.''

'' But you said you don't want to play this childish game.'

'' Yes, but if you think about it, there's nothing wrong with trying to play it, another thing, we don't have anything else to do here, and as your friend we don't want to waste your hard work for this party.'' Temari said. Smiling to the yellow haired girl.

'' And also, i think it's good to play some games in our childhoods rigth guys?''

The fox boy nod and make a thumbs up gesture.

'' Okay, but how about them i think they still don't like this games.'' Ino point her finger to the boys. The three guy who still dumbfounded to the quick change of mind of those brats.

'' Of course no! They love it! Right Shikamaru?'' Temari said giving a deadly stare to his boyfriend who only winced. Can't believe her girlfriend mind change so fast just because of that Akatsuki band.

'' What about your boyfriend Tenten?'' Ino turned her gaze to the girl in her left side. And like Temari, Tenten, also give a signal to her boyfriend Nenji to agree, but Neji didn't really like that idea that's why he looked serious at Ino to say that he still against to play that games, but his girlfriend rush to him and casually stepped on his foot,

Neji's voice is like a bird that choking while holding his foot.

'' What happened to him? '' asked Ino.

''Ah nothing, haha ​​he's just excited about the game haha'' she answered with a forced smile.

'' What about you Hinata? Do you like to play this games.? '' Ino look to the quiet pearly eyes

'' Uhm, i want to join.'' She said and smile to Ino

'' I also want to play this games cause Hinata like- Hey! Can you at least show interest to ask me too!'' Naruto annoyed when he noticed that Ino suddenly turned to Sakura instead asking him after that yellow haired girl ask his girlfriend.

'' What about you Sakura? '' Ino look first to the girl beside the raven guy.

'' Well if all of them want to do it ..then i guess i will join too.'' Sakura said.

'' And you Sasuke?''

Sasuke only look away and said. '' Just do it already.''

Ino gladly took na box. '' Then? Let's start!''

Ino walk through the long haired guy that still have a grimace in his lips because of the pain in his foot. '' Here, you can take one ball.''

Neji quietly put his right arms into the hole on top of the blue box while the yellow haired girl held it.

'' Who's next?'' she said after Neji take one.

Henata raised her hand, and same as the pearly guy she also take one ball from the blue box.

The next is Shikamru. Ino went to where her cousin was sitting, and straight her arms so Shikamaru also take one ball from the box.


Before Shikamaru put his hand to the box, his girlfriend fast hand quickly snatch the box to the hand of the yellow haired girl.

" What are you doing?'' Ino said,

'' Let me the one who handel this box'' Temari said

'' What? Why?''

'' Because it's my Shikamaru' s turn.'' Temari smirk and turn his back. In her bold smile, she walk near to Shikamaru '' Here, it's your turn and I hope we both get the same number.'' she said in a sweet and flirting tone while his boyfriend who just stare and lost a word.

And again, before the thin guy can even touch the box, its disappear again in his sight. The blue box that carrying of Temari teleport to the hand of the owner of the house once again.

'' Hey, what the heck are you doing?'' Temari said.

'' What do you think?'' Ino said, a little bit annoyed.

Temari straight her arms and open her palm

'' Give it back to me, now!''

'' Are you nuts? Why should i give it back to you? When its mine for the first place.''

'' I don't care just give it back..its my boyfriend turn now..so please let me to hold that box!'' Temari pull the box in Ino's hand.

'' No! Get off your hand in this box!'' Ino hold the box more tightly.

'' Why can't you let me!'' Temari pull in.

'' I said no! '' Ino pull it too.

Pull here

Pull there

While their both hands are tightly clinging to both sides of the box.. the others who just stare and not even talking and just releasing a long sigh.

Watching two young women fight over a box with a ball inside is truly something ..


Seems all of them lost the ability to speak and just continue watching them.The two hot blooded girl that pulling back and forth suddenly ceased because of the comments from the guy that have a pearly eyes.

''How childish '' the way he talk is a bit arrogant and his tone is a bit rude.

And both the two eager ladies who heard it clearly turn they head and give a cold gaze at the same time to the guy who look really annoyed for their nonsense fighting. They hated the insolent tone of his voice.


-A-ahhhh!!! '' the both of them screaming at the same time.

Cause the blue box that they're just fighting earlier suddenly disappear in their both hand.

''W-where-'' both of them said. Their nails that almost dug into the box for so much gripping become empty-handed.

And the box they were fighting earlier was already in the hand of the guy with red hair, standing in front of them while facing Shirakumo who was currently pulling the ball out of the box.

Both of them become speechless especially the yellow haired girl who just stay daze. Watching that Gaara and the rest of the people there that pick the ball on the box one by one.

Ino plans totally ruin. Her jaws dropped as she continue staring the paired players.

'' This is mess'' she whispered.

She doesn't know why it become like this. Why on earth her plan become so mess like this.The momentum of the games totally disappeared in her own hand.

Actually that box was not ordinary box, because inside that box, there was a hidden ball with the same number.

Ino wanted Sasuke and Sakura to be the last two to be drawn from the box and with the button at the bottom of the box, the two would definitely be partners in the end..

And beside of that she doesn't want her friends to be paired to their boyfriend. She feels reciprocated because they made her feel that her life is so lonely for being only single to the group.

But because of that two troublemaker siblings.

Ino willed her hand to stop shaking as she slowly looking the number of the ball in her hand.

All her plan crashed into pieces. Devastating, Ino look at the paired couple with her rheumy eyes.

Naruto is paired to Neji

Shikamru is paired to Tenten

Sasuke is paired to Hinata

Her best friend Sakura is become partner of the red haired guy Gaara and the worst for Ino is?

To be paired by the girl who cause this mess.

Well, she still happy that her revenge work, but the main goals of this plan totally ruined.