
The long lost Moon

The school's angel Vivian Blendic is from a wealthy family. Since she was little her life was perfect. She has a loving family and friends. A lovely boyfriend whom she'll marry. Little did they know that there's a side of her that she hides from everyone else. One day her mother got sick and had to stay at the hospital often. She and her husband grew stranger by day until he brought a misstress and his new daughter home and everything changed. Vivian was bullied by the new misstress. And her stepsister manipulated her to steal everything from her out of jealousy. Her father wasn't the warmhearted man she knew before and her fiancé cheated on her with her stepsister. In a world called Efidia ruled seven royal kingdoms.People call them "The Seven Elements" or "The Moons".The legend says that the one of the kingdoms invaded the most powerful one, but was defeated. Since they broke the rule of peace between the families, they were banned from "The Moons" and remain only in books these days. After the battle the victorious kingdom suddenly vanished and no one heard a word from them since. Into Vivian's school transfered new students who look familiar to her as if she knew them, even though she never met them in her life..

Cherry_Moon_Web · Teen
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9 Chs

The set up

"Sir! I found your daughters necklace!"one of the maids reported.

"No! It wasn't me, I swear! Father, I have no idea how it got there. You have to believe me!" she pleased and took a step closer to him.

"Shut up! You still dare to say that you didn't steal it even after all the evidence here?!" he yelled at her.

Both Melissa and her mother were smirking at the scene in front of them.

We've got you now!

"From now on you will be under house arrest for the whole week!" the man announced not wanting to continue this conversation anymore.

"What? No! Father I have to go to school!" she said not believing he actually put her under a house arrest for the first time in her sixteen years of life.

"You will not go anywhere until I say so!" he yelled at her annoyed while leaving.

She fell on her knees. What will she do? If she's now allowed to go out she can't see Eric and Christine. They were always an escape for her when she wanted to get away from everyone. And it will make everyone worry.

The man left with his mistress who was trying to calm him down. If it was just a stupid necklace then he wouldn't make such a fuss about it. But since it was the gift from the Longs he had to find the necklace. He needs a good relationship with them. After all they're one of the most powerful families in the world.

Melissa let out an evil laugh after he left. She couldn't hold it back anymore. She laughed so hard that her stomach hurt.

"What is with you Melissa?" asked Vivian afraid of the answer.

"That's what you get for embarrassing me in front of Liam Long!"

Liam Long is the heir of one of the most wealthy families in the country. He goes to school with them. He's the same age as Vivian and is also the student council at their school.

There was one day when Vivian was talking to him about some documents to the council since the teacher asked her to deliver those to him. She's not a member of the council, but all of them take her as one, even the teachers. She always helped when needed so she was always close with the council. So when she walked into his conversation with Melissa she told him that she was her stepsister when Melissa left. Maybe she thought Vivian said something bad about her.

So this is why she did this? Because of a misunderstanding?

"I never intended to embarrass you in any way!" said Vivian defending herself still crying.

"Nonsence! You just wanted to embarass me to have Liam all to yourself you sl*t!"

"I wouldn't do that to you! I thought we were friends Melissa!" her tears were unstoppable. When did her beloved sister become so hateful?

Melissa let out another laugh again.

"Friends? Friends?!" she looked at her with her eyes wide open and an evil smile like a devils.

"Like I ever want to be friends with you! I just manipulated you so that I could steal Everything from you!"

"Wh-what?.." she looked at her in disbelief. She would never do that. Not her, whom she thought of as a sister no matter the blood relation or not. She thought they were true sisters. Did she choose a wrong person again?

No. Not again!

"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about! No matter where we went you were always the spotlight, dear sister! You were the first daughter and was an heir while I'm just a daughter of a misstress!! You have a happy and perfect little princess life while I have nothing! And you don't ever care about the stupid status of yours. I deserve all of this more than you ever would!!"

"Is this how I looked like to you all this time we spend together?"

Vivian hated it whenever someone was just interested in her title.

