
The lost blossom

Haruno Sakura a medic ninja who fight on the great ninja war is on the edge of death while all her friends, family and even her love one Sasuke die in the war, she thought she already going die too, but a strange thing happen and find herself alive in different world, where every one she know from her world also there. To come back to her own world she need to investigate what kind world is that and who created it, and for her to do that she had to pretend to be Haruno Sakura in that world. Can she survive with the world that unfamiliar with her? How will she survive in the world that the Haruno Sakura there is not a ninja who give her life for everyone but a villainess who hate by everyone even her best friend Naruto and the guy she like Uchiha Sasuke.

Lshemarch13 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

The Games

The silvery big moon that dotted with the dark blue night sky, and the naughty stars that seems like running together with them , while trying to avoid two figured who chasing them.

A thin layer of sweat covered the nape of the neck of the girl with have a long pink hair while swaying it.

'' Do you think we lost them?'' Sakura breath came in short gasps while trying to muttered a word. Can't believe she feels so exhausted after a few runs. '' This is not good, the longer I stay in this world, the weaker my stamina becomes.'' her inner self said.

The guy who also keeping his breathing steady look behind. And when he felt like the surrounding become quite, his gaze back to the girl who griping her chest too tighten. '' They gone.''

The two paired become more ease after they're sured that's they already lost the paired who chasing them.

'' Let's go find a place where we can rest for a bit.'' Gaara said.

'' I think that's a good idea, standing here might too dangerous for us.''

The two paired walking carefully in the dark corridor. Searching for a place to hide.

Sakura who can't imagine she running and hiding like a rouge ninja in her world and it's all because of this games.


After what happened in Ino's house they all agreed to go to school to play the games that the yellow haired girl suggested.

'' Wait, how can we enter without the guard noticing us?'' Tenten asked.

'' Don't worry the guard is serious watching of baseball games at the guard house. So we go this way to entry the building'' Ino pointing the wall behind them.

'' What! Are you nuts?! You want us to climb this wall?'' Temari said gaving a little whimper of protest.

'' Don't shout, the guard might hear us.'' Naruto whisper.

'' Yeah, Naruto is right, and don't worry Temari I know you can climb this wall easily, don't act girly in front of my cousin.'' Sacrastic said by Ino

'' And beside i didn't say we going to climb this wall.'' Ino turn her back and kneel.

'' Ino, what are you doing?'' Hinata said seeing the girl that sit with one's knees bent and one's heels touching of the back of one's thigh while brush aside the tall grasses like she searching something.

'' I-i found it!''

'' Found what?'' Nije ask.

'' Here.'' She brushed aside the lush grasses and a hole in the wall become visible to their eyes. A hole that fits a person, hiding in a lush grasses.

'' How long that the hole had been there?'' Hinata ask in surprised tone.

'' I do not know either.''

'' Eh, then, how did you know there's a hole here, don't tell me -'' Naruto look stragger while pointing his hand to the girl that's still crouch in the grass.

'' What!?''

'' You using this hole to cutting class-

''- Ouch!''

A flying stick suddenly landed on its forehead. And if anyone look the direction where the stick came from, they can surely guessed who threw it.

The fox dobe forehead that have a big lump and red mark is whinning while the girl who brought those red mark to the poor fox boy forehead still locking her dead glare to him, while her right hand is still slightly raised.

'' Don't talk nonsense idiot!'' Ino said.

'' Ino,how did you know that there is something like this in here.'' Sakura said.

'' I accidentally saw Karin's group using this hole before.''

'' So, that's bully is also boycott classes.'' a smirk escape on Temari's lips.

'' So, let's go?'' Ino said.Then crawl to the hole and in instant the yellow haired girl found herself in the other side of the wall. '' Guy's come on, hurry!''

As for instructions of the yellow haired girl, the remaining person in the other side of the wall also crawl one by one.

'' Hey Ino, how are you sured that the guard won't notice that we sneaking inside.'' Sakura said.

