
The Lord: "I have a skill talent tree."

In this world of swords and magic, there are dragons, elves, orcs, dwarves, and grand voyages. In short, it has everything—except a place for Ethan. However, Ethan is not completely without assets; he has a skill talent tree, specializing in swords. Sword Mastery: Passive skill. Your precision, strength, and speed in swordsmanship increase by one level. Each time you level up, your control over these aspects improves by one grade. Initially, Ethan wanted to rely on his talent to reclaim his territory and enjoy the life of a noble lord. But as he continued to cultivate his land, he gradually realized that he had already taken a seat at the table of power and games.

lavonne_stafford · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Chapter 18: Sophia Lawson (Part 2)

Ethan initially thought that going to the border would mainly involve facing orcs and, though dangerous, it would be manageable. He hadn't anticipated that he would end up facing the most dangerous enemies—humans. Moreover, he would be caught between the dual threats of orcs and humans, which was essentially a death sentence.

"I understand. Thank you for your honesty. May I ask if I have a choice in this matter?" Ethan asked, his voice steady.

"Of course!" Sophia replied with a gentle smile. "Whether you go or not is entirely up to you. We won't force you. However, I can't guarantee what might happen if you choose not to go. For instance, the Midnight Circus, Rand, or that assassin you've hidden in a prostitute's house. Since you're unwilling to contribute to the family, the family sees no need to provide you protection."

"But," Sophia continued, her smile unwavering, "I must commend you on how you handled that assassin. Whether it was the counter-kill or keeping him alive, your strategy was excellent and well thought out. However, I believe that such incidents will not occur again in the future."

"Haha!" Ethan let out a bitter laugh. "So, everything was within your control. I suppose Rand showing up at the gladiator training ground was your arrangement too? And Miloji not giving me the reward immediately was to prevent me from escaping, correct?"

"Please don't misunderstand," Sophia responded calmly. "It was merely a coincidence. We happen to be acquainted with Rand Knight and Miloji. We decided to watch a match together and invited Miloji to our home for a chat, during which the matter was forgotten. Isn't that perfectly normal?"

"Normal? Absolutely," Ethan replied, forcing a smile. "I am more than willing to serve the family and face death without hesitation."

"That's wonderful! The family needs young people like you to step up and take on responsibilities!" Sophia's smile grew even sweeter.

Despite her sweet smile, Ethan found it terrifying. Previously, he had dismissed Angelina, but now he realized that despite her promiscuity, she was far more appealing than Sophia, who seemed like a dream woman but was actually a deadly nightmare.

Stifling his sigh, Ethan asked, "What's the other reason?"

"The other reason is more complex," Sophia said, elegantly tucking her windblown hair behind her ear. "Many people think I only have a talent for magic, but I also have a knack for languages. I've mastered the orc language. If you can stabilize that outpost, I will personally visit there. If possible, I aim to establish trade relations with the orcs—a feat no one has ever accomplished. You might not know the resources of the Dark Moon Wasteland, where the orcs reside. Although the land is barren and unsuitable for crops, it's rich in rare minerals and the highest purity magic stones, which promise immense wealth."

Sophia spoke with enthusiasm, but Ethan felt uninterested. "Treasure? More like buried treasure!" he thought, finding the reason laughable. He decided it was better to discuss terms instead.

"Wow! That's truly remarkable!" Ethan exclaimed with feigned admiration. "If Miss Sophia accomplishes that, I can't imagine the glory and wealth it would bring. I'm willing to lead the way for Miss Sophia. However, I hope Miss Sophia will provide adequate support."

Sophia smirked slightly. "Sir Ethan, I hope you'll be as honest with me as I am with you. Don't worry, I'll meet all your conditions."

With that, Sophia handed Ethan a document. "This is the deed to the territory. Once you sign, it will belong to you. But there are conditions: the family will not be taxed for passage through your land, and if you die, the territory reverts to the family. Confirm that it's acceptable and sign."

Ethan laughed upon reading it, particularly at the clause, "If you die, the land reverts to the Lawson family." He found it too absolute to accept.

"I want a time limit on that clause. Let's say, if I don't die within three years, the land will permanently belong to me and my descendants," Ethan suggested.

"No problem! I'll have it revised and sent back for your signature," Sophia agreed nonchalantly. She then handed him a small box about ten centimeters long. "Inside is your second request, a primal force tablet. The tablet contains the

force frequency of the ancient giant bear, symbolizing the power of the Lawson family. I understand you've never trained in primal force, so let me explain the principles and how to use the tablet.

"Firstly, primal force, like magic, involves training the mind. The human body is limited, but the mind is boundless. If your mental energy resonates at a specific frequency, it can transform into various extraordinary powers. Your task is to align your mental energy with the frequency in the tablet to obtain the primal force of the ancient giant bear.

"Our family's ancient giant bear primal force is one of the world's most potent. Once you awaken this force, your strength will increase by at least fifty times. During a burst, it can exceed two hundred times your normal power. Speed will also improve proportionally, as they are interrelated. As a close-combat fighter, you should understand this concept.

"Additionally, the primal force of the ancient giant bear provides other abilities. For example, 'Sword Roar'—drawing or swinging your sword produces a roar that can disrupt an opponent's primal force frequency, potentially paralyzing them. Another ability, 'Berserk,' puts you in a frenzied state, continuously increasing your power with no upper limit, while making you immune to pain. Unless your head is severed, you could single-handedly take on an army. The longer it lasts, the more unstoppable you become. The side effects are minimal: upon deactivation, you'll faint from mental exhaustion but will recover after a few days of rest.

"There are other abilities too, but these two are the most renowned and well-documented in our family history. If you fully develop the ancient giant bear's primal force, you could become invincible. Though this is incredibly difficult, achieving it could restore our family's title from viscount back to its former glory. I hope you'll amplify the Lawson family's primal force, my dear Ethan Lawson!

"Now, back to the primal force. Once awakened, you'll need magic stones. These stones provide a special energy that, when matched with your primal force frequency, can be absorbed to enhance your mental energy, similar to a mage's training. The purer the magic stone, the better the effect. However, note that magic stones have attributes; once chosen, don't switch, or you risk mental instability.

"But first, you must awaken your primal force. This is a personal journey; no one can help you. It may take a second, or you might never succeed. I had hoped to provide you with better resonance items, but they are deeply secured within the family estate, beyond my reach. I hope you understand. The tablet in your hands was hard-won at the family council, so please, do not lose it and do not take it away.

"From now, you have only three days. In three days, you will board a ship to your territory, aiming to arrive before the sea freezes. Our rush for the engagement party is tied to this urgency, so I hope you understand. During these three days, we'll fully support you. I'll also have my sister serve you exclusively, even accommodating any special preferences you might have."

Ethan processed the overwhelming information. He now understood the stakes and the dangerous path ahead. The urgency was clear, and the resources provided were crucial for his survival and success. He knew he had to act quickly and decisively.