She is the same as everyone. A normal person. And anyone who just see her title, then they are not real friends. They would do anything to get to her good side and get some money out of it. That is what she learned from this "perfect" life of hers. She would never think that even her sister would see her that way..

"But I have to say that cute boyfriend of yours sure is something." said Melissa suddenly with a smirk.

Vivian's eyes widened.


"That's right. All this time whenever you wanted to go out and he cancelled it. He was actually with me!!" she laughed


"I did told him to leave you. But I didn't think it would be that easy! Hahahaa" she laughed again so hard that her stomach hurt.

"All you had to do was to 'open up' to him a bit and he's obedient little puppy." she said looking at Vivian with evil cunning eyes.

No way. Tom Scott and her were dating for eight years and he promised to marry her when they graduate. How did he and Melissa happen? She though they were in love. That can't be true. He promised to be loyal to her and that he would love herforever. Even their parents agreed to their engagement.

Her heart felt like a glass shattering onto the ground and still being stepped on. It hurts!

"Why?" she whispered.


"WHY?! Why would you do this to me Melissa?!" she yelled at her making her twitch on the spot a little bit by her sudden change. Vivian was just sitting there looking to the ground.

Suddenly the room temperature went down. Melissa felt somehow scared of what she's gonna do next.

Vivian got up stumbling, but got herself on her feet. Her brown eyes started to look different. Her brown hair looked like it turned into golden color and her posture changed. She looked more confident and her eyes were full of determination and rage.

She slowly walked to Melissa with her head up like a hunter to it's pray.

Melissa felt frightened. As Vivian took a step closer to her, she took a step back. Her steps were elegant but with each step she looked more and more terrifying.

What's going on? Why is she so scared just by looking at her?

"Y-you s-stop right there!" she said unable to speak normally.

They both did another step but this time Melissa fell on the ground losing her balance. But she still crawled back.


"Y-you think you can scare m-me?!" she said while crawling back afraid of what happens next.

Vivian looked literally terrifying. The look in her eyes was as sharp as a knife. Just one look and even a lion would run away knowing that he's in trouble. Just a second ago she was the weakling on the floor who was framed. How is it that just one look from her can make Melissa fall on the ground?

"I guess I should do something about you." Vivian suddenly said with a deep voice. It's nothing like a few minutes earlier.

"Because of your stupid pranks I woke up from my sleep." she continued.

She looked like a totaly different person.

Vivian was getting closer step by step, but then she stopped.

Then there was a loud sound in her head.

Not now! I need to teach her a lesson she never forgets!

Vivian pulled her hair and screamed loudly in pain. It was like her head was about to explode.

Melissa smirked.

"Guess you're not that scary after all!" she said with a weak laugh getting up.

"Shut up!.." Vivian grunted. Her head felt like bursting!

"Oh please you're jus-"

Vivian grabbed her neck and lifted her slaming onto the wall. Melissa wasn't on her feet anymore. With one hand Vivian squeezes both sides of her neck. Really hard.

Melissa was terrified. She doesn't want to die. Especially by this insects hand! She was kicking and scratching her but her hand got only tighter around her neck. Her face became paler by the second.

When she was almost out of breath Vivian let go of her and watched as her body fell on the floor. Melissa took a deep breath and coughed blood. She touched her neck looking up slowly afraid of what going to happen next.

Vivian was standing in front of her just watching how she slowly begins to breath properly. Her eyes were cold dark and showed no emotion.

She grabbed her by the collar of the shirt and slammed her onto the wall while her eyes pierced right into Melissa's eyes.

"Now you listen to me, you wretch! If you just try to manipulate me or the people close to me I will break every single bone in your body so slowly that you'd regret the day you were born. Got it?!" She threatened her.

Melissa was shaking. She couldn't even say a word.

Vivian threw her on the floor like she was just some trash that she wanted to get rid of.

"NOW SCRAM!!" she ordered before Melissa could even answer.

Melissa stumbled up and ran out of the room like it was a matter of life and death.

Vivians eyes and hair got back to a normal color and then she passed out right on the floor.