'' I'm 100% sure, at exactly 12:00 o' clock the guard will do his second routine. So we still alot time to play inside.''

The five pairs that sneaking inside the school go straight to the oval.

'' Before i explain the rules, here take this, all of you.'' Ino give all of them a bracelet that made in yarn. '' Then put i on your wrist.''

Everyone put the bracelet in they're wrists.

'' Okay, now let me explained it. You need take your opponent sticks that they hiding . To win this tag games, you just need to collect four consecutive numbers, like 1 2 3 4. Then after collecting those numbers, you need to find the finished line.'' Ino explained.

'' So what this bracelet use for?'' Tenten asked.

'' The one who can remove the bracelet from their opponent, can take the stick they're hiding.''

'' So how do we know who holds the correct number?'' Tenten ask.

'' Simple, beat them all.'' Temari said her eyes burning for determined to win. '' I will get that ticket no matter what happen.'' She murmur.

'' Wow, that's the spirit!'' Naruto said. '' Me too, i will do my best to have a romantic date with Hinata!''

'' Naruto kun!'' Hinata face became more red after what her boyfriend uttered.

'' Then, lets start! You can start hiding now, after 5minutes-

''- the haunt will begin!''

End of flashbacks.

Sakura stood in the door while continuing to catch her breath after the intense chasing that happen earlier.

'' I can't believe Naruto and Neji is to competitive about this game. '' her inner self said. She know the fox boy is very enthusiastic to everything especially in this kind of things but Neji? Sakura scratch her head. '' Why that Neji suddenly interested of this games.'' she murmurs.Holding the doorknob with her right hand, she slowly opened the door that was slightly opened.

As she continues to push the door, Sakura halt, she feel something.

Like something inside those room.

She hear a noise.

But to be sured about this, Sakura decided continue to open the door.Sakura eyes blinked many times as her eyes adjusted to the dark and quiet room.

While Sakura eyes continued wandering inside the dark room, the guy behind her was too eager to know what happening.

'' What's the matter?'' asked the guy who was watching her, Sakurs move her head slightly behind her, looking the guy in the corner of her emerald eyes. Her mind telling her that something is wrong but she can't said it directly until she completely sure about it.

'' Hey?'' Gaar said, he feel uneasy after seeing those anxious eyes of the girl in front of him that still locking her gaze in that door.

'' Hey?'' For the second time, Gaara called the pink haired girl yet the girl is till stood there and not even making a noise. Gaara, who couldn't hold back because of the feeling of curiosity, walked towards the girl who seems to have been looking at the room for a while.

With his right hand that came from his pocket, he quickly landed on the girl's right shoulder so that he could slightly push her aside and enter inside.

''I'll go in first-'' Gaara eyes widening, not moving nor blinking. His both eyes remained staring and full of wonder and shock. While his jaw hangs slack.

He really can't understand what happening, just a minute ago he sured, he standing in front the dark room, ready to go inside. But now, he found himself, standing behind of the girl that he push aside earlier and the most shocking to him, how on earth they get away from the door so quickly that he didn't even notice.

'' H-hey y-you-'' because of the shocked, he can't even produce any word, likes all word is block on his throat. Gaara slightly look the girl in front of him switch his gaze to the things, that seemed to be walking from the dark room to where they were standing and from that dark place the image of his sister suddenly appear.

'' T-temari?'' Gaara uttered who still can't move on from what happened.

But what surprised him more was the expression on his sister's face.

The expression that was similar to what he was experiencing now.

'' Y-you, how do you do it? '' Temari said looking to amuse to what she witnessed

A while ago, when she and her partner hiding to the room, they heard a voice outside the room.

And they both knew very well who is the owner of that voice.

The pink haired girl and her brother.

'' Jackpot, our prey is here.'' She said.

'' No, don't touch Sakura.'' Ino steady voice with protest said.

'' Are you nuts? How can we win this game if we don't find a way to get their numbers.'' she said. The glint of her eyes have a trace of annoyance.


​''I know that, but can we attack some else else first?''

