
The Lord: "I have a skill talent tree."

In this world of swords and magic, there are dragons, elves, orcs, dwarves, and grand voyages. In short, it has everything—except a place for Ethan. However, Ethan is not completely without assets; he has a skill talent tree, specializing in swords. Sword Mastery: Passive skill. Your precision, strength, and speed in swordsmanship increase by one level. Each time you level up, your control over these aspects improves by one grade. Initially, Ethan wanted to rely on his talent to reclaim his territory and enjoy the life of a noble lord. But as he continued to cultivate his land, he gradually realized that he had already taken a seat at the table of power and games.

lavonne_stafford · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Chapter 17: Sophia Lawson

Ethan stepped into a spacious room on the fourth floor, spanning over 600 square meters. Four large windows were wide open, and a red carpet covered the floor. In the center were two high-backed chairs facing each other, with nothing else in the room.

"This feels like a job interview," Ethan muttered to himself.

A woman sat in one of the chairs with her back to Ethan. He couldn't see her face. Though curious about her appearance, he was more intrigued by a small section of the red carpet near her. Its color was slightly different from the surrounding area, and he could hear faint breathing.

Sensing something amiss, Ethan furrowed his brows but refrained from staring. He shifted his focus back to the woman and approached her.

Hearing his footsteps, the woman stood up and turned around, smiling at Ethan. He could now see her clearly: long, silky black hair that flowed like silk, sometimes covering part of her face, sometimes revealing her full visage. Her deep blue eyes were like the ocean, full of wisdom and curiosity. She had a high nose bridge, rosy lips, smooth cheeks, an enchanting smile, a long neck, an elegant figure, and fair skin. Altogether, she looked like a goddess, exuding grace and dignity.

The only flaw was her white, form-fitting robe, which, with the addition of a veil, would make her look like a nun. Despite this, she was a mesmerizing nun, and Ethan was momentarily entranced.

Noticing his stare, Sophia remained unfazed and smiled, "Welcome to the Lawson family, Sir Ethan."

Ethan snapped back to reality. "I apologize for my rudeness."

"It's alright. I should be the one apologizing," Sophia continued to smile. "Please, have a seat."

Ethan took a seat in the chair opposite her, sitting close. "Why would you need to apologize?" he asked immediately after sitting down.

Sophia didn't answer right away. She first tidied her wind-tousled hair, elegantly tucking it behind her ear, and then said, "This engagement party was hastily arranged, and many elders didn't attend, which is disrespectful to you."

"Haha!" Ethan waved dismissively. "I have nothing right now. If it weren't for your interest in me, I'd still be teaching at the gladiator training ground."

"Ethan!" Sophia called out seriously. "Don't belittle yourself. From the first time I saw you, I knew you were destined for greatness."

"The first time you saw me?" Ethan was puzzled. "When was that? Why do you think so highly of me?"

"Last year, as a guest, I attended the championship finals at Alan Academy," Sophia said, reminiscing with a smile. "Your swordsmanship was both beautiful and practical, reminding me of the legendary sword saint from the capital. At that moment, I knew you were the one I was looking for.

"When I returned home, the first thing I did was propose recruiting you. Originally, I was supposed to marry you, but the family vehemently opposed it. Besides, I already have a fiancé, the eldest son of Duke Stein. So, the matter was dropped.

"Having you marry my sister is unfair to you. Hence, my apology."

Despite Sophia's high praise, Ethan felt more worried than happy. It was unusual for someone to express such admiration so openly, especially a remarkable woman like Sophia. Ethan, a destitute wanderer, found it hard to believe he could attract someone like her.

"She's elevating me so high. What's her true intention?" Ethan's smile faded as he asked seriously, "What can I do for you?"

"My sister likely gave you a brief overview," Sophia said calmly. "But she might not have explained clearly since I'm overseeing this. Let me clarify.

"As you know, our family has developed a new territory on the border, backed by the sea and facing the Anji Mountains, adjacent to orc lands. It's a perilous area, constantly under threat from orc raids. Yet, I need you to establish a strong fortress there."

"I don't understand. Who would risk such danger to build a useless fortress?" Ethan asked, seeking the real reason.

Sophia pondered for a moment. "There are two reasons. First, it's a natural port where we've built a dock. This allows our family to ship grain, weapons, and other necessities to the border at minimal cost. You might not realize the profit. Previously, land transport faced heavy tolls from various territories, with barely ten percent reaching the border. By sea, we lose less than ten percent, securing ninety percent profit. One shipment of weapons can exceed the monthly profit of all our other industries combined."

"Wow!" Ethan was genuinely astonished. "I see endless gold coins! No wonder the empire bans private sea transport. This threatens too many interests. I guess the Lawson family isn't the only one doing this?"

"Indeed," Sophia smiled. "All prominent families in Marlow City are involved, including Duke Stein. But their methods differ. They choose to land early in other territories and then transport by land to the border.

"While safer, this method still involves long distances, higher losses, and isn't entirely safe. Safety here refers to political risks, not just robbery. Using others' territories leaves us vulnerable to political manipulation since the empire bans sea transport.

"Many rely on land transport, including powerful dukes with large armies. We prefer not to give them leverage over us. So, we chose to establish our territory directly at the border, avoiding political risks. Other dangers are manageable.

"Honestly, my cousin didn't die at the hands of orcs. I think you understand what I mean."

"What?" Ethan frowned. "He was assassinated?"

"Yes," Sophia nodded. "Not just my cousin. Other knights we sent to manage the area met the same fate. Hence, no family members or knights are willing to go. We can't force them. People are more dangerous than beasts.

"According to imperial law, a territory without a family member for an extended period is revoked. We paid dearly to establish that territory, which we can't afford to lose."

Ethan felt a sinking feeling. Now he understood why Sophia praised him so highly, comparing him to a sword saint and proposing marriage. They were heaping accolades on a soon-to-be-dead man.

Sophia's admiration was merely a prelude to sending him to his death.