
The Lord of the Rings: Conquest of the Other World

This is a truly true thing that happened to me,Strange questions, strange answers, supernatural phenomena all happen around us

YiRenLife · Fantasy
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104 Chs

Treasure clues

Yi Nameless in accordance with his genius, based on the eight diagrams door martial arts, specially tailored for him to create a two-handed sword method, this road sword method is different, there are many left and right hand exchange, now the left hand, now the right hand and other strange moves, the world is only he can make, no use for ordinary people, because ordinary people have a little different hands after all, It is hard to learn one hand, and the other hand has to start from scratch, so the speed is very slow, and even if it is lucky to learn it, it will definitely not be used.

One year is equal to two years for others, and two years is equal to four years for others.

This is really the only quick kungfu in the world. After learning this swordsmanship, when you use both hands together, your power will be multiplied. First show of skill, will that Wan Mingzhe startled almost lost his jaw.

The giant gave a loud roar, and his hands kept picking up all kinds of giant wood and boulders from the ground and smashing them at Tang Ledu. It's so fast that Tonton can't crush all of this stuff, but it's not necessary, just move away from it, what's the point of all that effort to crush it? It's pointless.

But then the battle situation changed, and there was one more Tang Ledui on the field, but I saw the giant from time to time picking up all kinds of boulders and giant trees from the ground, attacking the four people, throwing them to attack the enemy when it was short, and from time to time, the giant fists and giant legs kicked the four people, beating the earth, and suddenly the battlefield flew sand and stones, birds and animals disappeared.

It turns out that this Tangle is born with a special gift, and his hands make everything the same at the same time. If the right hand can write very beautiful handwriting, the left hand can also write without learning, and if the left hand can use a very delicate sword, the right hand can do the same without learning.

If one hand can do it, the other hand will do it, and it will do everything the same as the first hand. Therefore, he has always learned only one swordsmanship, and when one hand can use it, the other hand will also use it, both hands will use the sword, and any swordsmanship will be twice as powerful in his hand as it is in other hands.

Just because his talent is so good that what he learns is done with only half the mind of others, he has developed a temperament that is unwilling to work hard, and for this reason he is not less prone to anonymous admonitions.

But his nature open-minded, three minutes after being scolded as if nothing happened, from youth to more than thirty years old, been scolded for decades, this problem has not changed, easy Nameless although there is a boundless ability, but in the face of such a disciple but also helpless, can not help but look up to the sky sigh:

"The river can change, the nature can not change ah."

Tang Le Dui did not fight before these four people play hard, although each has its advantages and disadvantages, but always an invincible stalemate, these three people can not trap the giant, that giant can not kill three people.

Did not expect more than a Tangle, suddenly more than 200 rounds down, five people play is more intense abnormal, but still a no win or lose.

The others who were digging the hole were also shocked, wondering how such a giant could suddenly appear.

The king Xikan saw that the same door was in danger, and also wanted to jump out of the pit to help, then at this time, a ding in the pit, Yan Shuang from the shovel seemed to encounter some metal iron, he dug two times, only to see an iron box.

In a period of three seconds, the changes came one after another, Ma Sangan's heart was both happy and angry, he did not think much of it, the palm of his hand inhaled, the iron box flew into his hand, five fingers slightly force, the iron box lock and the top will pop away, opened the white paper, the paper wrote:

"You can dig here, it shows that his heart is very sincere, the rest of the treasure will be handed over to you, this south of the island five miles away, the island next to the huge tree under the big rock is the treasure buried."

Ma Sanqian was overjoyed and exclaimed, "Brothers! Hard work pays off. We still have information about the treasure. This is not a place to stay, but a place to find the treasure."

Yue Huagen said,

"That's right! A little more walking is a good thing in the search for treasure, but if we are late, someone may come before us, and we have come for nothing."

Jun Xikan and Yan double from the chorus: "Good!"

Ma Sanqian said, "Good!" Qi to the direction of the five people fighting over there long long: "Brothers! The message has been received, follow quickly, do not linger."

The giant was extremely angry, issued an earth-shaking roar, threw the boulder in his hand to the direction of the eight people ran, and saw that the boulder drew a very high and very far parabola, flying far away to the other side, showing its amazing strength. However, although it was still far away, the few people were farther away from it, and this throw was far from being able to reach, when it was really a hundred thousand miles away, of course, it was just venting its anger in the heart, and it did not want to really attack the enemy.

The boulder flew far away and fell into the grass with a loud bang, and the great force of the fall made it burrow into the earth and disappear.

The distant Qinghongbo saw this, the heart was shocked, the boulder at least a thousand jin, is two or three strong men may not be able to lift up, but the giant threw under, even thrown two miles away, when it is really powerful.

Wan Mingzhe secretly said in his heart:

"It seems that these eight people did not discover the treasure here, but see that they rushed to find the exact location of the treasure.

" Yup! The only way to find the treasure is from these people... But this group of people is too powerful, if eight people together, I'm afraid... No, I also have a back hand ready."

Seeing the eight men go away, he wanted to break up the giant array, and then thought, if the giant array is broken up, although he can catch up with the body of these men, but other people must not be able to, and then alone, but not the enemy of the eight men.

So the giant took great strides and ran after the eight men. Because it is very high, the pace is also large, although it does not look like the first eight people as fast as the body, it seems quite awkward, but the actual speed is not slow.

But its body is huge, weight is not light, a run up when it is really shaking, every step of the run, when the feet fall, it makes a huge sound, the wood on the surrounding grass, gravel, etc. are shaken to jump on the ground, but see him run faster and faster, the bigger the footsteps, the heavier the fall, and finally, it will bang bang bang bang straight ring into a piece, Passing by the green Hongbo body, the direct shock to the green Jiao help all wobble, as an earthquake in general.

When everyone saw this giant's ordinary gestures and actions, they were so shocked that they could not do it themselves.

Qing Hongbo looked at the two sides and thought,

"They must also be looking for the treasure." Things get interesting. Wan Mingzhe meets these eight people and doesn't bother with me anymore. Yup! Well, then, I'll continue to follow you, fish in troubled waters, and make a fortune."

Suddenly when a gust of wind blew, a small piece of paper stuck to his face, he pinched it and saw that the paper said:

"You can dig so far, it shows that his heart is very sincere, the rest of the treasure will be handed over to you, five miles away from the south of the island, next to the huge tree under the big stone is the treasure buried."

He was overjoyed, and immediately thought of the original eight people digging so many holes, in order to find this thing, well, I came without any effort, really God help me.