'' You really make me mad! What are you, her boyfriend or something? This is our chance, when they open the door, we will surprise then and pull the bracelet they are wearing.'' her plan to have a surprise attack is already laid out properly, she just needs to wait for her target to open the door.

But unfortunately her partner still opposing his plan, continues murmuring in her side about this and that. It's continued speaking causes a faint sound to drift throughout the darkened room.

'' Stop it, they can hear us.''

While the two ladies continue their non stop arguing in the darkness, the small light from the slightly open door suddenly grew larger as an image appeared as if it was nailed in place and not moving. Clearly that figure trying to see what was inside the dark room.

And Temari know it! She need to do her plan now

while the girl's eyes were not completely used to the darkness.

Temari stood up and came out of her hiding place. With out second thought, she run toward to the girl. when she saw her brother lightly move aside the girl.

'' whichever one of you goes first, it doesn't matter, as long i get full that bracelet and get the number i needed!'' She thought.

Temari dash! Toward to the guy who haven't clue to what will happen to him.The soles of her shoes that hitting the ground make a loud sound and from the dark room she suddenly appeared, with her right hand slightly raised, obviously ready for what she was planning.

Gaara, who looked up because of the sound of footsteps coming towards him, startled upon seeing a figure of person dashing like a mad man and because his eyes haven't used to darkness in front of him, the red haired guy haven't noticed who is that person who dashing in his direction.

And unfortunately even he noticed it, it's to late, cause Temari who already near, straight her right arms. With a quick and strong swing of her hand upwards towards the direction where his brother's bracelet was worn, she was sure to reach and pull the bracelet with no difficulty.

Her teal rimmed eyes narrowing, and her lips draw a scary smirk. Like she already get what she want.

'' Finally it's mine!'' She said.

But to her surprised, the wrist that her strong yet delicate fingers reaching out suddenly disappear in her naked eyes. It's happened so fast that she can't even react. Like her brother

blurred in front of her like a bubble.

Her brother that standing daze in fornt of her is now standing behind that girl and what is more fascinating is, they distance to the door is suddenly become so far.

Temari's eyebrows arching upwards while their jaw hangs slack.

Flinching her own fingers as she trying to woke herself in a funny but shocking dream she now witnessing, while her arms still slightly raised.

Staring, unmoving and unblinking while holding her breath. Her heartbeat accelerating and her hands becoming twitchy. This is Ino feels right now, after witnessing what her best friend did.

'' Oh my god! She's not even good at fighting, is she also a magician?'' she murmur. She just standing behind and still hiding in the dark room. Can't even find a courage to go outside to ask her best friend about what they witnessed.


Sakura Haruno the ninja who fight against Madara, the disciple of the Fifth Hokage and one of the great sannin are now standing daze and felt anxious in front of the girl that come from the dark room and to the guy in her back that she can still feel those shocking and wider gaze that the guy throws at her right now.

'' What now! You're idiot! Why you suddenly show your ninja skill in front of this guys!!'' Sakure inner self holding her own hair with her both hand and shaking it like crazy.

Actually earlier when she see Temari suddenly move towards to Gaara's direction, her body moved spontaneously. as if she was on a mission as a ninja and she had to avoid the attack of the enemies. Her body acting of one's own free will. She quickly pulled the young man closer to her. And because of its flexibility and quick movement, they got away quickly and without difficulty. Their distance between the door have big gap in just a flash.

And now, because of that, the nervous she felt is melting her fearless action and bolder gaze.

'' You! How do you do that?''

She heard the shaking voice of Temari that's still have those looks on her face.

'' I-i didn't do anything.''

Temari grimace upon hearing those obviously lies. '' Don't play dumb on me! I saw it! So tell me how do you do it!'' she shouted. '' What the heck are you?'' She added.

Her lips trembled as she searched for a good reason in her big head while those anxious eyes of her can't even make an eye contact of those girl who looking at her as she is not a person.

She did not know how she would get through the situation she facing now.

