
The long lost Moon

The school's angel Vivian Blendic is from a wealthy family. Since she was little her life was perfect. She has a loving family and friends. A lovely boyfriend whom she'll marry. Little did they know that there's a side of her that she hides from everyone else. One day her mother got sick and had to stay at the hospital often. She and her husband grew stranger by day until he brought a misstress and his new daughter home and everything changed. Vivian was bullied by the new misstress. And her stepsister manipulated her to steal everything from her out of jealousy. Her father wasn't the warmhearted man she knew before and her fiancé cheated on her with her stepsister. In a world called Efidia ruled seven royal kingdoms.People call them "The Seven Elements" or "The Moons".The legend says that the one of the kingdoms invaded the most powerful one, but was defeated. Since they broke the rule of peace between the families, they were banned from "The Moons" and remain only in books these days. After the battle the victorious kingdom suddenly vanished and no one heard a word from them since. Into Vivian's school transfered new students who look familiar to her as if she knew them, even though she never met them in her life..

Cherry_Moon_Web · Teen
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9 Chs

House arrest

*in the morning

Vivian was laying on the floor slowly waking up. She grabbed her head. A loud and sharp sound went through her head

"What happened?" she said with a tired voice looking around the room.

Oh.. It's just my room.. But why was she on the floor?

Vivian got up and went to the bathroom that is connected with her bedroom. She took a long hot shower.

Then she suddenly remembered the incident last night.

Her sister's plan. Her father putting her under a house arrest. Then..


What happened then..?

No matter how hard she tried to remember. She couldn't.

That's weird..

When she finally got out of the shower she stared at herself in the mirror.

Since she was little she had this weird birthmark on her left chest. It looked like a bud. A purple one. She always thought that it was weird to have such a strange birthmark. But today it looks different. It looks like it's bloomed and now it has seven leaves. But how? How could it change all of a sudden..?

"So it happened again huh..." she whispered.

It started last year when she was going home from a festival and a weird man attacked her. She didn't remember anything that happedned that night. Only that the next day that man was found dead on the street few blocks from the place that the festival was held.


Her phone started ringing in her bedroom. It was a call from Christine.

Vivian took a deep breath in and out.

When she finally answered she didn't even let her talk.

"Vivian! Finally! Where are you?!" Christine yelled through the phone.

"Hi Christine. I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me. I'm home." after hearing her friends voice she wanted to tear up again but hold back because she wouldn't want to make them worry.

"What do you mean don't worry? We called and texted you like a thousand times and now you say you're just fine?!"

"I know I'm sorry. But I promise that I'm fine and that you don't have to worry about me." she assured her.

She heard Eric sighning in relief on the other side.

"Alright now. Tell us what happened." he said

She told them about what happened about the necklace and left out the slaps she got because that would surely make them do something crazy to them. She also told them about the house arrest.

"And then father left and.."

"And?" asked Eric on the other side in an angry tone.

She didn't answer.

"So you're telling that they framed you for stealing and you got a house arrest for the whole week?!" Christine said unbelievably. How dare they do that to her!!

"Calm down, I'm fine. I'll just go back to school later and everything will be fine. I'm still a few lessons ahead of the class anyway so it's fine." she assured them.

"Have you told Tom yet?" asked Christine.

Vivian's hand twitched.

A flashback of last night reminded her about what Melissa told her.

Right.. Tom.

"No, I haven't." she answered.

Before anyone could answer the bell rang on the other side.

"You should go to your next class."

"Alright. We'll call you later okay?" said Eric to her still a little worried.

"Don't worry girl! If anything happends just call us and we'll storm there right away okay?" said Christine trying to lighted up the mood.

Vivian smiled. What did she do to deserve those two?

"Okay, bye guys."

They hung up.

Eric sighed.

He thinks that there might be something more to the story..

"She is always like that.." he was still worried but since she is just home then it shouldnt be so bad right?

Vivian stared at the screen for some time. And then she finaly decided to dial the number. She was calling Tom wanting to tell him everything.

"The current number is not available. Please-"

She looked at her phone in disbelief. Normally he would just answer right away. Even though he was busy he would always make time for her. Since when there was a wall betweem them?

She called him one more time but still no answer.

After a few more tries she gave up and sighed. She got off her bed and went to the balcony. She took a deep breath and smiled sadly.

"It'll be a long week.."