
The Lord Sith Val

A Star Wars Story × {Fan-Fiction}. The Re-Awakened Palpatin Lost by the hands of young heroes, the Definite fall of the Empire was determined and unstoppable. The Scattered Army of the Emperor ran away as their course to nowhere became reality. It was certain this time; The Empire Lost! 11 years went by and when peace had become a fighting routine, a girl who had nothing to lose fought everyday for the next day. Living in extreme poverty, she wished for a new hope. As such, she stumbled on the rare chronicals of Lord Siths lost during the war 11 years ago. Facing the end of the route, she instructed herself into the Evil Path Lightsaber Arts. Her name, Valkyrae. And She would Later be known as The Infamous; The Harbinger of Death: The Lord Sith Val.

HobiTA · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Episode 6: Sister's Forever!

A few seconds ago...

"Zelles! Zelles!! Say something please! Damn it!! I'm sorry! Please show yourself!! Come to me! Come to me like you always do!!! ZELLE--"

"Get behind me, Reddar and brace yourself!"

Amidst the chaotic field caused The Pénelopéan, Zelles intercepted Red a few seconds before 'The Bear'.

Red didn't what was coming.

But Zelles did..

Since she experienced it once in the past..

"I named this one; THE BEAR." ---

And next thing Red knew was that she lost Zelles.

Standing in front of Red with her body, Zelles thought of a way to save her sister..

"I gotta keep the force dense... If I can re-create the same reaction near Red, she won't be affected by the explosion... Please, make this work!!!"

Screaming with all her heart, Zelles, living her last seconds, poured her whole self into this one technique she learnt a long time ago.

The next moment, the fire and breath of the explosion vapourised anything around a 6.3 km radius.

Nothing was supposed to survive that blast, but one person did.

"...*cough* *cough* What the fuck.. Is that supposed to be the work of someone? Zelles!!?"

Waking from a destruction that went far beyond what Red could fathom, she was paralyzed by the realization of Zelles' status.

Zelles didn't respond.

Her front self was conpletely carbonized by the breath of the explosion.

Her feet trembling, blood seepimg off her trasparent fibres.

She was done for.

And Zelles knew.

Alas, Red was not ready.

"....i'm.. sorry.. for breaking.... our promise, Reddar."

First she fell on her knees before she definitely died as she was about to touch the ground.

Red cried her name but still couldn't do anything..

Zelles was gone*

"I'm Reddar! The Youngest Padawan! And The Next Heroine Of Everyone's Story!"

Suddenly, Zelles woke up in the younger version of herself by the side of a punky, arrogant little Red.

"Stop screaming, will you? We are gonna get in trouble again if you keep this up.."

Screaming her lungs out, she thought that maybe her sacrificing herself was just a bad dream.

Zelles was found on Fazhir-Lhan Empriem Zelles. A mysterious planet partially destroyed who was occupied by The Absolute Order Great Scientifics, The Mad Lizardmen.

Since then, Zelles was brought to Valdor, assuming she was a kidnapee.

This was where she met Red.

A rocky little kid who didn't know how to calm her needs.

Someone who would always get in trouble.

That's how they swore to each other that they would take care of each other..

"Pinkie promise that from now on, We Are Sisters! Sisters that will never leave the other. No matter what, we shall live and we shall die together."

It was a link that made itself easily.

Despite being totally opposites, they grew up and did almost everything with the other near.

"Say Zelles, what do you think of becoming a hero, just like me? We'll get to save so much people together. And just imagine at all the boys we'll get to taste afterwards, Muhahaha!!"

Red was always the no-filter kid who spewt nonsense on nonsense.

But Zelles was always the one to balance the quota with responsibility.

"Red, you'll get us punished if you keep bringing this in public. I already told you I'm not into boys.."

"What else can you be interested in? I mean, only the guys got dic--"


"I slapped you so you understand. This is not a matter that needs to public. I apologize for hurting my baby, but it was necessary."

Zelles was always the one...

That phrase stayed with her to the very end.

A last sacrifice.

But Zelles was not sad.

She saved Red a lifetime.

She always felt like she was a weight for Red.

But this time, she was happy that she got to be useful towards Red.

A smile on her face, Zelles headed for the light.


~To Be Continued~

A loss, despite the killing.

Why is it that this one hurts the most?

Rest in peace, Zelles.

I love you..

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