What if they find out that she is not the Sakura they know, that she is a fake. What if her life be in danger because of that, will she be able to come back?

How will she return to her world, to her friends and the guy she loves. She promised that no matter what, she going back. But, if her plan become busted, what will happen to her. Is she will die in this world in vain? Or she will stay in this world while people shun her because she is different.

Sakura mind became maze, she really doesn't know what to do.

'' Hey! Answer me!''

Sakura startled '' I-i-''

As she continues quivering her voice. The guy that standing behind her, jump out between them.

'' That's enough.'' Gaara said.

''Don't interfere here, you saw that too, right? ''

Gaara slightly look behind, looking at the anxious on the face of the pink haired girl that moving her emerald orb up and down then back his gaze to her sisters that's so eager while waiting for an explanation from the girl behind him.

'' Saw what?'' Gaara said. He knew for himself that he need to do something. He doesn't even know what's going on, but for him, the more important is to get away for his sister, who won't stop bothering this girl unless she find the answer of what happened.

'' S-aw what!!?'' Temari jaws dropped. The eagerness she felt was replaced by disappointment at the simplistic words his brother had uttered. ''You saw it! What happened a minute ago! ''

Gaara sigh.'' I don't know what you talking about Temari.''

Temari step forward her right hand gripping the air so intense.'' Don'take me crazy here, i know what i saw! This girl disappeared like a bubble in front of me! And you were with her when that happened! I know the gap between us earlier-'' Temari looking down as she thinking what happened earlier then look up again,to meet her brother's gaze. ''- and suddenly before i even touched that bracelet, you disappear and in instant, the two of you appeared here, further from me, further from that door. And you telling me, you didn't see it!? Didn't see what that girl did!?'' Temari pointing her index finger to Sakura.

'' What are you talking about, we didn't even come near to that door. Since earlier we only standing here.'' Gaara said. His complexion is more natural. As if he telling is not a lie at all.

'' Don't make me a fool, I know what I saw!Hey! You! Don't hide in my brother's back and answer me!'' Temari try pushing Gaara asides but the red haired guy only stand still there, not even moving away from the pink haired girl.

'' Temari can you please stop it already.''The girl who just watching them in the back said.

'' Ino? '' Sakura murmur.

'' That's right! You saw it too right Ino?'' Temari said smiling desperately.

'' Saw what? I didn't saw anything.'' Ino said then simply looking her gaze to the pink haired girl.

'' What do you mean, you didn't saw it! You're in standing in behind me!''

'' Yeah, I'm standing behind you, so i didn't see clearly, cause you blocking my view.'' Ino said.

'' Even so, you still saw it, when the door open. And saw this two standing in front of the door.''

'' You right i saw it.''

Temari look to the girl that still standing behind of her brother then smirk '' See? And you still trying ti deny it?''

'' I mean.. I did see the door open, but I didn't see the two of them standing close to the door.''

'' What!?''

'' Look, maybe the door suddenly open because of the wind, remember we forget to closed it and it's open slightly. And maybe your eyes playing tricks on you. Maybe they just really standing further to that door, and the one you see is their shadow. And we hid in the dark for so long that your eyes can't see it clearly and you thought the shadows was them.'' Ino explain, her both hand gestures indicating that her explanation is closer to the truth than the fantasy her friend insisting.

And for that point, Temari lost a word. Her confidence suddenly collapse. Even she sured about what she saw, how she be available to proof it, if the two people who see it also deny everything. Her bold expression that seem she sure of everything what she telling from the start was replaced by doubt right from her own words.

Temari become quiet.

'' If this issue is over, can we start the game?'' said by Ino, but before she and her partner could do anything.

They were both stunned when the guy with red hair suddenly raised his clenched hand, and from there, the two black bracelets fell when he opened his fist.

'' What the!'' the two girl immediately look their wrist, and to be surprised.. it's empty.

'' How that happened?'' Ino said.

But Gaara didn't said any words, he just straight his arm, open his palm and move his four fingers forward and backwards. Seem he asking for the stick they're hiding.

