
The Lord of the Rings: Conquest of the Other World

This is a truly true thing that happened to me,Strange questions, strange answers, supernatural phenomena all happen around us

YiRenLife · Fantasy
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104 Chs

Three headed giant

This giant is about two or three zhangs high, and like that giant snake, it is composed of the bodies of the disciples of Wanjian Gate superimposed on each other.

Tang Le Dui was shocked and shouted:

"Second brother, third brother, fourth brother! I will help you."

With a quick flick of the wrist, the shovel in his hand was driven around five times, full of energy, and then flew out of thin air, the bright blade of the shovel straight at the giant's chest.

Follow him to take advantage of the situation together, flapping out of the pit, stepping on the grass on the grassland, like a breeze, to run to the battlefield, both hands do not know when more than a bright sword.

Lu Zhenlong gave a roar, a long gun to pick up, but saw his gun on the blue gun flame, quickly flew to the giant door. Not daring to resist, the giant turned his head sideways and at the same time flicked his finger at the flying shovel, which flew away with the sound of a terrible wind, many times faster than it had come.

Tonle leaned slightly to one side, avoiding the shovel, and slid toward the giant with no loss of speed.

At this time, the giant's huge iron fist hit Lu Zhenlong's head with the pressure of Mount Tai, the fist was still a few feet away, and the fierce wind excited Lu Zhenlong's clothes as fast as in the wind, which shows its amazing strength. Although Lu Zhenlong is brave, he does not dare to resist hard and avoid back.

These two moves both sides have a taboo, the giant dare not face the enemy Lu Zhenlong gun flame, Lu Zhenglong can not match the giant's iron fist, the two sides can be said to play a draw.

The other two were relieved by the spare time. Duan Liukun incandesce sword air, from the sword continuously issued, flying through the air, criss-cross dancing, and slowly approaching forward; Wind Chang Xun spread the seven swords again, formed a sword curtain, and wrapped them around the giant.

Only at this time, the three people had lost the potential to encircle the giant, it could not trap, it walked all over the field, hands wide open and closed, iron fist flying, giant legs kicking, and constantly picked up four or five hundred pounds of stone from the ground, smashing at the three people. If he attacked either of the three, the man could not resist, and gradually retreated.

The original just that giant snake array was Ma Sangan in the top door pat, the whole body ache, the giant snake array also seems to want to disperse, embarrassed is trying to escape, but by these three people.

Wan Mingzhe because of extreme discomfort, a skill can not play half, although three people attack forced into the body into the siege, but the heart is anxious is the pain in the body of the situation, desperately and three people, secretly make the internal force to disperse the pain in the body, so that the whole body is greatly reduced, it seems like a pair of no resistance.

Siege people do not know the truth, but also said it is but so, it is really in a trick, later in the body discomfort has gradually eased, but not in a hurry to display their own tricks, until the three people outside more unprepared, suddenly to break the ground and become the most powerful "giant array" in the "ten thousand swords array", burst out of the siege, not only that, And he wants to kill three people in an instant.

But the section, Lu, the wind three people are, after all, a master of martial arts, although it was attacked by surprise, but also killed on the spot.

At this time, although the three people are in a bad throw, they can also keep tight abnormal, it is an orderly slow retreat, not the kind of rout like escape, the giant wants to kill three people but also can not succeed.

So at this time or a stalemate, can be reversed after all, then the Wan Mingzhe if want to go, it is easy, but he is not busy to go, before eating three people so much suffering, the heart of resentment, at this time a prison, they want to kill these people to vent their hatred, the giant array is one of the top several arrays in the sword array, at this time is the Ma Sangan to come, I'm not afraid to fight.

I saw it kill recruit fall out, walking horses wear flowers around three people fight, if not personally, really do not believe that a giant can be so flexible.

Section, Lu, wind three people standing back to back, are sweating on the forehead, then three people have less time to attack, and more time to defend. Can three people decades of skill with the general, only their moves are not loose, orderly, eyes are still calm.

Although the giant is gaining the upper hand, quite proud of the non-small chuan, but see three people guarded very closely, they want to find three people a flaw can not get, so that they can not take the opportunity to kill, couldn't help but secretly said:

"These three people famous for many years, sure enough, when it is really each of them have their own unique skills."

Although the first half of the battle is won by three people, it is evident that the skill is not small, but it is, after all, with the trend, only this is on the verge of desperation, against the trend to fight, in order to show the kung fu and mood that are honed bit by bit at ordinary times, this is a first-class master style.

At that moment, the Tang Ledui also came like the wind, I saw him holding a long sword in each hand, and shouted:

"Evil thief! Look at the sword!" The body rose from the ground, flying more than three zhangs high, the double sword straight to the giant face door, attack the enemy had to save.

The giant looked at the empty palm of the giant, and could not help but stay for a while, then looked up to the sky to roar a voice, a sad smile, and grabbed a three-zhang-long giant wood that fell next to the ground, sweeping to Tang Le.

That Tang Le do not retreat back into, both hands double sword Qi Shi, and sword blade so fast that the shadow can not be seen, in the loud noise, both hands long sword to the giant wood touch.

When the giant wood had swept over him, the only thing left in the giant's hand was a wooden handle, the end of which was a smooth, round cone like a sharpened pencil, and the rest of it was a piece of wood that was flying all over the sky and scattered all over the ground, as if a woodworker had scraped the wood into a circle with a planer. But if the carpenter had come to take the planer and plough the three-foot-long giant wood into wood flowers, it would have taken two or three days anyway, and the Tang Le would have done it in an instant. Was he a man?

This giant array has a total of three heads, one front, is Wan Mingzhe, it seems that this array is still led by him; The other two are tilted to the sides, forming a tripod, with no dead ends in all directions.

It saw Tang Le Dui attack, haha laughter, will lift to throw to Lu Zhenlong boulder turned Tang Le Dui head-on hit. This stone is really huge, Tang Ledui saw a boulder much larger than his own body in the air, he is facing it, let alone attacking the enemy, by the boulder face block, he can not see the giant.

If he wanted to avoid the cause also allowed, but also wanted to put the giant's dignity, wrist rapid shaking, the two swords in his hands quickly split, suddenly even the shadow can not be seen, only to hear the brush brush brush wind sound, flying stone debris in the sky, the boulder with the naked eye speed smaller.

When he fell over the stone, the stone that a giant could hold in his hands was only the size of a human head. Because the giant's hand was so huge, the stone slipped through the giant's fingers without being careful.