

"You are mine," he said harshly. He licked me again more firmly but even slower. "Say it." . . . . . "Mine," he said quietly. I stared into his eyes. "Yours," I whispered.

CupKookieCake · Fantasy
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8 Chs


Next day*

The living room of the suite was decorated for the bridal shower. I'd hoped to be spared that tradition but my mother had insisted it would be an affront to the women of Jungkook's family if they couldn't meet me before the wedding.

I smoothed out my long red dress, it's kinda heavy Mother said that as a bride I should be wearing something heavy and expensive

Lisa wasn't allowed to attend the bridal shower since she is still too young, but Eunji had argued her way into staying. I could hear Mom and her arguing in the bedroom about what she was supposed to wear

typical Eunji

Mom and Eunji came out of the bedroom. And soon after that more guests arrived.

The gifts were everything from lingerie to jewelry, The lingerie was the worst though, and when I opened the gift from Jungkook's stepmother  I had trouble keeping a straight face. I lifted the barely-there white nightgown and smiled tightly. The entire middle was see-through and it was so short it wouldn't even cover much of my legs. Beneath it in the gift box was an even smaller piece of clothing; white lace panties that revealed most of my butt and were held together by a bow in the back. A chorus of murmurs came from the women around me.

I looked toward Eunji whose eyes were literally saying "I. AM.DISGUSTED"

I gaped at the lingerie. Eunji tipped her finger inconspicuously against her temple.

"This is for your wedding night," Jungkook's mother said with a naughty glint in her eyes, and before I can say thank you for the shit I wasn't actually thankful for she left but not before winking at me, I gaped at her

it runs in the whole family I guess

The afternoon before the wedding day, my family moved into Jungkook's mansion surrounded by almost four acres of park-like grounds. The driveway was long, it ended in front of the mansion with its white front and a big chandelier was hanging from the roof. White marble statues stood at the base of the double staircase leading up to the front door.

Inside, white marble columns and floors, and a view of the bay and the long pool through the windows took my breath away. Jungkook's father and stepmother led us toward the second floor of the left wing where our bedrooms were situated.

Eunji and I insisted on sharing a room. I didn't care if it made us look immature. I needed her at my side..Jungkook wouldn't arrive until the next day so we couldn't cross paths by accident before the wedding, which would mean bad luck. I honestly didn't know how I could have any more bad luck than I already had.

The Wedding Day*

"Today's the day!" Mom said with a fake cheer.

I dragged myself out of bed. Eunji pulled the blankets over her head, grumbling something about it being too early.

Mom sighed. "I can't believe you shared a room like kids."

"Someone had to make sure that Jungkook didn't sneak in," Eunji said from beneath the blanket.

"Chan was guarding the corridor."

"As if he would protect Ru from Jungkook," she muttered, finally sitting up. Her hair was a mess.

Mom pursed her lips. "Your sister doesn't need protection from her husband."

Eunji snorted, but Mom ignored her and ushered me into the bathroom. "We have to get you ready. The Beautician will be here any second. Grab a quick shower."

As the hot water poured down on me, the realization set in. This was it, the day I'd been dreading for so long. Tonight I'd be Mrs.Ruhi Jeon Jungkook, I leaned against the wall. I wished, I wished I could enjoy this day like other brides

but we always don't get what we want...