They both looked at each other. both of them were unable to utter a word nor make even a tiny sound. They just take a stick in their pocket. And handed it to the guy who have a a calm face.

Sakura who also in the state of shocked to what her partner did, is just following her gaze to the guy who took the sticks from the two girl who didn't even blink their eyes because of the shock that lingering in their consciousness.

After getting the numbers in his hand, he turned around and started walking away when he suddenly turned his head a bit and said ''Let's go'' then continued walking in the long corridor.

Even still stunned and confused, Sakura also move her feet, away from the place where she left the two girl that still in state of mental confusion.

In the intense competition from a simple game, the strange feeling also flowing in the air is palpable as time continues to run and the remaining time they have to finish the game, is getting shorter and shorter.

And beside to bored guy named Shikamaru, there also one person who want the game to end a soon as possible and it was the guy who was just lying on the grass with his eyes closed peacefully.

''Ah Sa-'','' the girl with have a dark short hair that hesitating to utter the dark haired guy name was just standing not far where the guy is sleeping soundly.

Hinata only grip her skirt, she really felt the awkwardness between them. This is the first time she left alone in the middle of nowhere with out her friends nor her boyfriend with this quite yet scary guy that now is fast asleep and doesn't care about the surroundings or that game.

And Hinata who never left alone with Sasuke or talk to him before make her so nervous. She doesn't know how to start a conversation to the scary guy who just like to lying in the grass rather to chase their friends and win the games.

When the games started, one by one her friends disappeared from her sight to find a place to hide, and when she saw her partner starting walking too, she thought that the raven guy also searching for a place where they can hid but to her surprised, Sasuke only goes to the the tress near in the oval then lie there.

'' Eh? Sasuke kun? '' She said.

But Sasuke that's still closed his both eyes only throw something to her.

The things that landed near in her feet is the the stick that the others are trying har to get.

'' Sasuke kun? This is?''

'' Just take it, and just leave me here.'' Sasuke said then turn his head and his body to other side.

Hinata pick the stick that have number written in the button '' 14.'' she sigh and looked at the guy with his back not moving as if he was in a deep sleep.

'' What should i know now?'' the trace of worries still remained in her face, her eyes misty-eyed that continued to staring at the sticks in her right hand while her left hand still holding tightly her dress. When she suddenly heard the voice of the raven guy again.

'' You can give it to Naruto.''

'' Eh?''

But Sasuke didn't anything else. She turned his feet in the other direction, and before completely turning away, she give one last glance at the guy who remained motionless and turned his back to her.

Hinata start walking away from the raven guy when a ring heard over the place.

'' Hello?''

'' Hinata!''

'' Naruto kun?''

'' Where are you?''

'' Me? I'm -'' Hinata look at the raven guy before she answer. ''- here in the oval, what's the matter?''

'' Well, you see we chasing Sakura and that Gaara right now, I just want to say to you to stay and hide and after i get their numbers i will find you to protect from that Sasuke's bastard!''

'' Eh? Naruto kun, you see-'' Hinata stop talking when she heard the voice of her brother Neji.

'' I told you stop talking in your phone, you idiot! Just run faster!'' Neji shouted.

'' Don't tell me what to do! -'' Naruto shouted back ''- Hey! You too stop running! And Why you holding Sakura's hand!!''

Hinata grimace, while listening to the annoyed voice of her boyfriend. '' Naruto kun? Are you chasings Sakura?

'' Yes! And that bastard don't let go Sakura's hand!''

'' You mean Gaara? ''

'' Yeah that bastard!''

'' Gaara just want to protect Sakura-'' while continuing to listen to the noisy guy in who did nothing but argue with his brother on the phone, Hinata turned back again and was surprised because the guy who had been sleeping soundly on the grass could not be seen by her misty-eyed white eyes.

'' Where did he go?'' she murmur.

'' Who are you talking too Hinata?''

'' N-nothing, I'm waiting on you here.'' Hinata turn off her phone and look again to the stick she holding..'' He left this.''